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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Meles addressed Ethiopia's relationship with its neighbours, especially Somalia and Eritrea. Regarding the question raised by some parliamentarians that Ethiopia's relationship with Somalia is not quite good at the moment, Meles refuted the allegation and, in fact, reiterated that the country had a good contact with the internationally recognized Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia based in Baidoa. He said that Ethiopia had no ill-will towards the Somali people as they were brothers and their neighbours. "If there is a bad relationship, it is with the Somali jihadists. Although the jihadists are mainly composed of Somalis, they also have members ranging from Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Arab world including many African countries," Meles said. He told parliament that Ethiopia's relation with these groups can be labled "inamicable" as they had repeatedly declared jihad against Ethiopia. Regarding the presence of Ethiopian soldiers in Somalia, Meles said that these troops were there to help train the fledgling army and police force of the transitional government. "Of course, these trainers being soldiers, they carry arms to protect themselves. Otherwise, there is no combat force," Meles stressed. Meles also explained the circumstances under which Ethiopian military personel entered Somalia. The decision taken by both IGAD and AU to send peacekeepers from neighbouring countries can be taken as a basis, according to Meles. He noted that the government need not to have the endorsement of parliament to send peacekeeping mission abroad. Only when there is a need to enter into war will parliamentary endorsement be needed. Because the jihadists did not take practical step to wage war on Ethiopia, the government refrained from taking military action, Meles explained. But he pointed out that the level of threat from the jihadists is increasing, i.e. the jihadists are amassing their forces along Ethiopia's border. He stressed that if the situation continued to pose an increased threat to Ethiopia's security, the armed forces have the right and duty to defend the country. Despite this, Meles said that that didn't mean that Ethiopia was declaring an open war. He told parliament that he cannot give assurance that Ethiopia won't go to war. With respect to relations with Eritrea, Meles said the Eritrea openly violated the Algiers Agreement by sending troops and tanks into the demilitarized zone. "At this moment, the Transitional Security Zone does not exist in practice as Eritrean military personel backed by tanks moved into the area," he said. Meles accused Eritrea of mocking the UN which requested a pullout by saying that the soldiers entered the demilitarized zone to collect harvest. Meles said that the Ethiopian government had been aware of similar violations, albeit discreetly, before. He noted that Ethiopia was ready to defend itself, and there won't be any more increased military preparation as Ethiopia was always ready to stop any aggression. Meles said that despite the violations of the Algiers Agreement by Eritrea, Ethiopia was ready to peacefully solve the problem. He recalled that the five-point peace proposal, which was offered by Ethiopia in 2004, still stood and the country was ready to pay any sacrifices to reach a peaceful settlement. Source: ------------------ if all these forces from UICs, ONLF, OLF, Eritrea join together and effectively wage war on Ethiopia from all sides, then the Tigray regime's days are numbered and then for sure there will be new breeze in east africa.
  2. ^^^ malaha muradow wax aqrinta ayaaba kugu dhiba sxb oo waxad tahay dyslexic ama dadku u baahan in aay dhowrka jeer ku noqnoqdan si aay u fahmaan. Marka adeer intaadan dad wax ka sheegin wax si fiican isaga soo hubi.
  3. Originally posted by Juje: Alamagan sxb horta I did not 'habrtan' first of all, secondly I was mere echoing the scale of his defeat and his unplanned futile agrresion. If I remember you belittled my report and others who claimed his defeat and for crying out loud you insisted the man was still kicking and made gains. Am glad to see the tone of your writing has piped down an more humble now : quote: So, in my humple opinion, the only option open for him now is to stay out of any further clashes with these hell-bent maxakimta and see what happens, anothe option is to go to Baydhabo. Any sensible man will suggest no confrotation with this as you put 'hell-bent' maxakamiin and see what they can do to bring about a change into this country. Yesterday according to how Jenerale Duke was reporting the government troops in a military camp near Baydhabo fought each other fataly over the distribution of 'qaat' that was brought to the camp. Marka kuwan wax maso wadan oo kheyr ah, bal aan aragno Maxakiinta waxy kenan. The sooner they take ovber Bay and the surrounding the better. Cause they will go and wipe the smirk out of Mr.Baro' face and take over WaqooyiGalbeed. Juje sxb, re. that post I didn't like your early, ok lets now say that as your "prediction" the war has just begun and you without hesitation jumped to conclusion sxb. Your post were solely based the first report that you got from the likes of Qaadisya etc. Anway you also used strong words habaar u ekaa. Tan kale honestly speaking Maxkamadaha seems to have something to offer nabdu ha ugu horeyso compared to TFG. So agree with you lets wait and see. Lool @ qaadka la isku dilay. waxaas aa wax difaacaya ayaa la oran hadhooweto. [edit]....
