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Everything posted by Peacenow

  1. The love Arabs has for the Palestinians? For the Kurds? For the Black Africans in Darfur. Please save me the trouble. I'm educated and a professional, you can't fool anyone. Somalis have been starving, where was Arab money? Till today they are happy to see Somalia in war. Time, when Somalis can care for other Somalis, is the day Allah will help Somalia.
  2. Me, sadly i can't write Somali, cause i lived outside the country of course. But i speak Somali, you can see, my webcam, to prove this issue!! if it is so important to you. sahardid
  3. Then give people their say. Allow political parties and let people decide what they want. If it is the wish of Somalis, then that is democracy in action. I don't see the ICU ever allowing this.
  4. Uthman1, you can come and see my webcam, to see yourself if im Somali. Since 99% of somalis are muslim, you figure it out yourself. But that is a a tactic i dont really like. Since we are talking about a country here, it is important everyone has their say.
  5. The only system that has proven to work is a capitalist democracy, with sound institutions and the rule of law and at this moment, i don't see any other Somali other than Bashir Goth, who is advoicating this alternative.
  6. Excuse me, but you cannot acuse me of what i'm not. I'm more Somali than you. My posts have been nationalist. You are acussing anyone who disagress with you of being a Ethiopian or a formenter. Excuse but those kind of tactics will no work on me. I'm not a advocate of TFG but I see the threat more in the ICU. I have a voice so i will use it. The ICU wants to be in power. So they will better get used to different opinion. Maybe that is why they ban other political parties. Now with my opinion of the ICU is that the isse of Arabization is what led to the ICU. The Arabs are exporting their culture here so they can divide and rule somalis, if not then maintain the status quo. Now I'm thinking long-term, instead all you people here are thinking in the short-term. Lets say the ICU took over, what will do? No Islamic calpihate state that has been established has been successful, i don't see them, offering a different alternative. They already ban, music or film, that is more extreme than even the mullahs in Iran.Look at the Iranians, they are more turned off by religion than the Americans who go to 'church' much more often.
  7. Everyone is ignoring the problem of Arabization. Why? They are hiding the problem. Today, Somalis, will quite happily works as a servant in those Arab countries. They will fight for them, like in Lebanon, or will run and dance for them. Cleaning the stained holes of filthy Arabs. Anyway they can be close to them. Like dogs to their master. We Somalis have been arabized people. The modern days slaves, serving the wish of their Arab masters. The Sudanis have also been Arabized. Look at how they are killed the innocent people in Darfur, when they are even same colour. They are suffering an identiy crisis. It has to do with race and money. They are the twin evils. They will deny what they are, so they can fill that much better and feel superior to other African people. In fact it is a problem all over Africa now. Spread by the Arabs with their oil money and racist imperialist ambition. Look at the ICU, running to Arabs to recieve their orders. The Arabs hate Somalis, cannot stand them, yet the Somalis worship them. They will never allow Somalia to be a developed country. Using divide and rule tactic to keep Somalis down, whilst giving us their extremist worthless culture and way of life. While they develop their countries and cities like Dubai.
  8. Caaqil, they are two powers, the ICU and TFG in the South. I think personally, the ICU were itchin for this from the very start. They always talked about Jihad and confrontation. The TFG should have told the Ethiopians to leave, and made a deal with the ICU. But the radical faction in the ICU felt they had the better hand and weren't ready to make peaceful accomdartion. I'm hoping personally the ICU will be wounded enough to see the folly of their mistake and then kickstart talks with the TFG, again. It will have to be done, of course in a face seving measure for the ICU. This is where the exiled Somali diaspora can make a huge difference.
  9. Good post. I totally agree. They are both as bad as each other. In fact for Southerners there is no viable option in the horizon anywhere. War should have been avoided at all costs.
  10. Without a moments notice, the world has to recognise the peaceful state of Somaliland NOW. Condi Rice and the UK must take the lead and do this oday. It will be the most successful thing they will ever do. The Africans and Arabs, useless as they are, will no never do anything to help Somalis, and are happy to see our downfall. Somaliland offers a promising model for Somalis. By recognizing Somaliland, the United States will be encouraging Somalis to follow Somaliland’s example of democracy, the rule of law, and peaceful co-existence. By recognition, the success of Somaliland, will show all Somalis what is possible. Democracy, human rights and the rule of law. If you live in the UK or the US, lobby your representative, flood them with letter, campaign and raise awareness of the issue. Do it NOW. Before the cruel violent terrorist Islamists come.
