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Everything posted by Peacenow

  1. I'm starting to really worry about Obama. I fear he may be a disaster waiting to unload. I'm increasingly believing that he may be completely out of his depth in this role. I fear that his ego and mania maybe to big for this job. Has he got the 'I'm great therefore I must be loved' disease. I fear so. He has spoken to rallies in Prague, Berlin, Cairo. Preaching world peace and love. But I fear this maybe the act of someone naive and not understanding of the dangerous and complex world. If he simply wants to be loved, then who will fear him? If he is not feared, where will his influence come from? If he has no influence, then what will he achieve? His plan to get government funded health care is in serious trouble in Congress. Remember how it would be passed by the August recess, then Labor Day? His energy tax is in trouble. He's made no progress on Iran or North Korea. He's made no progress on peace in the Middle East. His stimulus plan's success is limited at best, and of highly dubious long term effectiveness. All the Secretary of the Treasury can say is that things were worse a year ago, worse when he took office. The cash for clunkers program that ended seems to have confirmed its worst critics complaint about it, it merely accelerated purchases that would have happened anyway. He hasn't pulled out of Iraq, his own General says he's in grave jeopardy of losing in Afghanistan, he gets only lip service from America's fair weather allies in NATO, he's been snubbed by the Russians, by the Venezuelans, by Iran, can't close GITMO as promised because he has no place to put the prisoners (exactly what Bush said) and now he goes to Denmark to get the Olympic games for Chicago and loses that too. So in this global village, where is the world's number one community organizer?
  2. Very interesting programme. Make sure you download the mp3 to hear the programme. Dr. Samatar gives a historical account of recent events in Somalia. archive/id/54586
  3. I'm very sad at this. My condolences to his family. He was a great man.
  4. 22000 people every year in Japan kill themselves. The statistics in Somalia do not reflect a great problem.
  5. We need to ask ourselves not only what he is doing. Look at all of us. Our behind is so warm and comfy that we just speculate all the time and hope for the best. At least he is out there doing something. If we were Jews. The entire resources of millions of people would be channeled to making a go of Somalia.
  6. I wonder if the 'butter wouldn't melt' Europeans would think if they were to read data like this. About 100,000 Europeans flee Europe for job prospects in Angola. Angolan Riches Lure New Wave of Workers Portuguese Professionals Flee the Downturn for Former Colony's Fast Growth; 'Anything Can Happen Here' m/article/SB12540963 0023845069.html
  7. Wonderful. Today is a great day because of this. I like how they present themselves and are professional.
  8. It was a great raid. Thank you America now please go after the others.
  9. I just checked the Wiki page on Yemen. http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Yemen It's just as much of a toilet hole as our country. 23 million of them living on just $1181. We both dwell on the scrap heap and it's kinda comforting that we are not the only one in it.
  10. What I hate intensely is the cultural domination of the Arab Islamic practices on the Somalis and as a consequence the handicap the nation faces in adjusting and fitting into a modern globalized world. I see no future that has these cultutral ways but not the natural means to easily achieve it There is no mass reserves of oil and natural gas as the obtuse arabs have that would enable any of us to work ie: 'Go to the Mall' nor the protestant work ethic of the white people's that enable them to quickly organize themselves and grow. Or even to a much lesser extent, without the cultural legacy and backone of somewhat industralization that the Turks or Indonesians have. Ie: Once and 'if' this war is ever over we are well and truly shafted again. The real goal is to achieve full integration into the world economy i.e You show up in passport control with a Somali passport and you are merely waved through without suspicion. Well how do we achieve all of this when hordes of our women have decided to be more whahabbist attired than any arab women and the average man sleeps all day only to wake for his Qat and dream of some kind of starry and fictional international brotherhood of arabs and blacks.
  11. Does this notion get you at all starry eyed and with that warm feeling inside??? Well it lies at the heart of the failure of the Somali people and abject humiliation they present live in. This is a emerging threat for the present and the future and I saw it coming. Thousands of hordes of failed Somali men with passports of civilized countries with this romantic notion of the 'international islamic brotherhood' of brown and black in them. That exists in their imagination. They are perfect terrorist fodder. They will be the sole world's terrorists for decades to come. Forget the Pakis, this group is the one to watch.
