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Double_Dose_of_Delicious replied to raula's topic in General
y datz a great idea sophist...cawralo..won't u bless us with a little taste of "truth"...lol..don't worry in ma review i'll use da sandwich model on ya book..lol p.s. Gediid ur absolutely rite..wat our friend fails to understand is the meaning of FICTION..it aint REAL..fake..made-up..lol..in otha wordz itz purely for enjoyment..or in ur case...the path to ur 15-sec of fame in SOL forum..lol jk (u know i got nuttin' but luv 4 ya.. ) Salaamz -
Damn..minnesotan femalez...el grande Desperatoz...lol..jk <<<from mn 2 where you're from: Xamar originally (y am i claimin it..lol..can't remember anythin' except dugsi teacher whoopin' ma *** ) :mad: ...but now in MINNESCRUBUlous..where da scrubs are as abundant as the somali malls and somali communities..lol - Your sex (for those with unisexual names)...Ceeb CAleek!! :eek: :eek: ..loljk...**exem**..i don't have a third leg ..tho some guys..ah ..i'll leave it @ dat..lol - Occupation (you can lie about this if you like ) Imma a STudent..cheap, cheap,cheap student..ne donationz...swear i'll pay u back as soon as i land ma pharm job.. - What you do when you think people aren't looking? i take ma retainer out..lol..so when they look i can flash ma braces-perfected smile - Favorite music....i rock 2 anythin...Rock, Rap, RnB,Somali (i just discovered how tight somali music is!!).., hindi, arabic,....wat am i sayin'...i hate hindi..Ganit foor lyaf (G-unit 4 life)..lol - General interests, etc. Anything dat feeds da mind, body and soul..
Double_Dose_of_Delicious replied to raula's topic in General
Well i guess this wouldn't be da place to post that he might be nominated for the Nobel Prize...(passed all da prereq's)... Wa'huu...go unc'!!!!... on a more tragic note...(lol jk)n' this is for Cawralo "Small minds discuss people, educated minds discuss IDEAS"....unless u can write somethin' on the contrary...give credit where credit is due...in other wordz..write a novel of ur own challengin' his ideaz or wayz of as u elegantly put it, wrongfully "[beautifying] somali culture to make it seem more accepting towards other africans]...otherwize...refer to the latter.."small minds...." Salaamz p.s this reply is BY NO MEANS a catalyst OR an invitation for a cat fight..lol PEACE!!! -
Itz actually not tru that females that have gone under FGM don't feel anything during intercourse or stimulated is wat one study suggested...it just so happens that a study done by Alan Guttmacher Institute actually research this topic as to whether FGM (all 3 kindds of FGM)eliminated or rather altered female sexual sensations. The study used married nigerian women who had gone under FGM and one's who have not. They found out that women who had gone under the knife (so to speak) and women who have not "... were at least as likely as uncut women to report regularly having an orgasm during sexual intercourse..." Furthermore, the difference between the two groups was that women who had gone under FGM cited other parts of their body (other than the clitoris, i.e breasts as the most sensitive part of their body. The researchers note "genital cutting does not eliminate a woman's sexual sensation, but instead "shift[ s]...the point of maximal sexual stimulation from the clitoris...or labia to the breasts." this is just one study, and as we all know several studies must be conducted wit agreeing results to prove wateva statement or idea that one has....but i thought it be interestin' to throw a study or two in our discussion...
Would you get married while going to college?
Double_Dose_of_Delicious replied to Jaabir's topic in General
first of all...like to thank Darman for bringin' about this topic because personally speakin', i've actually had face this question. I'm not married, so u know the road i chose. I chose this road cuz of several reasons...first i had goals like many...n' uh..i knew that in order to achieve, i would have to curb all distractions...n' unfortunately i saw marriage as a huge distraction not to mention the major obstacles i would have to face after marriage...i wanted to be fulltime wife/mom....and dat wasn't going to happen if i went to school...i pondered for a while about quitin' for a year n' going back after a year or so to school...but then again...i didn't wanna be like those older folks i see in my classes strugglin' to keep up.... i don't wanna write an essay here so imma stop (i hate readin' essays)....but my point is...i didn't get married cuz i had prioratized my life...and at the top was education....i think that once the individual is educated..luv and moreover marriage, like all other things in this world, will come knockin' if Allah meant for it to happen -
College & Unv. Students.............
Double_Dose_of_Delicious replied to Naag-qaawan's topic in Developement | Projects
i'm majorin' Biology...not cuz i luv it..but becuz i have to declare ma major..so for right now i'm majorin' in Biology...but wat i wanna do in da long-run is be a Pharmacist..i'm takin' a career exploration class n' i did alot of research in this field..n' let me just tell yall..HERE IS WHERE DA MONEY IS AT...startin' average pay $100,000 a yr...n' dat's comin' right outta college...fortunately i found a career dat combinez da two things i luv in da world..helpin' ppl and $$$$..on da downside..itz really competitive to get into Pharm school... wish me luck yall...got along way ahead of me.. -
College & Unv. Students.............
