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Everything posted by Peacenow

  1. Anyone have any idea, what is the latest news on Sheikh Sharif & Sheikh Adan? I know about their last statement. But what are they going to do, do you think?
  2. My dear Northerner, I respect you and your wise posts. But we have to really live in the real world. The position of the so called Muslim world is in a deadly and calamoutius position. It is a rot. We have to decide, do we really want live in the real world? Do you like what you see? Or do you move ahead with a single minded pursuit of the national interest? There is no muslim community, countries have no friends, countries never do things simply because it is nice or would benefit them in the 'day of judgement'. Somalis have been reduced to nothing more than serving as the foot soliders of arabs. When they need potential sucide bombers, they go to the Somali community, whether it be Australia, UK or US in the mosques where they go and they brainwash them. It is as if that is the only thing Somalis are good for. The day we can reject this fatalistic culture that glorifies death and promotes arab over Somali and then the worship of arabs, is the day when Somalia can advance.
  3. Originally posted by Caano Geel: we are. if nothing else for encouraging and perpetuating systems of governance where the leaders and representatives are unaccountable to the peoples they claim to represent Spot on there. Yes it is in huge problems. I don't like CNN, it is overly American stance, but every report they are saying is about some country in the 'Muslim World' where something has just happened and terrible pictures. I don't know why anyway, people can talk about a 'muslim world'. It doesn't exist. It is every man for himself. And how can you have a community, when it is ruled by puppets and people who dont work for the national interest of their country. Somalia should emulate Singapore and forget about muslim world, islamic culture and arab.
  4. There is one thing, I agree with Somali_Economist and that this person Aideed is definently very fishy. I would not be suprised with the CIA link with him. He served in the US army, too. This 'person' is no good at all.
  5. This is quite funny, cause only till recently, Somalis were claiming from the roof tops to everyone who would listen, that they were Arab. They took pride in it. Delighting in the fact, that they were better than Africans. How times have changed. The tables have somewhat changed on that. Maybe's because the Arabs are swimming in humilatlion and being associated with them would not look so good or safe for that matter. Well not while daddy bush is in power. Aficans have always expressed to me, how they felt that Somalis keep a distance from them. While they would do anything for the dirty Arabs. When there is eventually a government and not this ethiopian puppets, then I would advocae that it makes Somalia leave the arab league. Somalis are lost today, no country and nagging doubts about who they really are. Let me lay that to rest once and for all....Somalis are Africans.
  6. I read that piece last night. I feel sorry for the Fazul guy, even though he done many bad things. He is hunted like, like he is a animal. Where will he sleep tonight? He comes from a beautiful island like Comoros, he could have just led a decent life. Instead he fights and willing to die for arab dogs. Arabization complete.
  8. My opinion is that the Europeans are starting to wake up to how to deal with the muslims in their midst. France has just elected a government, that says it will restrict immigration and deal firmly with the arabs there. But it is also clear that muslims face huge discrimation in those countries. I think the problems are these north africans, they are not well liked, everywhere they go, they only seem to bring problems to where they go. They hang around streets, where they just stare at every women passing by, they do nothing, either selling drugs or things, or pimping out some girl. They are a street people. I live and work in Milan, Italy. The Chinese are everywhere now here, they are starting bottom, opening restaurants, if you want a pizza, more likely it will be made by a chinese. You want your clothes dry cleaned? the shop will be chinese. The honers are in a little place in near the main station, they are very quiet and docile here, the ethiopian women here are mainly the office cleaners, you seem them everywhere. They are tensions, yes, people are starting to take over from the Italians. But the Italians are just plan lazy people, who dont like working anyway. The worst performing groups here are the Bengalis and the North Africans. The Bengalis are the damn poorest, I swear these people are so damned. They sell fake things in the street and make the city look like their homeland, just shameful, the north Africans are little better, but they are idle people, especially their men, you just have to wonder, what is the use of these people. What do they have in common? Yep, they are both Muslims. They are not taking over the place in any form, in fact they are vulnerable to abuse and people taking advantage of them. But then again, they dont make effort to integrate themselves, so they are just damned basically.
  9. Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale, thank you for bringing light to it. I thought the answer must be as clear-cut as that. Otherwise, why would all these people, spend their time, writing about Somalis.
  10. BiLaaL, thanks for this, indeed it is the most important news of the day. Sadly there are many people here who instead of facing the true reality of losing their land, have decided to fall back on a lazy misconstruct, regretably, some members in here are at the heart of creating this malaise and spreading delibrate mis-information.
  11. I want to know, why are other horners (east africans) so obsessed with Somalis? I'm a member of this horn of africa forum and I swear, every topic they are writing about is about Somali people. It is like, nobody else exisits, that Somalis are the only people in east africa.
  12. Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo, it is very easy and convienent to fall into a lazy misconstruct when you are faced with bitting odds. No less than many liberation struggles have fought in name and and have passed this point. Xanthus, is right again to call this for what it is. Can you imagine, looking at a 30 year rule by them, approved and ordered in addis? Time is on oue side, Bush is less than 18 months from being gone, then there will probably be a democractic led white house. Sanity will prevail, we already have a government in exile in Asmara.
