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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. loooool @ "Wax mindi gurigaaga ku yaal, ninkaaga ka qari" Ngonge wa tagtay hadda iskuulkaad afsomaliga ka soo baratay maad Ibti cinwaankiisa siisid!
  2. Azizah, nothing is in your control, darling! If such that thing was destined for you then you do it i.e ask direction. so the only thing you can do is just pray for Allah these kinda things never happen to you or to your loved ones.
  3. Well done, all the way Argentina! I am happy!
  4. Waxan la yaabanahay dadka dhahaya ninkaan soomali ma ahan. Ninkan waa somali, qabiilkiisana hadaad rabtana waa Jareer, kamida minority-ga soomalida oo runtii ah muwadaniin somaliyeed oo dega konfurta Somalia alaaba dhincayadda labadda webi Juba & Shabeele. Waa farsamayaqaano xaquuqdooda waligood la xaqiri jiray. Fanaaniintii & Cayaaryahanadii ugu caansanaa Somaliya waxaay ka soo jeedaan reerkan. Haddii ciddi maanta dacwo qabo ama dhib sheeganayeso waa reerahan. Waa walaaleehen, waa somali waa muslim. Period! Ta kale ninkaan imisaa u eg ama kasii foolxun ayaad taqaanaa oo beelahan h-block, d-block, i-block ka soo jeeda! I personally know handfuls of them so people stop being silly here!
  5. Caqli meeh ha taliyee. Raggaan hadaysan xoolaha la caqli ahayn bal yaa uga futa xun haddii Konfurta Somalia iyo macal Puntland gubato oo isla wada huraan ma waxay u malaynayaan in aay nabad ku joogayaan. Intaad balaayo walaalihiin u saadalineysaan yeysan idinku soo noqonin idinka.
  6. Che, cool lyrics! Allaha daayo Keynaan. Because of him millions of our children can go to their school and proudly wave their somali flag with their heads high.
  7. YoYO, sxb, ninkan maseer aa jini camal ugu so dagay halmar, jinniyaa la talshay ilmihiisu gowracay (najaynaa), nagtiina naf ugama tegin, intuusan falkaas suubin 10 min ka hor miyirikiisu taam u ahaa. Marka hadda cadaalad in la hor keeno waaye. Hadduu taariikh waali iyo buufis qabay qiil waa loo helaa haddii kale maahino hala daldalo sxb. PS. He is of course somali.
  8. Alla yarxama. dissapointed
  9. disappointed with S African team, rubish
  10. Alla xanuun & ciil badanaa, Allaha u naxariisto marxuumyaasha. amin
  11. Killers of Somali family get four life terms each South Africa --2010/06/16 TWO men who “barbarically, ferociously, brutally and callously” murdered a “vulnerable” Somali family of four in 2008 were yesterday each sentenced to four life terms in prison. Mandla Thomas, 26, and Melikhaya Ncapayi, 27, hacked Sahra Omar Farah, 46 and her three children – Muhamed Issa Osman, 19, Isse Chaasho Osman, 12, and Ibrahim Isse Osman, 14 – to death in their small Thambo village home. The little village nestles beneath a hill about halfway between Whittlesea and Queenstown. The two men also stole the family’s possessions and groceries from their spaza shop adjacent to their home. Judge Clive Plasket yesterday described the crimes as “depraved and barbaric”. “One can only imagine the terror that the deceased must have endured when the accused broke into their home and attacked them, and the painful deaths the deceased endured at their hands. “As if to underscore the gross lack of respect for the human dignity of the deceased, the accused saw fit to douse their bodies with paraffin. ”Each member of the family was stabbed dozens of times in the face neck and torso. Plasket said the young family had been particularly vulnerable in that they were very young, female, or both. He said although both men came from poor and rural backgrounds and had little education, the “callous, brutal and senseless nature” of their crimes out-weighed their personal circumstances. Family of the victims yesterday expressed relief at the result. They said they believed the crimes were opportunistic and not xenophobic in nature. Farah’s sister, Saido Issa Osman, said justice had been done but her heart was still “filled with grief”. “But I thank South Africa, the police involved, the prosecutor and the judge for putting these men behind bars.” Farah’s cousins, Abdulla Hassan Ahmed and Zahra Yusuf, said they, too, were pleased with the outcome. “It won’t bring our family back but at least these two men won’t be allowed back into society,” said Ahmed. Plasket also sentenced Thomas to a further 17 years’ imprisonment and Ncapayi to a further 15 years’ imprisonment for robbery with aggravating circumstances. The sentences will run concurrently. State advocate Glenn Turner prosecuted. Advocate Chris Schuring defended Ncapayi and Mr Alan De Jager defended Thomas. — DDR web page
