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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Who are the foot soldiers of maxaakimta? aren't they the ruthless remnants of defeated Mogadishu warlords that were given red cimaamad and AK47 and sent away to cause instability in everywhere they not welcome and confusion amongst citizens and much eager for more killlings. For me, they are another warmongers. Do you think these remnants of defeated warlords and the foot soldiers of maxaakimta really care about anything or treat any PoW accordingly? I believe not. They never spared lifes of any captured PoWs let alone a wounded one!
  2. ^^^ may be he is somewhere in Northwestern Somalia on a mission impossiple to free Sh. Mohamed in the secessionist's Hargeys prison. Lets wait and see
  3. Really disgusting! LAPD's sickening brutality is still alive. Watch it yourself The dude is yelling out in pain saying "I cant breath!" no mercy at all!
  4. Well, some websites are lack of credibility, hence not reliable sources and one should completely ignore them using as a source.
  5. This is just another normal interview, however the interviewee this time is Aw Kombe, yet despite his ailing health and the age, anyone who listens him speaking will find it very comic. Just him speaking is enough to make you have good laughter! Especially the last bit around 10:10 is very funny! He recalls the event of him stoping a lory just to ask the driver what time it is! am
  6. Surely, it is them, maxaakiimta, who is beating war drums. I wonder when will they STOP it.
  7. Nothing happened so far... empty screen!
  8. Soomali waxba isuma ogola! Stealing the sacred names of “Cali iyo Cawralla” ku lahaa! What an ignorant lout! Next time he will say Qalaafe & wardheer is sacred names. Will he be offeneded again? calool jilicsanaa what a poor judgement. He simply failed to comprehend the message of this film and thus this author dispalyed not only his narrow-maindedness but he had also proved that he has no comprehension of the facts and the reality based on this movie. Only the names ayuu la qaylyayaa. Innocent until proven guilty sxb, go and watch the movie sxb, and soon afterwards write about it. However, from what I see the story of this movie and that of the book, originally title in somali “Aqoon Darro Waa u Nacab Jacayl” in English “Ignorance is the enemy of love” they are really two different stories and with different backgrounds, one is solely love-based story where as this new one is also about love story and at the same time sending a powerful message across the both ends of the somali social spectrum. . Degdega ma roona, adeer back up the growing new somali talented film makers or spare your blushes! Dabshidow iga gaarsii intaa sxb
  9. Courts proved to be another bunch warmongers!
  10. Very funny. It could be the guy is very rich thus he bought his love.
  11. ^^^ lol @ MR RS. I have only skimmed thru this article so I wonder where Warrington town is on earth?
  12. why not, maxkamad wa ay suubsan karaan waxaa ka xigta oo qura ayagoo hoggaankooda ku yirahda basa inoo fura maxkamad oo aanu islaamka isku xukuno ee maxay tahay maxkamadeena xamar ayaanu la hoos tagaynaa waxaasi waa qush & banad & in la is-farasaaro. am
  13. Towbadu waa furan tahay. Sending him my good wishes!
  14. ^^^ Saransoor baqshiishkii uu meesha ka waayey nooh, saas uu ku shabay duqa
  15. ^^ Pragon raggaan top waaye sxb. It seems Dhoodans ala jacbur style music is grradually becoming fashion! alaab macaan waaye oo naga daadegsa dheh! "Wadaadada maanta sooraac wadaadada maanta sii raac dunida afarteeda dacal suudaantey u duulaan ...... ....... ........... Qanyare aaway, muuse aaway? jidgooye aaway, Raage aaway? ....... waa wadado loo bogay dalka dibadiisa iyo dunada 4teeda dacal aa laga yaqaanaa.... " adeer raggoow isbaaradan anna iska leh agoon aan ku korsadaa haddii kalena amuur kale rabtaa anna waxan iri iga qalee loooooooooool waxaa ka sii daran meeshan: track 3Wadaadkii C***kana[insert sub-clan] garkii ay daysteen ...... ....... ........ Track 4 HG iyo AG howl kama dhamaatee qof waliba intuu dilay dhafoorkaay ku taalaa hilarious!
  16. Masha'Allah sights and sounds of Somalia. Many more to come insha'Allah
  17. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Allamaganoow, how is the impeachment of Yusuf garaad going? Can you fill us in? Adeer waht is so funny with that? and where did I impeach the man? tell me sheekh jimcalow. I just provided a feedback link to anyone who wants to send complaints to BBC or wants their concerns known . Adeer YG doesnt own the BBC or it is not his own radio, however, he behaves like it is or sometimes his clan's. capische signor vecchio! For instance, he was too quick to broadcast Galkacyo new court news, when he deliberately turned deaf ear to Bu'aale incident in order to cover up his clan millitants known as UICs.
  18. Originally posted by Fanisha: quote:Originally posted by Allamagan: I would proudly love to have another red one (diplomatic pas) once more, think of all the privileges. I came from a diplomat's home and would love to carry this on if dowladnimadeenu soo noqoto ofcourse in la shaqetsto waaye nooh The days of your uncle printing passports are over. Your refugee behind doesn't even have an airport to fly out of. You need to ask the "clan" courts for permission. lol. Is this why General Duke pollutes the airwaves with propaganda? Is he after a diplomat passport as well? Pathetic fowqal pathetic. :rolleyes: One advice sista: dont unmask your deep insecurities here! make us favour!
  19. Haddii aay hirgasho arrantani waa su'aale maxaakiimtu toloow maxay ku safri doonaan? ma basaboor eriterian?
  20. Nice pics, duke-oow. I would proudly love to have another red one (diplomatic pas) once more, think of all the privileges. I came from a diplomat's home and would love to carry this on if dowladnimadeenu soo noqoto ofcourse in la shaqetsto waaye nooh
  21. Alloow yaa buuhaa-bahaahda iska daaya dhaha Barre maalintii bishii ramadan 1deeda ee aay merceneries usoo direen ayuu ogaaday qowl inaysan lahayn ee calooshooda la cayaar ku noqdeen. Somalis in general do have respect for this gentelman including the UICs, and for the reer MR. he is their prince