  11. I agree they have been gunning for this for a long time. Now they have their war.
  12. I never called for this war. I was always against it. As you probably know my views on Islamists and their deprave backward life. My views are known, I believe in a liberal democracy for Somali, yes that includes human rights! Now war has started we must start thinking again, about the way to move the country forward. No-one at this point is know who is winning or losing, whether the TFG or the ICU. Nevertheless, one victor will emerge. Personally, I'm hoping for the TFG. They are at the least, the worst case option for Somalia. Whatever happens, the victor will have deal with the practicality of governing. This is not helped by having vast numbers of young men, who are indoctinerend with no knowledge of life beyond chaos and anarchy. Now what I going to say, will shock you, but for the case of building a more moderate stable country, we will have to deal with this issue. Now they are engaged in war, it maybe the case, that natural order will deal with this issue. And in the future we will have concentrate on building a better generation of young men, who can have more impact for the countires development. As this this a critical issue
  13. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Awright. Fair enough. Wonderful lists, supported by ideal wishes. I hope my reasonable objections against wadaada ku sheega's won't be a disappointment and chorus party killer. Here we go. They are an intolerant bunch of group, unfit to govern in a modern society. Theirs is only "ama isoo raac ama seefta raac," nothing in between. No dulqaad, no tanaasul, no nothing but "my true belief" they think is the correct one They believe women have no leadership quality, their sole earthly existence to be at home [an alien concept to Soomaalis, whose other half gender was and is historically known to be independents, from Caraweelo to Xaawo Taako. There wouldn't have been a Xaawo Taako had they been in power in 1950s]. Case in point, the top leadership has no single women. No problem, that shared with other institutions we had seen. But its so-called government -- Golaha Shuurada -- has no single woman of all 93 and growing list, all men. No basic liberty. Harassing daily ciyaalka u jarto timaha see ayna jecleen or u labisto sida ay ka helin; closing shaneemooyinka; karbaashing anyone they see not doing what they "wish" they should do or is "vice" against their preset morals Banning heesaha and other cultural intertaintment Banning public mixing Banning booramaha la iska tumo, banning saarka Banning xuska [honouring deceased family members] Banning mowliidka Banning mixed aroosyada xafladaha lagu dhigo No occasional public celebration, be it graduation ceremony Banning women from the beach Desecrating xabaalaha, including those of cullumada Forcibly taking over women's hospital [isbitaal Banaadir] to rehabilitate their injured fighters at the isbitaalka Forcibly shutting down masaajidada they consider that don't follow their mabda' Forcibly enforcing salaadda Bringing what Soomaalis had never knew -- isbiimeys [suicide bombing] and other public explosions that happened in Xamar, two against Geedi and one against UN team Brazen contract killings, including the murder of Cabdiqaadir Yaxye [before they became midowga maxkamadaha] Fake cimaamad wearing qabqable iyo dagaalooge: Indhamadoowe Occupation of Shabeelladahoose [why Balcad or Dayniile loogu dhiibay dadka deeggaanka u dhashay, but not Baraawe, Afgooye, Marka, Daafeed...hmmm] Lies and the lying liars in their midst: "We will not attack Jowhar, Balcad, Dayniile, Kismaayo, Buurhakaba..." Warmongering. Well, some of you may suffer from short term memory, not me. They are as warmongering as the warlords they defeated. The list above, which isn't sadly complete, is what they have done already, albeit having a limited power. The list below is what they will do, realistically speaking. Indhashareer will be mandatory Jilbaab a must at school and society-wide Women will be discouraged at attending higher education Won't be no more Biyooleey There won't be TV Those idaacado that won't kowtow to their version of events or those that play music will be banned permanently The promotion of Soomaalinimo will be abandoned, including the language, dhaqan, hidaha, and distinct cultural heritage, instead filled by more Carabnimo and more, more Carabnimo [we already see this] There won't be elections that allow people to elect whoever they wish, including those who wish to elect wadaada ku sheega themselves [dimuqraadiyada diinta kuma jirto, as they try to remind us, whereas Iiraan, Xammaas, Islamic parties in Malaysia and other Islamic-learning groups practice] ----------------- What most of you listed, especially "bringing back security, booming business" etc, any group can do that if they had a chance. Not to mention the old regime had an absolute security in the country and yet people revolted. Why? Because if there is no basic liberty and accountability, no employment opportunities and stiffing nepotism [read: whoever maamulo dekedda and garoonka diyaaradaha has no auditor and accountibility] and exploitation, there won't be any freedom, regardless how the security improves or not. If the sole responsiblity is security and a little booming business, some even questionable because where they acquired their wealth during the long civil war, then bring back the old regime, at least the old regime stood strongly for Soomaalinimo. I'm with you 100%.
  14. Horrible and sad pictures. They are glorifying death in the pictures. The Arabs are now cheering the fact that they have completely conquered a people and filled them with all their worst ways. While they themselves globalise and grow their economies. Oh yes, and enjoy the naked women playing volleyball. Now they will go to America and to the Europeans and say look at our Somalis foot solider, Leave us alone or we will set them on you.
