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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^^^ tanag you, that was awoowe juuje's analysis of the situation. Agree with you sxb, everyone knows that they are enough of self-destroying. Kismayo no jaad is allowed, but in xamar yes Kismayo no women out without maxram, but in xamar yes! Kismayo no music & intertainment, but xamar is its home! the list is on and on...
  2. ^^^ ma dhahdidoo waan qaldamay maxay tahay indha-adaygaadan! Abdi2005, walaal sidii aad tiri miyeesan ahayn sidan, and I quote: almost 90% of the land they control now belongs to one clan. haddana waxaad u badshay sidan: .....i said they make the overwhelming majority. What a self-contradictory! They , maxaakiimta really lack of transparency here, we cant see any somali Banadiri or somali bantus or other non H-clans in top leadership of this UIC.
  3. ^^^ Hobyoo yaa qabsaday, yaase laga qabsaday? and dont forget it has the support of at least 10 regionals in somalia and their entire populations.
  4. ^^^ Duuliye, yes they are! but what did they get in return? fussilade of .... Originally posted by HornAfrique: No, it won't. It would have been a problem for Caabudwaaq in Galgaduud which is in a more vulnerable position. Hornoow, Reer Caabudwaaq will be the last to support this UICs. Ragaan waa rag reer mudug ah adeer, yes they are more vulnerable yet with their stronger anti-uic stance, they dare to speak up the truth even if it hurts.
  5. ^^^ you wrong mate, they are united than ever. Barre has now proved wrong those (of his ppl) who were against him and believed this so-called maxkamadaha - an umbrella organization for 1 clan- has a noble cause for us all.
  6. Originally posted by Abdi2005: The list will totally change when bay/bakol, Gedo, Puntland, Somaliland join, as for now its representative because almost 90% of the land they control now belongs to one clan . Discrimination in the UICs OK Abdi2005, forget about Jubooyinka (the 10%), so are you saying Gobolka Banaadir, Shabeelada dhexe, Hiiraan, shabeelada hoose solely belongs to that 1-clan you mentioned? and others like the somali Banadiri, somali bantus, other non H-clans that we all know live there have no say maahinoo?
  7. flip flop is their middle name!
  8. ^^^ The dude is sick to the bones a bete noire full of ill will. Allaha daweeyo
  9. Originally posted by Juje: It is ironic when pro-maxakamiin websites are reporting it and even when the ruling council of the ICU has named a committe to investogate this incident , the BBC chose to stay silent about. In today he was fast enough to report and interview the Ugaas about 'maxkamada Galkacyo logu dhawaqey' . This clearly illustrates the priority of the BBC. Sheekh Yuusuf Garaad maa ka sugeesaa inuu 'culimadiisa' & jawaasistooda toosh ku ifsho. If you are not happy how BBC Somali is run by this ill-advised Yuusuf G. then send a complaint to the BBC Somali thru here!
  10. ^^^ and am waiting for your reactions when reer Burco too declare their own maxkamad under the UICs.
  11. Whether they are qabiliste or not you will find the answers here adeer. Read on this wonderful article posted in by Wiilo am
  12. ^^^ Historically reerkan hadda wax laynaya waa lagu yaqaanaa shaqooyinkan oo kale. Waad xasuusata the infamous Cumar Jees, adeer reeruhu waa is-yaqaanaan maxayse kuugu taala biilka ha iska baxshaan ama debt-collector aa usoo socda :eek: raggaan qaantooda ragga Xamar looma haysto! Amay u fiican tahay inta soo qabtaan raggii raggaas laayey inaay hadda toogtaan, dabkuna halkaa ku damo haddii kale yaah waxan maqli jiray.. Qaan MR waa qaaxo kugu maqan adiga & Tolkaa waa hee ....... Ayaga lee waaye noo!
  13. Originally posted by muraad: This is an awfull thing and shouldn't happen anytime in anywhere by anyone, laakiin su'aal ma is weydiiseen Barre Hiiraale muxuu Kismaayo ugu soo oradayaa oo ka rabaa? Su'aashaas aad ban u jeclaan lahaa inaan jawaabteeda Horn iyo qofkii kasta oo Barre dagaalladiisa rogaalcelinta ah ku taageersan ka maqlo! What silly question! Ma hadaad dhulka ka soo baxday adeer? As GD said Kismayo's biggest stake holder is Barre's ppl. He, Barre sacrifaced for this city defended when your likes couldn't. Adeer hal habeen nabad kuma seexanaysid haddii aad isku daydo inaad dafirtid joogitaankooda halkaa, xattaa maxaakiim ku sheega ayaa ku dhici waayey inaay kala diraan saa waa kuwa kale.
