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Posts posted by Peacenow

  1. Originally posted by Captain Warya:

    People that are comparing this government to the old tgf are forgetting a few things:


    Firstly the American administration has changed its failed policy on Somalia thanks to Sh Sharif. They are actually willing to negotiate with the Islamists hence they let Sh. Sharif Be president. They are moving away from Ethiopia and they actually want Somalia to have a government now.


    Sh. Sharif is not a traitor or a puppet. He has obviously made a deal with the US and he is looking at the Interests of Somalia as a nation. He is alot smarter than these ****** who want to keep fighting. HOw can the former chairman of the Islamic courts become a traitor?


    Somalia has seen enough fighting. Tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions have become homeless. The best way to deal with this now is through negotiation and peace. The ball is in Somalia's court.



    There are active negotiations going on and the opposition has made fair demands. Inshllah there will be an agreement reached soon.



    2009 is Somalia's Year.




    I really second this. These people have had a coal fire to their head recently and yet they are still sprouting their nonsense.


    This is their last chance.


    President Sharif fails. It's light out.

  2. We have finally a President who we can all be proud off.


    He is a not a Killer

    He is not a Warlord

    He has not sold out his country


    He thinks with his head

    He is pious and educated

    He care about ordinary people.


    That is President Sharif

    I'm proud to call him my President for the first ever time.


    Time to stop the bickering and name calling.


    The nation is in ruins and we come last in nearly every international standard.


    Our message is clear. Now that the war is over, we must rebuild the country on a much fairer basis. We must rebuild the infrastructure and educate a generation of people lost. There must be an equitable redistribution of Somalia'sresources. This must be a redistribution of funds on a just basis, so that the whole country will benefit from the country's revenues.

  3. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*:

    Coincidence my as*s. I’m sure he will get an earful of advise and instructions. Regardless of his personal view, he has to go through the motions.


    I don't see the point of him going to the meetings at this stage. His attention is looking in the wrong direction and will run the danger of being yet again another president who only has an empty title. It would be in his advantage to start drawing the different fractions together while people are still excited about his prospect of achieving something.

    Stop the bickering and name calling. It is time to rebuild. We had enough of you people.

  4. I look forward as I'm sure all of you here for Sheikh Sharif to be the next Somali President. The Shekh is a good man who has the vision and leadership qualities to bring order and growth to our sorry nation.


    Sheikh Sharif for President

  5. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

    Seperation of religion and Politics is not possible, but we have to be able to borrow from politics what is compatible with the tenets of our religion. It was Sheikh Abul Hamid who said that Philosophy goes upward and is frustrated whereas religion goes downward from Heaven and leads to truth and a meaningful understanding of the purpose of life.

    Of course it is possible and it is a must. I can live under a benevolent one party rule as long as it develops the country but a Islamic theocracy that worships Arab cultural domination over anything else is simply not acceptable.


    I refuse to be a slave to arabs.

  6. The IRI has nothing to do with the US Republican party. It's a non-partisan organization. That's at least how it describes itself.


    This is just the kind of development that should really be applauded. The concept of open society is integral to a successful switched on member of this globalized world.


    Openness, transparency encourages citizen participation, makes for a more peaceful state and encourages outside foreign investment.


  7. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

    Your such a weak coward, instead of standing by your country in it's darkest hour your proposing we should adapt a new sobriquet? A vietnamese kid today will hear horrible stories from his parents and how they and their parents(the kid's grandparents) suffered brutally in prison camps during the Vietcong/US war but the war-generation of Vietnam didn't abandon like cowards their country in it's darkest hour


    they didn't propose stup-i-d idea's like new labels to prostitute the country to the same powers they are fighting, they instead decided then and there the next generation would not experience the same disgusting situations they experienced


    They drove out the aggressors and collaborators - Didn't give two sh1ts about what the world thought about them or what their ''image'' was - They rebuild there country and established trade relations with alternative powers and look at the difference:




















    Vietnam was, is and allways will be Vietnam - isolated or not - ostracized or not - Vietnam is Vietnam and Somalia is Somalia - be a coward and hide behind pseudo clan States/new names every time something unflattering comes your way, it won't matter Somalia will rebuild with or without your help.