  13. What are you trying to prove? That maybe he was not the one responsible for that carnage? I won't go into Fisk articles for you. Let me quote what he said at the scene, just before his men went inside the camp. '' A phalangist officer, asked what he should do with Palestinian civilian prisoners: he said "Don't ask me such a ****** question again''. Fast forward to 2007. The scene is Somalia. It is Mogadishu-Jelle threathens, to exterminate a whole rival faction and kills thousands of people.
  14. Do you know who he is? He was the christian phalange commander that lead that into that camp in Beirut in 1982, that killed 1300 people there. Who were palestinians. A massacre. Just like the massacre that killed the people in Mogadishu. This man and A/Yusf the warlord 'president' are exactly the same. That one took his orders from the Israelis and did as he was told, and this one takes his orders from the ethiopians. He was a disgusting man, who lived his life in well in shame after 1982, when it happened, Even though he lived in Beirut since then, he could never live normally, he was always watching his back, seeing who was close to him, would dig that knife into his back. Even the israelis, themselves, had a sour taste in their mouths for this man. No one wanted to be seen near him. His time came 20 years later, he was eventually killed. Of course. You can see the pictures of his death here. If you still want to know about this disgusting person his profile is Think of the warlord 'president' as you do.
  15. You should be ashamed of yourself. Quite simply, nothing surprises me anymore about this. Prof. Samater has done more to raise the profile of the carnage that is Somalia to the world, then anyone I know. He has worked tirelessly for the cause, he is present in every conference and important gathering. He is widely respected by the diaspora and internaional groups for his expertise.
  16. Why don't you want to listen to him? He is a honoruble man, doing a great service.
  17. Kudos to Prof. Abdi Samater, a great interview in which he lucently laid out the position. The ethiopian occupation of Somalia and the way it is hell bent on creating a Somalia that is a client state of it. And which it has succeded. For now, that is. Clever how he was able to tailor it to the American audience and well keep it simple, so the people can understand quickly the facts. If there is one thing, the problem in Somalia, is not complex. It is really about good intentions, and the tfg certainly don't have it. Download it here, the he comes on around the 31 minute, so fast forward till then. PS. A report you ight not have come across, is the one by the CFR, latest you can download in here
  18. What is a boat from Finland doing in Somali waters? It is quite clear it is there to trawl for fish. Only last week, a Arab boat was stopped, doing the same thing. Taking Somali fish. Quite frankly, the people are entitiled to step inside this boat and take this people on. The press is out of line again. Sadly, this is what happens, there is no central government, so misinformation is painted against the country and no counter-claim against this.
  19. Geel_Jire12, what did you see in 2001? Are you telling me that Somalis are racists? What are they protecting? The state is the poorest in the world. I have seen Somalis, as black as coal and as light as southern europeans.
  20. Out of focus. There are millions of Somalis without food or water right now. Why doesn't he write about that? The Washington Post gives him a voicebox, this same article was printed there. There is not even a proper government. He should expend his energy on writing something more helpful as this is not the right time to discuss this.
  21. +BOB. You touched there on something very important. Northerner did too. What ills the present state of weakness in the muslim world? Why are the 4 states-5 if you at add Chechnya, that are under occuption today all muslim? The answer is because these states are or were ruled by undemocractic leaders, that were not answerable to their people. Have you noticed how, people, when their country is 'working' and going in the right way, are more patriotic towards it? So by that definition, are willing to defend it against aggression. What aided the Iraqi people, who's back was broken by Saddam Hussein, who on sight of a American tank did not fight.
  22. Nothing unusal in arabia land. The arabs usually rape boys. Anyway, these things are happening in their thousands in many places in the world, every day.
  23. Paragon, you have done a great job. Well done! You have pointed out the BBC. I have noticed that too. Not once, when the genocide was occuring, did they place Somalia in the main front news page. I can't understand why, it would be the one organisation, I would have thought, would be blaring on all fours. For your note, I have copied your letter template and used it to email some BBC people, I know.
  24. [/QB] You are totaly mixed up. If you are a liberal man, and looking for a liberal state, then keep in mind the ICU leader is not your kind of man. Talking from the political point of view, you and Sheekh Shariif have nothing in common. However, you can support him not that Sheekh Sharif will give you the kind of liberal you are looking for, rather you just want Somalia to remain a lawless countery. I'm not going to lower myself to trading tirades. There is a important question here. That needs to be answered. You have not answered it. Because you know fully well. Your puppet warlord group will never be accepted. Which is why if the occupiers negoitate directly with the elders, the tfg is bypassed, not even consulted or advised. Just have a look at Mogadisho. These are the lates news updates. The business men of Bakaaraha are ready to work with the goverment and will soon hand over the weapons to the goverment. The junctions and roads are monitored by the tfg police men and militery. The Civilians are fed by the tfg troops. What more than can satisfy you awoowe ?? And have a look at shabelle. Here they are reporting. Oh what fantastic news. ''The Civilians are fed by the tfg troops'' I would like to remind you, the first role of 'government' is to protect it's people. Because if there is no one to protect, there is no purpose for 'government'.