  12. This is a emerging threat for the present and the future and I saw it coming. Thousands of hordes of failed Somali men with passports of civilized countries with this romantic notion of the 'international islamic brotherhood' of brown and black in them. That exists in their imagination. They are perfect terrorist fodder. They will be the sole world's terrorists for decades to come. Forget the Pakis, this group is the one to watch.
  13. Originally posted by MoonLight1: quote: Christians in Egypt and Syria don't have the life opportunity and tolerance that you enjoy. Again your showing your blind ignorance, there are five christian high profile ministers in the Egyptian government, there are countless christian ministers in syria, the top 10 billioneirs of Egypt most of them are coptic christians, they have their own churchs, and temples, they are full citizens in their own countries, OK Mr Peacenow there are nearly 20million muslims in west Europe, and show me a high rofile minister. by the meantime when did they buptise you,and did they give you the holy bread yet? your sheer hatered for muslims is absolutely crazy. Not true at all. The Christians of the Middle East are rapidly declining and many are packing up to leave for other shores. Where Iraq had a flourishing community of them there is less and less. 5 Christian ministers what does that mean? Egypt is a one man show for the past 30 years. Lebanon is mandated to have a Christian President but it is the Prime Minister who has the power and he has to be a muslim. Don't kid yourself and you don't fool me. I know everything about arabs. Which is way i have nothing but contempt for them. The hypocrisy and the lies. The sewer that you islamists live. Drawing your twice weekly 'Job Seekers Allowance' the tolerant British furnish you with (and I know that cause a report, says that 80% of you in UK are on benefits) while you spew arab mandated hatred and chaos against those less fortunate than you.
  14. Originally posted by MoonLight1: This shows your ignorance and lack of sense of humour, I said this as a sarcastic way. But I live well, and I get treated well in the NHS, I Thank the British government for that, although I am a tax payer, but remember millions of christians are treated daily in the Egyptian, the Syrian, and so many Islamic NHSs for free. My brotherly advice to you Mr Peace, don't sell your religion with few pounds and a free NHS. Christians in Egypt and Syria don't have the life opportunity and tolerance that you enjoy. All of this in this white man's land. This most hated of specimens who is of of course a 'gaalo'. Your hyprocrisy is immense but when you arab worshipper are faced with facts you crumble.
  15. Originally posted by peacenow: quote:Originally posted by MoonLight1: War ninyohow yaan lagu qarxin ee iska aamu. How is the Christiajn White man's NHS and Allowance in London treating you. You live well? If you wrote from Saudi Arabia. I would have more respect for you. Worthless hypocrite living easy in a white man christian land.
  16. Originally posted by MoonLight1: War ninyohow yaan lagu qarxin ee iska aamu. How is the Christiajn White man's NHS and Allowance in London treating you. You live well?
  17. Poor African heroes doing their good job dying at the hands of the worthless arab worshippers. These poor soldiers did not choose to come to that hellhole. They were sent there and they are doing a vital job. Your help will never be forgotten. Time and again we have the armchair islamists living on hand outs from the white man in his safe countries wishing misery others. You are as worthless as those you support.
  18. Poor African heroes doing their good job dying at the hands of the worthless arab worshippers. These poor soldiers did not choose to come to that hellhole. They were sent there and they are doing a vital job. Time and again we have the armchair islamists living on hand outs from the white man in his safe countries wishing misery others. You are as worthless as those you support.
  19. Our President was born in January 1966.
  20. Please tell me this is true as it will be a happy day for me.
  21. What the government needs is money and lots of it. Imagine of the government were to offer a amnesty program and offered money for the return of guns. And then more money to intice those who are against it to join it. As the same time, a national force emerges, less money will be needed and the government then needs to outreach to the community to win hearts and minds.
  22. In Somalia, a Leader Is Raising Hopes for Stability http://www.nytimes.c om/2009/09/17/world/ africa/17somalia.htm l?ref=global-home&pa gewanted=all
  23. I'm telling the truth. I live in a free country and I will use my right.