  15. First of all as a Somali, I must congratulate the success that is Somaliland. This 'country' is a jewel. A moderate democratic state that respects human rights, women rights and peace at home and in the region, free speech, is to be respected. It is everything, South Somalia is not. I'm very proud of Somaliland. Now, I'm thinking strategically, I think the best solution for Somalia now is for Somaliland to be given recognition for independence by the world. Especially the AU and UK. By statehood, Somaliland would be able to consolidate its success further and grow economically stronger. It would have access to the world capital markets, World Bank and IMF. It would show the South, what success it is, and what is possible by Somalis. Once it sees this and comes out of it's animal behavior, then it would try to emulate it and then think in a rationally way, it could come into agreement with Somaliland and the process of reconciliation may start. That is a solution to current problems. Well done to Somaliland
  16. The issue is to do with money. They have about 70% of the World's oil. Now they formed a cartel to control the prices and as you can imagine, they have done pretty well. If more and more players aorund the world, get oil, produce it, and benefit from it, the less, they can command for it in the market. They want to keep Somalia down, our people down, so no oil company dares to enter the country and develop our potential. they will give us everything bad about their culture, such as fundamentalism, while, they allow women in Qatar to play near naked in 'beach volleyball' Look at the case of our animal exports to them, Today they import most of their meat from Australia. Why? When they can buy from us. In fact, they designate our animal exports to be banned as they are carrying 'disease'. We must wake up from what the Arabs have in their mind for us.
  17. Come on Somalis, are we really ****** enough to fall for this. They (ICU) are using every trick in the book to rally the support they need, for a war in which they long for. You can see clearly, that it is a stunt to inflame nationalist passion. Because let's face, that is the only thing, that is going to carry the ICU to government, and they know it. If the Ethiopians, did this, then why have they left in Eriteria. That is their aggresor- tormenting them, not Somalia.
  18. This analysis is interesting. But I don't really look much into the Arabs when Somalia is mentioned. Firstly, the issue of Somalia and wht happens in the horn of Africa, is not that much of a focus for them. in other words, Somalia is not important enough to warrant high level attention from their policy makers. There is though a very strong desire on the part of Somalis that is inside them, and this comes back to my idea of how much we have become Arabized as a people, to long for the Arabs to want them. Only ourselves can make our people, important in the wider region. If we have oil, how can we use it and affect the Arabs, if there is war. In war nothing happens, there is no state, so how can we affect them.
  19. I'm a great fan of the the achievements of Somaliland. Even though, I was born in Mogadishu, my parents are from the North. They have achieved a lot in a short time. Such as a democratic type system built threw tribal lines. Sadly, their achievements are not being recognised enough. I would like Somalia, the 'south' to have the same system. Because I think a democractic system, based on the rule of law is the best way forward. Just look at the rest of the world, where this system is in place and how far they have achieved. So I ask, Are you in favour of a Somali Democracy? Based on separation between religion and the state, free market economy, and the rule of law?
  20. They will stand for now. Overtime, I doubt, if the Somalis, will be able to tolerate them. A lot of people are worried about the intentions of the Islamists. But what is the alternative right now? They are using nationalism, and that is always a powerful tool, to rally Somalis under the star and fight enemies. But it won't last.
  21. Here it goes people like i aways said, the TRUTH will out the Islamists now in Somalia are nothing more than religious gangsters.,,-6262201,00.html Somalia Official Issues Beheading Threat Wednesday December 6, 2006 4:16 PM By MOHAMED SHEIKH NOR Associated Press Writer MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - Residents of a southern Somalia town who do not pray five times a day will be beheaded, an Islamic courts official said Wednesday, adding the edict will be implemented in three days. Public places such as shops and tea houses in Bulo Burto, about 124 miles northeast of the capital, Mogadishu, should be closed during prayer time and no one should be on the streets, said Sheik Hussein Barre Rage, the chairman of the town's Islamic court. Those who do not follow this edict ``will definitely be beheaded according to Islamic law,'' Rage told The Associated Press by phone. ``As Muslims, we should practice Islam fully, not in part, and that is what our religion enjoins us to do.'' He said that the courts are announcing the edict over loudspeakers in the town. The decision is not binding on courts in other towns. Somalia's Islamic courts have made varying interpretations of Quranic law, some applying a more strict and radical version of Islamic law than others. As a result of such disparate variations, residents in the capital of Mogadishu complained, forcing the Council of Islamic Courts officials in October to set up an appeals court with better-educated judges. The Council of Islamic Courts have swept through most of southern Somalia since taking over Mogadishu in June. Their sometimes strict and often severe interpretation of Islam has raised the specter of Afghanistan's ousted Taliban regime, and contrasts with the moderate Islam that has dominated Somali culture for centuries. Some of the courts have introduced public executions, floggings of convicts, bans on women swimming at Mogadishu's public beaches, and the sale and chewing of khat, a leafy stimulant consumed across the Horn of Africa and in the Middle East. --- Associated Press Writer Salad Duhul in Mogadishu, Somalia contributed to this report.
