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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Masha'Allah top pics! I would love to live a place like that with my cattles and run a large farm at the foot of a mountain.
  2. Thanks LSK. what a great leader! Illaahow ku naxariiso.
  3. Ok, all I can see is they been armed to the neck and of course they are welcome if they are coming back to their homes, however, lets see what is their intention and program. Waxay yiraahdaan ayaanu wax ka oran! Note: majority of **** community are sceptical about UICs. am
  4. Good you finally in contact with him, Macalim Abdullahi. The text books are in english but he luctures english spiced up with IT termenology I personally know him very well a good friend of mine and he is expert in what he is teaching. Each year 100 somalis graduate from this college. Good luck!
  5. alla maxaay xawaarenayaan! degdega kuma nuugtee may ayarsadaan bal.
  6. Mashaa'Allah what a great place! Xasuus iyo waayo waayo dheh!
  7. I have done N+, CCNA and part of CCNP (Router and switch) and currently doing MCSA/MCSE (XP and window server). A certified IT courses would put you in a better & stronger position when searching jobs. waa wax la soo goaday taasi. I dunno where you live, but in London, there is somali guy who runs a school called GlobalNet ICT Solution there and the price is extremely very very cheap indeed compared to others. He teaches A+, N+, Cisco courses mostly CCNA & CCNP, Security+ and MCSA/MCSE and above all in somali language.
  8. ^^^Is he bowing down or is he about to sit down, yaa sakhran? Shows your sheer idiocy
  9. I'm enjoying 'guusheena' Skhar, mandhoow that itself shows caruurnimadaada. Ta kale guushee adeer? To sit and be locked in a small town in the middle of nowhere is a guul! Adeer the game is on ha degdegin. Hana isku qaldin one person's interest and a whole clan's ineterest. Thanks to ppl of Gedo & Juboyinka, there is still sign of life in your Beerlaawe uncle and he is still breathing. An effective somali government is the interest of every somali and the people of Gedo, Gedo-Bari & Jubooyinka are forefronts so don't misinterpret that. To achieve this they would go extra lengths and miles and to everyone who have the same vision to realise this dream of 1 Somalia lugaheeda ku taagan.
  10. Good move yaa reer Caabud Waaq. Nabad & Baraarena ku waara. Cadowgiina Allaha jabso
  11. So, if there is uranium in Somalia, then let Iran have it and for free of course for the time being!
  12. I hope they do eradicate all the smelly ellements within the ICU. and you will see all walks of the somalis welcoming the new UIC. Insha'Allah soon!
  13. ^^^ agree with you Suleyman. Geel ninkii maali jiray ayaa la weeydiiyaa. Sakhar, saaxiib "Barre is a passionate warrior" iyo "is he the right man for the job" meel mawada galaan. Ma waxaad sugeysaa the "dark" voices inaay kusoo waxyoodaan. Back to the topic: What is so funny about this Muraadoow iyo Che? Enlighten us please.
  14. ^^^^ Aljazeera news items so far so good, however I dont like their text layout on the screen. unmatching colors. 4 out of 10.
  15. Originally posted by Kashafa: So I showed the trailer to a friend of mine, who just got back from Nairobi this summer. He knows all the 'actors' in the movie ! The 'actors' turn out to be ciyaal-ka xaafadha Eastleigh He knows them xabad xabad. "Waraa, Lixle waa kanaa ". So he gives me the low-down on the making of the movie: Apparently, earlier this year, a Somali dude outa UK saw the group Waayaha Cusub on Youtube, liked their music, came to Nairobi and pitched a movie deal to them. They went to Mombasa, shot the movie(or the 4th grade school project Kashafa, your friend lied to you then. He/she completely mixed you up. Who created who? I tell you what, this guy Abdimalik (the director of this new film) based in Denamrk is the man behind Waayaha Cusub's success. He is the man presented them to the world, he is actually the man who made them. All their albums [Waayaha Cusub, Daa & Dheeman (new)]were produced, financed and marketed by SOMTV, Abdimalik's popular Online TV. You can watch more about thi group here as well. Go to their FORUM @ SOMTV. You can't see their video without SOMTV logo, go to YouTupe and search by "waayaha cusub" and you will see all Waayaha Cusub music videos presented by SOMTV. No one else have it and you will see all their music videos. Go to SOMTV @ YouTupe and you will see Waayaha Cusub too. You can't find anyone else presenting Waayaha Cusub. So these guys from SOMTV worked hard to promote this group so give credit where it is due walaalo. Caamir, You haven't answer my questions, buddy! Try again. -------------------------- "Dadoow, walaalkaa lagama naxee horaa loo dadaalshaa!" By Jama, rapper from AAR.