  4. But what the heck, lets support our minister of defence if he is defending the country from Tigreey. Nuune, he is strong anti-ethiopians and I think it would have been good for him to fight against these filthy creatures. Would he do that job, would he resign from MD, would he keep on that track we'll see. Lets wait and see what he gotta say.
  5. ^^^ Sow sheekadii MR Red Sea oo kale ma ahan taadu ee ah maxkamadaha waanu la jirnaa inta aaysan annaga nasoo faragashan. Clasical secessionist mind dheh! :rolleyes:
  6. Juuje, adeer it was you who wanted him to be defeated oo initially habaar meesha la fadhiyey beofre the kick-off , you know the man fought and lost the war with the minimum casualties and retrieved with his men. Of course he made mistake when he accepted the (trap) post of MD (nin aan ku furi doonin yuusan kuu rarin), he was wrong to fight without ethiopians or the TFG illee ayaguu ka raacay qolooyinkiisi hore e, the result: he paid the price. So, in my humple opinion, the only option open for him now is to stay out of any further clashes with these hell-bent maxakimta and see what happens, anothe option is to go to Baydhabo. Note that both waring sides (Barre's and large portion of maxkiimta's) are of his poeple the Gedonians. I think (i may be wrong) Gedo people are in favour of Maxaakiimta than to the weak TFG.
  7. ^^^ Waxkastaba haddii dagaal maxkamadaha & Itoobiya qarxo shacabka soomaliya waxaa aay si hiil iyo hooba leh u garab istaagayaan maxaakiimta. Itoobiya xal uma hayso Somalia, Cabdullahi Yuusufna waa aay lugoysay waxaase iiga sii daran caqligiisa siiyey inuu weli itoobiya ka dhursugo. Geedi waa u dhamatay waa Amxaar, balse CY waxaa la yiraa waa nin dantiisa u galo ama u mara meel waliba balse this time I am afraid itoobiya ayaa ka ciideenaysa oo waxaa u dhaanta hal mar intuu diyaarad kore XAMAR ka dago. MAxkamaduhu maxay ku suubin lahaayeen oo kale? haddii aay u badato 20 karbaash oo la shaqayn cadow islaam ayeey ku dhufan lahaayeen deedna waxaay u ogolaan laheeyeen inuu inta ka dhiman madaxweynanimadiisa uu sii dhameysto inta uusan ku wareejin Aweys Xagga kale the pressure is on for Ethipia Eriterea waxay qabsatay magaalo kale oo ahaa kuwii la isku hayshaystay, waxaayna xadka soo dhoobtay ciidan gaaraya illaa 10.000 oo askari. Waxaay kaloo remote-ka u haysaa ONLF, UICs, Oromada so all in all I hope and I pray that Ethiopia will soon open the gates of hell for it self. Ha qaraxdo baan Illaah ka baryey, ciddii u daran tahay waaba la ogaani
  8. ^^^ Bal aanu aragno waxa uu usheego saxaafada. Odaygu qalad weyn ayuu horey u sameeyey which had costed him lot. Lets see what he gotta say this time...can't wait it!