  14. ^^^ Unless you’re playing dump, you should know where the problem lies. This incident of Bu’aale is not and should not be used as the talking points for the campaign trail of Hiiraale and his subordinates. In fact, Hiiraale’s incompetence is partially to blame. Jubbaland was more of a problematic issue added to the current problem Kismaayo faced. How could one solve a real problem by putting another problem on top of it? Only if your beliefs are in line with kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur. What a sheer ****** you showing her adeer. waxad ku waalatay Hornafrique & Barre sow islama yaabtid. Ciil aad u qabtid raggan badanaa! Adeer nimaan kuu furi doonin yuu kuu rarin, too early to celebrate ...the game is on. Maanta ku farax Ragga Bu'ale berrina waad ka shalaayi. yaa ...... ______________ Afxumada jooji. [ November 01, 2006, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  15. ^^^ Wiilo what kind of signal is this guy sending out? Secondly, the court system originated the region of the ****** tribe; one of the largest tribes in Somalia. The warlords that have been kicked out of Mogadishu were all from the ****** tribe. Therefore, the ****** tribes are all united behind the Islamic Courts Union as their sole representatives of their interest among the wider clans. The credible members of the ****** in the current Transitional Government have all resigned from their post and only the Prime Minister and few cabinet members with addiction to alcohol and narcotics are remaining. Therefore, actions taken against the Islamic Courts Union are not only interpreted an action against Islam but also interpreted as a war against the ****** and not from some virulent Islamic group. If one wants to find out the outcome; look the results when a sub-clan within ****** was threatened by American forces in Mogadishu; the outcome was bloody no one has anticipated. The religion and tribal instinct is the only thing that can put a Somali in steroids. Thanks, wiilo! the writer proved here that the courts represent the [H****] tribes and that they are all united behind the Islamic Courts as their sole representatives of their interest among the wider clans..wider clans...wider clans wider clans..... I think General Duke was right when he used the term clan courts refering to them. Waa layaabanyahay sheekhoow!
  16. ^^^ loool Nayruus! If this Cabdullaahi Sheikh Ismaaciil is chief negotiater of TFG, then what can I say! what a self-destructing entity it is!. Ninkaan sida la sheegayba 24hrs waa dhas kamaba saaraba!
  17. I have always wanted a national government for my country, nothing more nothing less. I see sense in GD's and I agree with him with that coz we all loging to see Somalia back on track not another giro d'anore kaleeto. Apart from the controversial sarrounding the UICs, they are an alternative to TFG, so they must work hard to convince us why they can deliver the goods. I personally dont believe the TFG can do anything at this stage. They really need to re-cultivate their image, listen to the will of the people [somalis] that they claim to be representing, distance themselves from amhaaro and to negotiate sincerely with the UICs coz they are a force to be reckoned with and we all know they do have good checkable references so ha la iska fa'ideysto nooh Illaahow tubta wanaagsan & united Somalia once more.
  18. Originally posted by Caamir: "if u live in london, i dare you to cross over, go to a member of abdiqaim's sub-clan, chitchat with him and raise issues about the courts, Somalia, puntland and the future. I will guarentee it will heal you and have a positive impact on your whole thinking." What a good advice. lol Ololow ma qof walboo ka soo jeeda qoloda Cabdiqaasim miyaa ah "morally and politically correct". sidee u fikireysaa. ... ma arkinoo! :rolleyes:
  19. The days of the Ethiopian dominace of the Horn are numbered, inshAllah. ...insha'Allah