  12. Somali Said Biyad competent to stand trial in kids' murders at Iroquois Homes For a second time, a Somali accused of murdering his four children in 2006 has been found competent to stand trial. Jefferson Circuit Judge James Shake also has ruled that Said Biyad -- who is accused of cutting his children's throats after raping his wife in their Iroquois Homes apartment -- is eligible for the death penalty. Shake said in his order Monday that Biyad's meetings with evaluators at the Kentucky Correctional Psychiatric Center in La Grange show he understands the role of his defense, the judge and the jury and knows of the potential penalties in the murder case. Defense attorneys had asked that the death penalty be excluded because Biyad had only been in the United States about two years when the murders were committed and evidence the defense might use as mitigating factors would be beyond their reach in Somalia. But Shake said other attorneys have faced similar challenges and found "innovative means" to find information, such as working with a consulate to access school records or using the services of a "cultural expert." Shake's competency ruling was in response to a defense request to reconsider the issue after psychologist Larry Curl was sanctioned for offering his opinion in testimony without having met with Biyad. Curl, who was an employee of Central State Hospital at the time, was reprimanded by the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology and put on two years' probation and supervision for testifying about Biyad's competency even though he had not personally assessed him. Shake had ruled in June 2009 that Biyad was competent to stand trial on the murder charges as well as charges of attempted murder, rape and assault on his wife, Fatuma Amir, who survived the Oct. 6, 2006, attack. On Monday, Shake ruled that he had discounted Curl's testimony because of his "almost non-existent personal knowledge" of Biyad. During his testimony, Curl acknowledged that he had not evaluated Biyad personally and couldn't declare whether Biyad was competent, but Curl said he was relying on his observations and interviews with corrections officers and nurses as well his analysis of other experts' evaluations. Biyad, who is scheduled for trial in January, told police that he and his wife had been fighting and he forced her to have sex, then hit her with a blunt object, according to court records. When Amir regained consciousness, she fled to a bedroom and braced the door shut so Biyad could not enter, prosecutors said in court records. Biyad then went to the rooms where his children slept and cut their throats, according to a transcript of an interview he had with police. "It is not right, I did bad things," Biyad told police, according to the transcripts. Goshany, Khadija, Fatuma and Sidi Ali, ages 2 to 8, all died in the apartment in the 1400 block of Bicknell Avenue. web page
  13. Waxaani haddi run yihiin xayawaanadan dadka Allaha ka qabto. Diina waxba kama oga
  14. It is history now. Spain played well but lacked of that finishing touch. dhamaystirka ka halaysnaa. Who would have thought that swiss will win here....
  15. Ngonge, I think NK Brasil was the best match so far. Spain's focus now is how to get the 1 point. Thats all that matters now.
  16. There it is the swiss got their feer & faralaad goal!
  17. Spain putting pressure on the Swiss. Swisska wa loo yaaba, the game is being played in the swiss half. By the way this referee made three big mistakes wuxu ma indhuhuu la yahay?
  18. Nune, Spain is good site balse haddii dh**sadu x**r ku noqon they can easily finish top of this group. All depends on their performances in group stages, however, I am not convinced they can go that length to win world cup. Re. Maicon's goal well it was pure luck. banooniga dhexda inuu soo dhigo lee rabay mise waaba ku xarootay. Why did he cry? because he wasn't expecting, his goal celebrations never he been seen crying b4, like he did today. Period! lol@Dunga's dress, I think Brazilian tabloids will grill him for that. He looked like he shopped at a local charity shop. Anway, this group no doubt Brazil will definitely go thru, but who will follow it? me think either Ivory Coast or North Korea. Portugal, I tell ya they wont/cant make it, sorry!
  19. May Allah help us reclaim our country back, IA
  20. Well done to the NK lads. Respect! they really put a good fight.
  21. Brazil changed the tactic after the 1st half. B4 Brazil were pushing in from the middle (center) now they playing from wings with the support from center and it worked for them. On the other hand NKs need to put stop for Brazilian wings (esp. right wing) if they want to get something out of this game.
  22. Maicon himself couldn’t believe it!
  23. 1st half finished, nil nil, ninkii Dunga ahana fajac & walbahaar ayaa ka soo haray. Ilaa hadda North Kiorea wa la gil-gili la'yahay!