  9. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Allamagan Gedo wadaado ma sii horeeyaan? Sahan ma lasii diray lol? Sxb, Gedo waay ka duwan tahay Jubooyinka oo aha meel qabiilo badan isku hays-haystaan. Gedo waxaa deggen hal qabiil oo qura, markaa haddii maxkamadaha ay doonayaan inaay ku soo galaan daf-daftii iyo "waa la ino yeertay"-dii aay ku soo galeen Kismaayo sidaa kuma soo geli karaan marka hore koow dheh. Waayo Kismaayo way ka duwan tahay Gedo waayo waxaa halkaa ku nolaa qowmiyo u badan the D-clan oo rival isku aha kalana mabda' ah markaa UICs waa u sahlanaatay in aay durba halkaa gaaraan oo tagaan balse Gedo waa ka duwan tahay, qabiilkaas dega oo anan raali ka ahayn imaanshaha maxkamadaha ma aay tegi karaan haddii aay tagaan waay ku fashilmayaan markaa aanu aragno tan kale waxa la sheegayey in aay Baardheere u socdaan so aanu sugno inaay ayagoo gaman tagaan oo kuhaya waa la inoo yeertay iyo in kale Shaki kuma jirto in taageerayaal badan halkaa ku leeyihiin balse wax walba waxay ku xiran yihiin sida aay maxkamadahu u cayaaraan banooniga haddii raali looga yahay inaay soo galaan then they are welcome, balse haddii aay iska soo galaan sidii Kismayo oo kale ayagoon haysan tageerada dadka gobolka then waxaa loo arkayaa occupation forces iska caabin ayaa bilaabmaysa wayna ku fashilmayaan. am.
  10. Muraad, areey sidaa xaa dhaama. Maxaakiimtu waa Tsunami ciddi hor istaagto waa uu dhammatay. Good move Mr. Cabaas!
  11. Congratulations! Passion 4 Fashion. I am sure there are many nomads here who share the farxad and achievement with ya Masha'Allah hambalyo walaal hadana.
  12. Originally posted by Paragon: quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: What the...Qaabdaranaa maraxda. Weyba isla qumantahay, waliba indhashareerkaas qaabka daran. Lol. Oo adiga hada ma isla qumantahay? Adeer dhaqan noocee ah ayaa lagugu soo barbaariyey? Ma mid deel-qaafka iyo af-lagaadoda dumarka caadeysteybaa? Diin iyo dhaqan midna kuma jirto in dumar qaab-darro lagu sheego ee adiga yaa kuu fasaxay in aad dumarkani sharaftooda meel uga dhacdid waryaa? Waa la yaabay sheekh Paragonoow! :eek:
  13. I don't know what methods they are employing in brainwashing these kids but they are very effective. I have seen the results first hand myself. Temuje, I wonder if you can share your story with us then, I mean how? if you dont mind
  14. ^^^Sorry brother and forgive me. I mistaken you with this guy, Kashafa (see at the bottom) And peace to you brother too. May allah guide us all into the right path.
  15. ^^^^ ninweyn baa tahee maxaa halka ku soo qortay, bal kor inoogu aqri anu maqalnee.
  16. ^^^sounds very strange! why not try different blank CD-R, not the ones you have now. It couldbe the ones you have aint that good!
  17. ^^ brother, were you not the guy who were not long ago refering ppl opposing UICs as bunch of secularists? thats what am talking about here.
  18. ^^^cool down brother, why confuse, Br. Suleymaan gave his sincere naseexa to everyone who ignorantly bashing this great man, so it is up to you if you wanna take it or leave it. Or otherweis go ahaed and join the camp O-ray and do Barre a favour if you know what am mean. It is people like you he is giving naseeha, who wrongfully call other muslims secularists. Is fiiri adiga marka hore walaal deedna isasax, kadibna walaalahaa kale waani.
  19. ^^^^ isn't it like to grow from one small shop to a multi-million-pound empire like the other group of Indhocade Ltd.
  20. ^^sxb waa naga go'an tahay taasi. Matadeeni oo dhan ayaa naga jirta sidee uga tagnaa.
  21. ^^^^ waaba u maleeyeyba. Waayo Ubaahane oo Libaax sankataabte kulahaa maxaakimta mesha kusoo wareji aan xasuustaa noo
  22. Alla maxaa dad badan wadnuhu istaagi lahaa Barre oo ku soo noqda Kismaayo.
  23. ^^^Horn you are right. I couldn't believe in ma eyes what I have seen here this morning. All the posts under this thread have been deleted except two. I also remember Mr. Che asking the moderators here what has happened. Even my new thread re. Cumar Cadaani iyo dekeda Kismayo was completely removed. Who it could be? I am sure I know ninkaasi