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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^^ For sure they will survive and be there as long as Somalia exist, having said that regarding this conflict I doubt that they will easily give up and go, and again it all depends how this Baidao TFG group (shape) or outplay the political game and what role will Ethiopians have in Somalia's future politics as they are biger stake holder in current (messy) situation!
  2. Olol, Adeer Hizbollah at least they all had one thing in common, their cause which was defending Lebanon against Isreal, and one true leadership, what do the ICU have? three different entities,, and each entity with its own agenda and intrest and truly disorginized! Where is SH. Sharif? That itself indicates that other members deliberetly hijacked and thereby destroyed their hardly earned cause! It is a shame and they spoiled everything and Markaan talo haye taag mahayn, markaan taag hayeyne talo mahayn aa ka dhacday! soow saas ma ahay sidii la dhihi jiray!
  3. ICU had failed. The let us down. ICU is responsible of the death of hundreds of somalis including children as they started and inititiated this war. People like Indhacade and his close associates should be brought to justice in the future IA. Tragedy Walaahi!
  4. ^^^ uf uf ku lahaa hakaa saarto! ka xaaxaabi hee! Xiniinyo aad leeday ayaa lagu faana. Xiniinyo xabashi, Xabashi ayaa ku faana. Suldaanka, adeer iisheeg xiniinyaha aad adigu leedahay ee aad Somaliland ku sheegatay? Aamus adaaba gooshka dabadii lagu gaadayaaye! Maxakimta aanu ka soo jeesano!
  5. ^^ Wiiloy, wadaada iyo diinta islaamka cid diidan malahayn balse culamadii iyo kacdoonkii shacabka waxaa afduubtay koox yar oo gangs ah oo Kitaabkii Alle ku qaraabanaya! Haka xaxaabshaan wataas amxaaradii aay dalbdeen oo intaa u ooyi jireen wataa u timidee maxaay la carareen? Waxaa ka naxsanahay wiilal badan oo islaamnimadu iyo diintu ka dhab ahayd oo aay raggaasi dabka saareen iyagiina hadda xamar aay ku dhuudhuumanayaan! Allaha u naxariisto dhamaan intii ku dhimatay!
  6. I personally know these two brothers and their family. It is tragic almost all members of this family went down the wrong path (a life of crime).
  7. C i i d M u b a a r a k reer SOL!
  8. Masha'Allah! look the beauty of hijaab! A good role model for our muslim women.
  9. ^^^ agree with you. They could be OGs. I remember an uncle of mine telling many chilling stories of what had happened to many OGs when the SNM came in.
  10. Maxkamadaha spoiled everything! They are desprados warmongers like their predecessors. eager to spill more somali blood as ever!
  11. Whatever Iran's agenda behid this is, I believe people should be allowed to talk and to discuss any matters openly including this Holocaust thing without being framed as anti-semitic. If there is nothing to hide then let people to discuss and be challenged.
  12. Too much Steven Spielberg Horror movies aa batsatay maahino sxb? sxb, dish-ka aa ku wareegi rabo iska gaar nooh haddii oo calamatkas isku aragtay! qatar waaye nooh!
  13. I also heard the deceased guy Litvinenko was infact a muslim, recently convertee! :confused: and thats why his coffin was brought to London central mosque to be prayed, there was dispute tho. Anyone heard of that? He had connections with Chechnyans is been also said.
  14. Originally posted by Juje: Desperate times call for desperate measures. One of them is signing a pact with a 'invalid' person. Someone should tell nimaanka cimamadaha wata Odeygi wa hore ayu albaabka xirtey. "So joog ninka laga wayo so jiif aa laga hela." looool! comedians dheh!
  15. ^^^ meshu awoowe jees ka baxay uu isna kabaxay
  16. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Ahmed- What is bes? This is people's intelligence at its best. Hawl iyadu dhan temporary ahaan doonto maxaa dhiig uga daadin iyo guryahaada ugu baaba'in? exactly!