  22. You know what, i actually think you are right. And then 10 years down the line, when people have woken up from the new Taliban gangsters who rule them, we will have blind people like you calling for a different system. Of all the 'muslim' countries only Malaysia has got it right. While the others have failed. The ICU will fail too.
  23. Our own Somali language has been diluted so much to the point that our heritage and cultural values are in the risk of becoming extinct. This is not an accident that we just woke up to it, but it has been the interest of many Arab countries to force the issue of Arabism into the Somali people by way of adulterating and raping our language, so much so it got to the point that it could be replaced with Arabic language today. The domination of Arabic media and the strategically designed attack on our language is apparent in every household of our broken down country today (satellites of Arabic media). We have a society that is unrecognisable so much so that one can detect the works of Talibans, Wahabists, Al-Qaida, and fundamentalists flourishing in our society and taking a strong hold to water down and dilute our once rich and pure cultures. Though many of these fanatics and fundamental teachings are losing their place in many Moslem countries like Saudi Arabia, Afganistan or Pakistan, especially after 9/11 when many Arab countries were forced to revisit the method of Islamic teachings in their schools where hatred towards others and oppression of women is part of their Islamic teaching curriculum, these agents of hate are finding their way to make high leaps over our unprotected borders in order to secure their existence in our society. But those agents are spreading the same teachings in our society so much so that one can observe the success of their teachings in our society today. It is another invasion that the Somalis don't even know it is happening; it is another failure on our part to protect our precious culture and language. Of all the money in the world and wealth they claim to have, these Arab countries have yet to build a single hospital or maternity ward to save the lives of our sisters and their children who are dying in great numbers in front of empty delivery rooms in our country for the lack of oxygen or simple drugs that could save their lives. Instead, they are spreading vicious teachings of how to subjugate our sisters, daughters and mothers and shut them up in their homes, where they remain subservient to their husbands and follow their orders; it is in the Islamic religion, they claim. I have even once witnessed some Somali men in a wedding gathering, who refused to sit and eat where everyone else was dinning, because they didn't want to sit around women and eat; it is against their Islamic faith (Wahabism), they claimed. We are suffering from identity crisis without even knowing it. As if that was not enough, many Arab nations, particularly UAE, contributed to destruction of our precious ecosystems and burning down our irreplaceable trees in order for them to have a free charcoal from which they tremendously made profit by exporting it to the Gulf countries. At the same, Somali tradesmen cannot have an access to their markets where they once used to sell their livestock. The consequences here, as one could imagine, are deadly. This practice of environmental invasion and economic assassination by obstructing the accessibility of their market for the Somalis caused the death of thousands of Somali children due to starvation and malnutrition, as reported by NGOs operating in Somalia. The Arabs have destroyed us and now they are laughing at us.
  24. Dear Somalis, We are now in a very difficult time for all Somalis. I think the issue that concerns, all of us, right now, is why when the whole world is developing and growing their economies, we are so stuck behind the world. It does not help that we have Islamists now in power, and who are hellbent on spreading their version of Islam, throughout the country through force if it will. What vision of Somalia, do they have, will they share with us. Their leader-Aweys, talks of returning, Somalia back to 7th century Arabia. I ask why? Why must we Somalis, have to suffer under a system and culture that is so Arab, and is foreign to us. Look at Somali women, nearly all now, are covered head to toe, i dont see any Arabs today, even dressed like this. In Dubai, you can see their face, but our women, today are not educated, because they have been denied their rights and today they are at the mercy of men, and the consequences of that. Why are we worshipping these Arabs at the stake of our nations development and strenght. Even in these boards, we have people saying, 'Are we Black or Arabs? We are so far down, we dont even know who we are, so other make their choice for us. Even the Arabs themselves, dont wish to go back to the stone ages, look at Dubai or Qatar, are they places of 7th century Arabia? Why must we? Where is our wise leaders who will nurture education and economic development. Like Mahathir Mohammed of Malaysia. The morally bankrupt Saudis can dream of this feudal culture, but they can afford it, they have oil and so can just sleep all day and not worry where the money will come from. We dont have oil, or at least not yet. We can't afford to think and behave like Arabs do, when they despise us and look down on us. We need to look at countries like Malaysia and Singapore that are successful for their people and country for examples of devlopment. Instead, we worship at the feet of Arabs, who hates us, and use us.