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Everything posted by ProudSista

  1. Sista hustla...your smart and i like the way you think and everytime i read your post's i learn someting from you...may god bless you and your beautifull familie and let me tell ya this your the sister i have alwayz want...mac mac abayoo!! Let me say this in japanese i know a few words and this is for you macantoo!(Aishiteru) I love you...much love!
  2. Wow... this sure takes ages to download,hope it's worth waiting for...oooooooh god what on earth name is this? loooooooooooooolz give me a brake will you,DmX wannabez why the hell don't they just sing in somalian or rap in somali huh. What is wrong whis that.! :eek:
  3. My Eid was great i had heaps of halwooo...All though i missed my familie,all i can say is Alhamdulilah...Eid MUbarak toooooo all of youz...have some halwoo and more halwoo!! :rolleyes:
  4. You sure make me laugh sista hustla! Beautifull it really touched my heart nice to know we have proud sista's in the house. Sista Xalimo beautifull name, tell me sis blessed whis a beautifull voice you must be talking about me huh...I don't wonna show of but bless me i have the most beautifull voice alhamdulilah. And whis my drama talent lolz i can play in Qabyo three... wink wink Where ma proud sista's @ huh holla back !
  5. salaamz Oh heaven my new year resolution? That would be my education, i have been working so hard for this only god knows.....yeah so that's it finishing what i have started and am looking forward to it inshAllah. Wa/salaamz
  6. May they rest in peace InshAllah. For they are whis Allah swt.
  7. Dead resting in peace inshAllah! :rolleyes: ! Amiin!!
  8. I believe that he's dead yeap dead is dead can be! And talking about dead ppl is not a nice thing to do you. You know so don't you?
  9. I believe that he's dead yeap dead is dead can be! And talking about dead ppl is not a nice thing to do you. You know so don't you?
  10. I believe that he's dead yeap dead is dead can be! And talking about dead ppl is not a nice thing to do you. You know so don't you?
  11. I believe that he's dead yeap dead is dead can be! And talking about dead ppl is not a nice thing to do you. You know so don't you?
  12. May allah forgive her for doing such deed! and may she rest in peace....Amiin, amiin ya Allah. lady hustla thanx for the nice du'aa may Allah reward you for going what he loves most godbless!
  13. May allah forgive her for doing such deed! and may she rest in peace....Amiin, amiin ya Allah. lady hustla thanx for the nice du'aa may Allah reward you for going what he loves most godbless!
  14. Slaamz well,well mmmm let me tell ya this sista Maliaka maybe you trying to hard to find don't, cause that way you will never find . I wish you all the best aboyoo.... !!
  15. Slaaamz Ok let me speak my mind. I have alot of experience whis music and am a singer and a song writer myself i do alot of rapping myself am on my way to the propz and i think that your great abowee keep the good work aight and don't let anyone have bad enfluence ya in a bad way ok so hope to see you on stage some day lolz!! Female gangiiztarrad don't hate him cause he's good and leave the Jesus part out next time, it really doesn't make any sense. Don't bring any prothet's name in here cause you don't have the right to, don't hate me am just being real! mac/salamz
  16. Slaaamz Ok let me speak my mind. I have alot of experience whis music and am a singer and a song writer myself i do alot of rapping myself am on my way to the propz and i think that your great abowee keep the good work aight and don't let anyone have bad enfluence ya in a bad way ok so hope to see you on stage some day lolz!! Female gangiiztarrad don't hate him cause he's good and leave the Jesus part out next time, it really doesn't make any sense. Don't bring any prothet's name in here cause you don't have the right to, don't hate me am just being real! mac/salamz
  17. Slaaamz Ok let me speak my mind. I have alot of experience whis music and am a singer and a song writer myself i do alot of rapping myself am on my way to the propz and i think that your great abowee keep the good work aight and don't let anyone have bad enfluence ya in a bad way ok so hope to see you on stage some day lolz!! Female gangiiztarrad don't hate him cause he's good and leave the Jesus part out next time, it really doesn't make any sense. Don't bring any prothet's name in here cause you don't have the right to, don't hate me am just being real! mac/salamz
  18. Slaaamz Ok let me speak my mind. I have alot of experience whis music and am a singer and a song writer myself i do alot of rapping myself am on my way to the propz and i think that your great abowee keep the good work aight and don't let anyone have bad enfluence ya in a bad way ok so hope to see you on stage some day lolz!! Female gangiiztarrad don't hate him cause he's good and leave the Jesus part out next time, it really doesn't make any sense. Don't bring any prothet's name in here cause you don't have the right to, don't hate me am just being real! mac/salamz