Double_Dose_of_Delicious replied to Naag-qaawan's topic in General
i'm majorin' Biology...not cuz i luv it..but becuz i have to declare ma major..so for right now i'm majorin' in Biology...but wat i wanna do in da long-run is be a Pharmacist..i'm takin' a career exploration class n' i did alot of research in this field..n' let me just tell yall..HERE IS WHERE DA MONEY IS AT...startin' average pay $100,000 a yr...n' dat's comin' right outta college...fortunately i found a career dat combinez da two things i luv in da world..helpin' ppl and $$$$..on da downside..itz really competitive to get into Pharm school... wish me luck yall...got along way ahead of me.. -
Vent Room; let it out whatever ticks you off about anything.
Double_Dose_of_Delicious replied to Ariadne's topic in General
Cushtic & Opinionated...ME TOO!!...lol..nah just playin'..lol..they ask me if ma mom drank coffee cuz i'm so dark..lol..(blacker da berry da sweeter da juice..na'mean..lol)... movin' on...as for what ticks me off.. ~I HATE COLD WEATHER, if i could, i would make temps below 75 non-existent ~i'm pissed! pissed! and pissed! at the fact that i have to walk around in a freakin' skirt in freezin' minnesota weather... ~i hate the fact that i can never walk as fast as them girlz wit da pants...especially cadaan girlz..so i freeze even more cuz i take so long walkin' to da damn lecture...n' then be late.. ~i hate da fact that my parents want me to cook, clean, wash, dry, babysit and any other chorez in da house and still expect for me to get good gradez while takin' 16 credits in da Uni...ooOOO..i hate dat.. ~I HATE ANY LECTURE courses BE4 9 AM..don't they know dat's just nap time for 99.9% of studentz ~why can't i party n' still keep a squeeky clean rep ~i don't understand why, why da hell do ppl (old folks) have a direction connection between what i do wit my life and my families integrity... ~i'm sick n' tired of ppl (especially relatives new to me) thinkin i'm a family friend or dat ma adopted me...just cuz i don't have ANY resemblance wat-so-ever wit ma siblingz.... ~i hate da fact that getting close to some1 n' gettin' hurt scarez da life outta me (swear i neva got hurt..funny huh) ~WHY O WHY..(like ma friend lakkad said) are da good lookin', smart, educated, irresistable brotha taken!..(i wonder if therez any left for bombshelss like ma self..lol) ~Why do i have to be shy...why can't i just be like in-your-face, aggressive, get-wat-she-wants typa gurl ~Why do i choose to spend ma Saturday nights like this ~Why can't we have a community like this one, one datz not cyper.. ~i hate da fact dat i got so many thingz dat i hate.. ~i hate da fact dat imma have to make anotha piss-off list cuz this gettin too long... itz been a pleasure everyone...lol (hope yall don't think i'm a nut-job..lol) -
wow!!....i can't believe how RIGHT you were Leamante!...lol.. :eek: dude r u like psychic... :eek: lol....i bet u have like Ms Cleo typa of powers...lol.. but seriously thanx for sharing this awesome piece of poetry...'preciate it much
Thingz I Hate About...
Double_Dose_of_Delicious replied to Aaliyah10's topic in Developement | Projects
me...i'm too much!...lol Alliyah gurl...u need ...n' i mean ..u need to take a chill pill..lol..(sounds corny i know..lol) but seriously life is wat u make it...n' right seems to me like u makin' life way too complicated than it really is...no body is here to criticize you..na'mean..n' u shoudn't be here criticizin' anyone else...we here to have fun n' talk about thangs that are imporant to us as somalis...we REALLY ain't here to spread negative vibes...n' right now...u got a WHOLE LOTTA negativity comin' from your way... n' honestily...just cuz u lookin' at thanks thru da lenses of positivity DOESN'T mean u in a FAKE WORLD..just means u blessed.. "Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world" -
Thingz I Hate About...
Double_Dose_of_Delicious replied to Aaliyah10's topic in Developement | Projects
me...i'm too much!...lol Alliyah gurl...u need ...n' i mean ..u need to take a chill pill..lol..(sounds corny i know..lol) but seriously life is wat u make it...n' right seems to me like u makin' life way too complicated than it really is...no body is here to criticize you..na'mean..n' u shoudn't be here criticizin' anyone else...we here to have fun n' talk about thangs that are imporant to us as somalis...we REALLY ain't here to spread negative vibes...n' right now...u got a WHOLE LOTTA negativity comin' from your way... n' honestily...just cuz u lookin' at thanks thru da lenses of positivity DOESN'T mean u in a FAKE WORLD..just means u blessed.. "Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world"