  20. olaha Shacbiga deegaanka Baardheere ayaa maanta warsaxaafadeed uu ka soo saarey degmada Baardheere waxay si kulul ugu cambaareeyen falkii dilka ahaa ee shaley subax lagula kacay 5 qof oo dhaawac ahaa kana mid ahaa maxaabiis ay hayeen maxkamadaha, oo yiiley goob caafimaad oo ciidanka maxkamaduhu ay kala baxeen goobtii lagu daweenayey,wax yar ka dibna ay toogasho ku dileen aanooyin qabiil dartiis Haddaba qoraal maanta loo qeybiyey saxaafada oo nuqul ka mid ah soo gaarey Gedonet ayaa waxa uu u qornaa sidatan: Maleeshiyada maxkamadaha ee jooga degmada Buaale waxay shaley oo taariikhdu ahayd 29/10/2006dii toogasho laga baaran degay oo qorsheysan ay ku dileen 5 qof oo aheyd dhowaac maxaabiis oo ka soo jeeda beesha **** oo lagu hayyey magaalada Buaale, waxyna kale yihiin 5tii qof kala yihiin sidatan: 1-Mahad Faarax Cali oo da,diisu ahayd 25jir 2-Xuseen Xasan Cali(X.Farey) oo da,diisu tahay 40jir. 3-Dhicis Cabdi Cagaweyne,oo da,diisu tahay 20jir 4- Maxamed Axmed Cali oo da'diisu aheyd 22 jir. 5- Cabdi Maxamed Mahad oo da'diisu aheyd 28 jir. Falalkan dilka ah ayaa lagu tilmaamey kuwo naxariis daro ah oo xad gudub ku ah shareecada islaamka, xeerarka soo jireenka ee dhaqanka soomaalida iyo baaqa caalamiga ee xaquuqda aadanaha,sidaas darteed Goluhu waxay Q/midoobey, Jaamacada carabta iyo wadamada ururur Goboleedka IGAD u sheegayaan in aaney marnaba raali ka noqon doonin in ay maxkamaduhu wax saameyn ah ku yeeshaan deegaanka Baardheere iyo weliba G/Gedo. Golahu waxay kale ugu baaqeen in masuuliyiinta beesha **** ee magaalada Kismaayo oo ka tirsan maxkamadaha ay jawaab ka bixiyaan falalkii xasuuqii ahaa ee loo geystay maxaabiistii lagu qabtay dagaalka ayna ka dambeeyeen xasuuqooda ninka lagu magacaabo Axmed Madoobe oo asagu ah madaxa maxkamadaha gobalka Jubbada Hoose oo maleeshiyo ay isku hayb yihiin ay ka dambeeyeen xasuuqani. Golahu waxuu ugu digayaa in maxkamadahu Degmadani ay ka daayaan faragelinta joogtada ah ee xaga isgaarsiinta ay ka wadaan ,waxii talaabo ah ee ka yimaadana masuuliyadeeda ay qaadi doonaan Maxkamadaha ayaa lagu yiri warsaxaafadeedkan oo ay soo saareen Golaha shacbiga deegaanka Baardheere oo uu ku saxiixan yahay Gudoomiyaha Golahaasi Xuseen Cali Biixi. Baardheere-Gedo-NN
  21. Wararka ka imaanaya Degmada Buaale ee xarunta gobolka J/dhexe ayaa waxaa ay sheegayaan in maxaakiimta islaamiga ah ay dileen shan nin oo Maxaabiis ahaa oo lagu qabtay iska horimaadkii ku dhex maray Dajuuma ciidamada taabacsanaa wasiirka Gaashaandhigga iyo kuwa maxaakiimta. warka la xariira Dilka Maxaabiixtaan oo soo baxayay tan iyo shalay galinkii dambe ayaa xaqiiqo noqday markii uu magaalada kismaayo xalay soo gaaray Gudoomiyaha Maxaakiimta J/Hoose Axmed Sh Maxamed Islaan (Madoobe) oo ka soo ambabaxay Buaale watayna dhawaacii dagaalka ee dhinaciisa oo isla maanta laga dhoofiyay garoonka diyaaradaha Kismaayo. Hadal haynta ugu Balaaran ee dadka ku nool magaalada kismaayo ayaa waxaa ay ahayd maanta talaabada ay maxaakiimtu ku dileen Maxaabiistaas ay gacanta ku hayeen lixdii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay. Xubno ka tirsan ragga uga jira Beesha **** maxaakiimta islaamiga ah oo magacooda qariyay ayaa u sheegay Gedonet in ragaas ay laayeen Niman maleeshiyo ah oo ka soo jeeda Beesha Xasan Turki ayna u dileen arimo qabil ayna qaadi doonaan tallaabooyin hadii aan tiirka cadaalada la hor keenin raggii xasuuqa geystay uu ugu horeeyo madaxa maxkamadaha gobalka Jubbada Hoose Axmed Madoobe. Dhinacoodana odayaasha dhaqanka Beesha **** ayaa maanta kullan xasaasi ah ku yeeshay xafiskooda kismaayo, waxaana ay kaga hadleen xasuuqa Buaale loogu gaystay dhaawaca maxaabiista ka soo jeeda beesha ****. Nabadoon Cabdi Warsame Gurux, afhayeenka golaha dhaqanka Beesha **** ee J/hoose ayaa sheegay in ka dalbanayaan maxaakiimta in ay Jawaab cad ka bixiyaan falalka arxan darro ee ka fog shareecada ee loo gaystay dhaawaca. "Waa waxaan horay loogu arag islaamka iyo soomaalida in dhaawaca la toogto inta maalmo la hayo waxayna u muuqataa arin aargoosi ah oo kolley cawaqaib xun uu ka dhalan karo ayuu yiri Nabdoonka oo ka digay dagaalo ahli ah oo ka dhallan karo hadii hadafka maxaakiimta la huwiyo shaati aano qabiil. Qaar ka mid ah Maleeshiyooyinka Maxaakiimta ee ka soo jeeda Beesha **** ayaa iyaguna dareen carro leh ka muujiyay falka lagu dilay maxaabiistaan oo ka soo kala jeeda Beelaha reer dalal, reer Ugaas Sharmarke, habar Ciise, talxe iyo reer shirwac Diini. GedoNet