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Posts posted by ProudSista

  1. Salaamz


    I bet she is qatar brotha ladiif

    And proud too,ManshAllah!

    InshAllah Am looking forward to meet her on the stage someday!


    Brotha Taqwa you wonna tell me you would not dance on a familie party cause that's where the sista is dancing at....ooh yeah or was you a sheekh huh!! :mad:

    And yeah i like dancing will that make me less or more muslimah then i all ready am!!

    And who is there to judge me or Nimco Allah or Taqwa yeah IStaqFurulah...!


    That worth heaps off respect brotha boycott but it's not in every ones eyes ! :rolleyes:



  2. Salaamz




    I do not agree with my mum or grandmum on circumcising,but it's what they believe in and i don't!

    I don't think that circumcising a girl will keep her virgin in this case that's what mum's think who do this to her girls!!



  3. Slaamz


    I have seen heaps off Somali men crying.

    I even had this brotha crying cause we had to brake up and he sarted to cry....


    I would say that women are good in hiding the feelings not men not anymore i mean iff your talking about the past i would agree,but now women are stronger in somewayz!!



  4. Salaamz

    ManshAllah this truly is beautiful am happy to see proudSista's keeping there head up.


    Brotha Ladiif you said sista nimco might even run for presidency in somali one day.

    InshAllah I hope to chalange her on that ;) .


    Sista Nafisa Ameen May Allah hear your prayer's inShAllah.


    Much love to my Muslim Ummah



  5. Salaam


    "Sister proudsista your ideas are too bright but Naive, many somali loved Bros & sis are end up with silent or do what you can do and that's it."


    Who do you think you are? And please Don't you tell me that am Naive or my thought's are Naive.

    I have every right to say what i wonna say and iff you don't like it THEN DON"T READ IT!! :mad:


    Sheymen your out off the list your the worst Somalia is what DEAD....Brotha SOMALIA is a live and iff your to blind to see than open your eyes your a sleep !


    Until a man/women rises on his own talents, takes PRIDE in his OWN HISTORY, expresses his own CULTURE, and affirms his own selfhood, he will never fulfill himself"

    Malcom X


    And i do believe in this!!



  6. Salaamz


    Am sorry to hear this brotha Guevara.

    Sista Nafisa you said it beautifully we are the new generation with fresh mind's but what makes you say we'er tired and that we have failed i have done nothing wrong so did you,am sorry but am just getting started and so are many other somalians.....!!!!!

    I believe in the new generation and i believe in Somalia more and ever befor and please have faith in Allah and your mother land don't let us down we need every one we need to unit and make some change's inShAllah!

    May god be with us Ameen!


  7. Salaamz


    Hi everyone Am sista proud stay proud alwayz!

    Brotha Macruuf for an 100year's your still going good, to you stay healthy alwasyz...hihi!


    Much Love to my fellow Normads!!

  8. Salaamz


    I believe in miraculous!

    Oh yeah am whis ya sis magic of Love,but how come you say that there is no reason to love? There is a reason to love.

    I don't think that there is a reason to hate,but you can love a person for heaps off reason's!


    Much love macantoo am out!

  9. Salaam


    ManshAllah i could talk forever

    but,here just a few!

    I would wonna pack right away and leave, cause off the weather.

    I have seen to much snow,i would love the go back home where it's nice and warm all the time!

    Oh i wonder how it would look like iff i was home? Somalis here and somalis there, i guess i would see my favourite colour every where!

    And knowing that ever one is a muslim back home makes everything much more beautifull....The ppl who life next door to us are chinese..And back home you would not have to worry about that cause ever one is your brotha and your sister...!

    Home sweet home! :rolleyes:

    Nice topic brotha ladiif!

  10. Salaamz


    Oh lord this is sweet.

    Sista understood are these real facts of life?

    I can't believe that someone would die for me...and you said @least 5 love me that much....talking about love i had much of a bad luck but thankx anywayz macantoo i keep this in mind! smile.gif

    p.s Yes i have told a few how i felt about them and this is what i've got :D ..i reather keep it to myself cause ones they know hell brakes :( !

  11. salaamz


    Yes i care about the environment,Sorry to say that i don't really do much to help,mm i have never planted a tree or something like that. Does that make me any good or bad for the environment?Iff yes then i geuss i have to start planting something,i'll start whis alittel one ok and i'll try harder in the future inShAllah.


  12. salaamz

    Hipo macantoo don't say that nooh, i admire you and everyone in here. Just because no one had mantioned your name does not maen, they don't like ya god knows maybe there are a few dieing to know ya lolz!


    My dearest of all is Lady-Hustla i admire you and i love you girl ....make some noise for her woooooooooow. well my dear sista hustla iff you see this then you know your truly blessed....i sure thank Allah for giving me the chance to know ya...Alhamdulilah!

    I love each and everone of u for the sake of Allah....Love don't hate smile.gif:D:D