    You have me wrong. I'm not argiung for the state to be 'castrated'. Merely what should happen, if and when the guns are silent.


    There are huge rewards and benefits to be made if the country can leverage the globalized 'Starbucks' world we live in today.


    How best to tap into that? One way would be to yes to 'brand' the country. Change the name of the state, change the capital.

    Change the name of Mogadishu to Hamar and instead make it a 'heritage' city once it can be cleaned up.


    Bring in a strict style and design astethtic of the country that can easily 'brand' it. Lots can be done.

  8. Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

    quote:Originally posted by peacenow:

    What I refer to is the name of the country, it's symbols, the name of the capital, the flag.

    Say all the above is done, what do we do about the people? Change them too? Or they will automatically change once the names, symbols and flag are changed?


    We, as people, need to change our ways...It is 'us' who made Soomaalia what it is today...Soomaaliya waxba ma galabsan, dadkeedii baa inkaar heysataa!!!


    History can not be erased/changed, as much as we might want it to at times...
    Well the people will always be there. A new 'administration' will have to handle them. The other challenge is what happens the day after. What happens when the guns fall silent.

    Strategic thinking is needed in Somalia.


    Successful countries market themselves like a brand. Think chocolates and you think of Switzerland.

    Then this attracts- the tourists, the talented workers, the investors. More tax revenues. This in turn makes the country more 'open' and links it to the globalized economy.


    If they get the basics right. Like low tax's, small goverment, fiscal prudence and low corruption. The country can spring board to high growth rates for decades.


    That's why countries like Ireland have become rich in a short period of time. The Czech Republic is another good example.

    Of this strategy.


    Look at Singapore. It's airline company 'Singapore Airlines' is a virtual brand for the country. The better it does the better Singapore is viewed. This is not by accident. They planned this all out. The airline has a excellent reputation, because it is managed well and the service it provides. Trade off for Singapore is enormous.


    My question is how can we attract the people we need to attract to make all this possible. When the name 'Somalia, Baidoa and Mogadishu' don't comfort but frighthen anyone away.

  9. His name is Sulaimen Dualeh. He is a Somali millionaire property investor and his company is the well established London based -

    Integrated Property Investments Ltd.


    ''The company is flexing in preparation for entry into the market this year. The firm is seeking a dual listing in the Nairobi and Dar es Salaam stock exchanges.


    Managing Director, Mr Suleiman Dualeh told Real Estate that East Africa has developed a vibrant property market, which investors, both local and international, want to be part of. "We have applied to the Capital Markets Authority at the NSE and the Capital Market and Security Authority at the DSE for approval for the floatation of a REIT, and we are waiting feedback from them".


    We need more people like Mr. Dualeh.

  ... 1143989112


    His company website -

  10. Originally posted by Emperor:

    ^Good, so its about concepts, strategies and development, nothing to do with a brand name...


    So if Somalia is country that went throught one of the most horiffic difficulties and civil wars in recent history comes back, introduces good concepts, implements and develops strategies to become like Singapore or Malysia. Then it will be one of the most successful come backs with a colourful nation history, proves the resiliance and survival nature of the Somalis.


    I hope that day is coming sooner...


    There is nothing wrong or embaracing with going through a diffuculty, what is embaracing is not being able to figure out the solution, but that's not what you are saying, you are suggestion that we should completely abondon this name since we went through a problem. In fact, for me, its the case of what can't kill you makes you stronger, If Somalia gets back from the dust, it will get more stronger, resiliant, experienced, knowledgeable, stable and united as a result of the previous difficult. I can list all the good adjectives...

    Of course it is. Who can argue for a country to dissapear. It's crazy.


    Instead I'm talking about the imperative need to think strategically in a globalized world economy. What would attract Foreign direct investment and talent. Not to mention tourists to the new state?