  17. I am not sure whether you were following the case of the russian spy death. I'm just wondering if they will ever get to bottom of what happened> Detectives are still trying to piece together Mr Litvinenko's movements before and after the day he fell ill . Litvinenko radiation poisoning now linked to Iraqi oil business and military occupation. British police have discovered traces of polonium 210 in the office of wanted Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky. On the other hand, many people have been referred for tests at a specialist clinic following the radiation poisoning of Russian former spy. ********************************************** The poisoning death of former Russian KGB and Federal Security Service (FSB) colonel Alexander Litvinenko, a critic of the Russian government of Vladimir Putin, is being blamed on the Russian-Israeli Mafia by a number of Russian officials. The Russian officials point out that Litvinenko, described as a Russian-Israeli "double agent," was the perfect choice to set up for a false flag assassination just as Putin was attending a Russia-European Union summit in Helsinki. Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya of the liberal newspaper Novaya Gazeta and a fierce critic of Putin was assassinated a few days before Putin was due to make an important visit to Germany. Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, who is a shareholder of Novaya Gazeta along with billionaire Alexander Lebedev, wrote an editorial in the paper in which he correctly noted that, "those who killed Anna Poltikovskaya wanted to hit Putin." One Russian official told The Sunday Times of London, "If you ask the question who had the most to gain from all this, the answer can only be Berezovsky, a man who by his own admission is out on a campaign to discredit Putin and the Kremlin." Litvinenko's assassination from poisoning with Polonium 210, a radioactive isotope, was quickly blamed on Putin by Russian-Israeli mafia figure Boris Abramovich Berezovsky. Litvinenko claimed he was sent by Moscow to London to assassinate Berezovsky but refused to carry out his orders. Litvinenko defected to Britain via Turkey, the latter a major trans-shipment nexus for radioactive materials -- including cesium-137, radium, iridium, strontium-90, uranium, thorium, and plutonium-239 -- sold by the Russian-Israeli Mafia to the highest bidders. It is also no coincidence that Turkey is the home to a major support network for the Chechen guerrillas and that one of their leaders, Ahmed Zakayev, is a close associate of Berezovsky and was also linked to Litvinenko. Litvinenko reportedly passed classified information damaging to Russian leaders to Russian-Israeli businessman Leonid Nevzlin, the former chief executive officer of Yukos Oil who is the subject of a Russian government arrest warrant for murder, embezzlement, and tax evasion. Nevzlin, a former head of the Russian Jewish Congress, is currently living in Tel Aviv under the protection of the Israeli government. Nevzlin's exiled Russian-Israeli comrades include Vladimir Dubov, a major Yukos shareholder and wanted oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky. The wanted ex-Yukos officials have also been linked to wealthy British businessman Jacob Rothschild. Nevzlin's former boss at Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, is in a Russian prison for tax evasion. The assassination of Litvinenko to embarrass Putin is similar to the false flag assassinations carried out by Russian-Israeli Mafia figures of Lebanese politicians in order to lay blame on Syria (as previously reported by WMR). Litvinenko's dodgy association with leading Russian-Israeli mafia figures, most of whom are wanted by Russia for looting and misappropriating the the assets of the Soviet Union, likely made him a convenient target for an exotic gangland-style hit. His reported role as a Russian-Israeli double agent, selling secrets to the highest bidders, also shortened his life expectancy. Litvinenko also was problematic for a number of criminal syndicate leaders especially considering the fact that his special operations task in the FSB was the targeting of foreign businessmen -- many of whom are leading figures in the global Russian-Israeli Mafia and some with direct links to the White House. Litvinenko, therefore, knew many of the secrets about the Russian-Israeli Mafia -- secrets that may have cost him his life. Britain is under tremendous financial pressure from the Kremlin to extradite Berezovsky to Moscow to stand trial. The assassination of Litvinenko and the blame placed by the neo-con media on Russia as the culprit buys Berezovsky some British sympathy and a little time. The involvement of Litvinenko with Israeli organized crime bosses was reported at the same time the Washington Post reported on the counterfeiting of U.S. $100 bills by a South Ossetia-based organized crime ring operating with Russian-Israeli mobsters based in the Republic of Georgia and Israel. On October 27, 2004, a courier for the counterfeit ring, Hazki Hen, met with an undercover Secret Service agent at a hotel in Linthicum, Maryland near Baltimore-Washington International Airport. Hen, who had just arrived from Tel Aviv, offered to exchange $230,000 in counterfeit Ben Franklin notes for $80,000 in real currency. Hen also agreed to supply an additional $1.5 million in counterfeit hundred dollar notes and discussed the potential of delivering as much as $100 million on counterfeit bills in the future. Hen was not charged by the Federal government until November 2005 and then, after he claimed he was too ill to stand trial, was permitted by federal prosecutors to return to Israel. Russian-Israeli mobsters are also reported to be counterfeiting U.S. Postal money orders and American Express Traveler's Checks in Eastern Europe. The Hen case is yet another example of the U.S. government failing to fully prosecute Israeli criminals, spies, and other threats to U.S. national security. The same scenario has played out with "Al Qaeda" financier Yehuda Abraham, a New York U.S-Israeli diamond dealer who was laundering money for the Russian-Israeli mob and a Malaysian linked to Al Qaeda affiliate Jemaah Islamiya; Asher Karni, a South African-Israeli who was shipping nuclear triggers from the United States to the A. Q. Khan network in Pakistan; and various Israeli spies caught around sensitive U.S. facilities posing as art students, movers, and tourists. Note: The screenwriters of the new James Bond film, Casino Royale, are on to the real life mobsters. Not only is a Montenegro-based mob ring (Montenegro is one of the centers for the Russian-Israeli syndicate) featured as engaging in international terrorism in order to manipulate the stock market, but there is a reference by "M" (Judi Dench) that a similar mob ring engaged in stock "put" options before the 9/11 attacks in order to make tons of money on the world markets. It would seem that fictional spies know more about the threat from international mobsters than do their real life counterparts. Source
  18. ^^ who do you have onboard then? not all somalis am afraid!
  19. Originally posted by Kashafa: ^^ And that makes you a happy man, huh ? I forgot, there was the whole tribal subtext that colors our vision. Still mourning Kismayo, are we Jalle ? And now Abudwaaq, Ouch. Since they've fallen into the hands of the 'enemy'(lol) I feel your pain, brah. ii atkeyso. The Ethos will help liberate you. At least, they'll try. What's left of them that is. Maandheey hadalka inta iska daysid orod oo dagaalka clan courts-ku dalbadeen aad.
  20. Adeer the heat is on, maantoo kale carar maxaa dhaama!
  21. Sheekh Xassan Daahir: “Abaal marinta Nopel-ka in nala siiyo ayey aheyd ee ma aheyn in ciidan na la dirira na loo qalqaaliyo” !