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Posts posted by Peacenow

  1. Arabs rise up in anger against presence of somalis

    Tensions are rising and Yemenis have had enough.

    But whatever happened to Muslim brotherhood??

    Social problems and tens of thousands of refugees have caused many to beg openly, steal and now women are selling their bodies.


    "What choices do we have?" asks one woman. "When you are hungry women must prostitute themselves and men must steal."


    Yemen's forgotten refugee crisis.


  2. The crest has fallen. Utter Utter embarrassment. Shock horror Arabs now accuse Somalis of bringing in Aids in Yemen.


    What a shame. Utter humiliation and rejection by their Arab masters. Read this and weep; Whites debating how even they should be getting rid of welfare dependent useless Somalis out of the UK.


    Yemen's forgotten refugee crisis.


  3. I'm pointing out the utter hypocrisies of these people. They hate the 'gaalo' yet they take his money, his dole out money. Yet depend on him for everything .......his medicines, his technology, his expertise.


    A people with no dignity, no shame, no country, no nothing.

    The writer V.S Naipaul wrote the book 'Amongst the Believers' it was ahead of it's time and describes Somalia perfectly today.

  4. I him to tell me why he preaches sundry and hate against a peaceful and tolerant people like the anglo-saxons.


    He lives amongst them, take their money, their benevolance and then speaks bad of them.


    He disgusts me. You disgust me.


    You are no man. A man has dignity. He walks the street with his face held high.


    But what do you have?

  5. I him to tell me why he preaches sundry and hate against a peaceful and tolerant people like the anglo-saxons.


    He lives amongst them, take their money, their benevolance and then speaks bad of them.


    He disgusts me. You disgust me.


    You are no man. A man has dignity. He walks the street with his face held high.


    But what do you have?

  6. Once you moved to a muslim country (one that will accept your black hide) and which allows you to prosper and flourish, live then i can respect you.


    But the truth is that not a single muslim society allows you offers you.


    It's a empty shell and I awoke to the hypocrisy.

  7. Once you moved to a muslim country (one that will accept your black hide) and which allows you to prosper and flourish, live then i can respect you.


    But the truth is that not a single muslim society allows you offers you.


    It's a empty shell and I awoke to the hypocrisy.