  16. ^^^ This baaq is not clear sxb. I believe that every somali waryaa wants shareecada to be implemented fully upon themselves, however this baaq is not clear whether it is addressed to PL adminstration in order for them to do things right (better judiciary) or is it signal to UICs to come and help them with it! I am confussed here!
  17. will they use the term martyr "shuhadaa" when someone lets say a hamas member (The Resistance Army) got killed?
  18. Originally posted by Dabshid: Why bringing up clannish issues, when somebody's intellectual property MIGHT be taken without a consent? I respect, admire and appreciate people with real work, but NOT for thieves. No Way! If this movie,which I haven’t seen YET, has taken any part of the work of late Farah M.J Awl, without any acknowledgement, it is most likely to fail. Dear Horn, I was recently talking to Dahir, the son of late F M.J Awl who resides in London, and were discussing a possible law suit against your friends, so tell them to be prepared! Copyright infringement (or copyright violation) is the unauthorized use of material that is protected by intellectual property rights law particularly the copyright in a manner that violates one of the original copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works that build upon it Ha-ha-ha-ha what a funny man! law suit ku lahaa armay idinla qalibantaa, consider taas! By the way sxb, suldaankiina or whatever garaad you have ma kala tashatay about what measurements to take about these "thieves"? By the way I personally know the director, he is from a neighbouring town in Danmark and I talked to him about this last night, he was stunned by their arrogance he said to me: "Utterly rubish, they are nothing but bunch of xaasids from hell who have nothing better to do ... shaqo u soobaxday. Say to them bring it on & "good luck" with the lawsuit :rolleyes: ". loooool, I liked that!
  19. MMA. sxb cid Bari ama Puntland kaa xigta ma lahan, you are right, you can praise, criticize, haseyeeshee waxaad jeceshahay marwalba in aad xumaantooda ka hadashid wanaaga ay samysteena ad dafirtid. Dhibka & mockery-ga jooji sxb waxaan 'funny' ahayn 'funny' hanooga dhigin.
  20. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Alamagon,not exactly buddy,the foot soldiers are mosty new,the former militia men are mostly still in school being thought basic human dignity,you see they are not ready as of yet,like Gen. Morgan or col.Cumar Jess.. Loooool @ school. So when he, Morgan (Abu Bilaal) is due to finish the school?. I'd be interested to hear what he will do when he soon is out. Where he will start from, Will he replace Indho-cade as this guy have more khibrad than him?. Unlike ina Jees, there is alot of use in the guy tho!
  21. Haddii reer Caabudwaaq aay iskood (without xoog) u qaataan filimaanta maxkamadaha Xamar then wax walba Somalia waa suurto gal. RAggasi waa rag reer mudug ah, you cant sell to them that easy! so haddii aay marto then Puntland Somaliland xattaa Jabuuti waa imaane. laa mushkilo waaye!
  22. Cooooool, My top five Women folk ----------- Qadra Daahir, Maryan Mursal Luul Jelani Maandeeq Daleys Sahro Dawo Men folk --------- Zulfa Axmed Naaji Cumur Dhuule A.Sh. Killer Baastoow
  23. ^^^ Horn-oow, I cant wait it either. I dont know when it is comming to Denmark!. I truly agree with Sacdiya. good point Originally posted by Caamir: I read the book myself and to be honest, they have lots of similarities judging from the clip. Who will start the next one of Cilmi and Hodan --while indicating of its veracity. Honestly speaking Caamir, I would be grateful if you could enlighten us and share the similarities you talking about with us here. I myself read the book and there is no whatsoever similarites between them two. If you know let the world know. Caamir, I know you coming from qabilistic point of view, aren't you?. Your reasoning is nothing but pure supposition, right? I believe it is people like you Caamir that this movie is appealing to sxb go and watch it or zip it. Questions for you Mr. Caamir. - Did Ali Maah used to send love text messages to Awrala? - Did they used to hang around discotheques or parties? - Did Ali Maax come from derided clan called "Midgaan" or "enferior" to Awrala's? Man I can go on and on. You reminded me the other guy I met the other day in coffe shop. We had a chat about this film and then suddenly he asked me whether I know this director's clan? "is he reer waqooyi?" he asked and I was like stunned by his ignorance and stu.pidity shown here I asked him whether he watched the trailer, and he replied "yes, I did" "then, why is it so important for you to know director's clan before you see it or even to comment about it" I asked. I can tell ya it was a BIG time embarrasment for this guy that day in that little coffe shop. Yakhee somaali illaahay u barya in daba qabto, in TOTAL decline!