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Posts posted by Peacenow

  1. Let me ask you, where in the world is most of the world prostitutes living in? It's not Bangkok it is Dubai. You can pick and mix there and have your choice of hookers of any kind. Russian, Kazakh, Moroccan, you will find them all there.


    I remember my own experience of this in March 2005 in Bahrain. I checked into a hotel downtown. It wasn't a cheap hotel, it was a three star one. Minutes after being in the room and starting to unpack my luggage, i heard the door ring.

    It was a 6 feet thai 'women' at least that is what I thought 'she' was. Probably a 'he'. Dressed in a skimpy black lace dress dress. I knew what she wanted but i was disgusted and insulted. I slammed the door shut and called reception. The filipino women manning the desk didn't want to hear my angry outburst so i went dowsstairs. Next to a sleazy looking lebanese 'security guard' i gave them a mouthful. But I think they heard these things before. No doubt they sent them.


    And not a word is said about it. The arabs have their paki slaves to do their dirty work and spread chaos around the world instead as they are doing now in Somalia. Israel or America is the devil but their hyprocrisy and hate is never questioned.

  2. Thank you to Meiji. With sane and rational people like that, there is some hop yet.


    I believe the arabs do this on purpose. Let me ask you, where in the world is most of the world prostitutes living in? It's not Bangkok it is Dubai. You can pick and mix there and have your choice of hookers of any kind. And not a word is said about it. Israel or America is the devil but their hyprocrisy and hate is never questioned.

  3. Originally posted by Somali Pirate:

    wow. look at the cheering hyenas on here. christian forces to attack somalis in their own country. well done somalis. well done.


    how low have the mighty sunk to. where on earth will you get foreign christians to attack people living in their own countries? just like afghanistan.


    i am ashamed to be a somali. when i see the hyenas on this forum cheering on like this. do you these fools realise that the AU don't give a damn about somalis at all? the whole thing is game to them. divide and rule. and as usual somalis fall for it.


    i only hope to Allah that these filthy kuffar and their munafiq allies are expelled from somalia.

    And where do you live? In a gaalo country where the white man feeds and clothes you. You certainly don't live in a muslim country as it would be too hell for you.

  4. Originally posted by chubacka:

    Firstly pls do share where you get these very nicely rounded statistics, it would make an interesting read.


    Secondly you need to make your angst clear, are you angry that apparently high numbers of somalis are in receipt of state benefit in the UK or that somali ppl apparently have a devotion to arabs?


    how are the two connected?


    Your point is lost amongst the mindless ranting and raving.

    The research comes from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) members/download.asp ?f=/ecomm/files/brit ains_migrants.pdf


    Read it and weep at the pitiful state your arab devotion got you.

  5. Originally posted by chubacka:

    Also interesting to know why this man is in Saudi jails in the first place.



    very depressing. However the connection between the corruption of the Saudi prison system and somali people in the west is not very clear Mr Peacenow.

    The connection is very real. 80% of somalis in UK are on the benefits. The highest percentage of any group. 40% get public housing. Also the highest. These are the facts. It is known the high birth rates is due to people knowing they will get child benefit. The sole reasons. This is a people who have deginirated beyond repair.


    All of this from the charity of the gaalo white man. What do the arabs do that serves on the other hand blind servitude to them.

  6. 1. People who dress head to toes and worship arabs but the arabs wear whatever they want.

    2. People who say 'gaalo' this and that but queue up for his benefits and handouts.

    3. Those more concerned about iraqis and palestinians not for hungry children in somalia.

    4. Those who think they are superior than blacks when they are the poorest and most despised of all nations.

  7. This is a great thread. Thank you for bringing this issue.

    As you know i'm against the Arab influence mainly because for a poor country like ours it is a negative influence to growth and development the country needs. Without the luxury of having oil this is a crippling legacy that has to be currtailed and rolled back. By force if necessary. Whichever way, arabs and their cultural influence has been nothing but a disaster.