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Everything posted by ProudSista

  1. Salaamz I don't know you walal,but hope it's ok for me to say Happy Birthday & many happy years to come InshAllah ! Wa/salaamz
  2. Salaamz Damn seems like i'm late to welcome you sis,Let me roll the red carpet for ya Welcome to s.o.l and have a fun stay macantoo. Much love &respect!!
  3. Salaamz Have you ever been unfaithful? Yeap How did you feel? fine I guess Have you ever been cheated on...? yes! How did you feel? good, For he told me the truth! Did you go or did you stay? I left) But he still is my very good freind! I would always forgive, but nah i would not forget, and from the past i've learned my leason! Nice topic sis! Much love!
  4. Salaamz people I most appreciate the Positive reponses I got for return. Now that I know that I'm not the only one who feels like being stuck in situation, I guess it's part of life to feel like that once in a while. Thanx for sharing your thoughts and your parts. Respect!
  5. salaamz people Have youz ever "Felt as if you was going, no where"?? As if you've never moved from the same place. Anywayz I was thinking maybe some people here feel me?? :confused: Holla back Much love
  6. Sup mali's I ain't scared of no Crocodiles, SPIDERS, rings or necklaces. I think their more scared of me then i am of them lols. But I'm more scared of the grave, the hereafter, the Judgement-day. Cause the fear we'll have that day is not to be compare with fear we've got in life . laterz!! :rolleyes:
  7. salaamz His name start's with a D.... And with him I wonna spend the rest of my living days with InshAllah Ameen!! If I may ask, Brotha Moti who's the lucky one?? "I like my goods to be brand new" Shyhem,mm lemma see, Oh so want a good wife never touched In fact never kissed Aye. Don't you think that good wifey your talking about wants a good men to be her husband huh?? Believe me I woulden't be to happy myself if some chick's would brag about having kissed my men, some hair would be flaying around for sure, and their not mine !! So catch youz later!!
  8. ProudSista


    sup-sweet_gal sister, school is important and plays a huge role in most societies as they all say "knowledge is power" WE all so know that people treat educated and uneducated people differently! I would say never give up and STAY in school! at least get a high school diploma"" Samiha: macantoo you stole these words from my mouth, I totally agree with ya, you said it perfectly manshAllah!! wink wink sweet_gal, sista samiha said it all!!
  9. Mad Scientist: I don't believe that you know how it feels to lose someone in a surgery, and you shoulden make fun of something that serious @ the first place. & no your not funny!!
  10. Salaamz ManshAlah, manshAlah nice know that youz would burn yourselves to light someone's life!! Yo but it's easier said then done na mean, and let's not hope that to Happen!! InshAllah may Allah, reward your love for your families, i'm sure i would not only burn for my muma but i would die for her. I love her alot, and may she rest in peace in life and hereafter!! Peace and love i'm out!!
  11. Nice topic Sheytan !!! I will holla @ the end! :rolleyes: Peace much love!!
  12. " Think that the somalilans ppl have some how forgoten their God and just acting like some lost souls.....ppl OBEY ALLAH" Fadde, who the hell you think you are to Judge us like that & Calling us lost souls?... :mad: Listen I don't need you to remind me of god, and please check yourself cause you got a big time paranoid. what an :eek: sssh!!
  13. Salaamz What Is next from Somalians, Besides Shame?? What does the story you've just told us about Abdi-Ahmed, Had to do with somalis? Ok he is somalish. But why do you need to critics somalis like that. Somalians got one shame and that Is that they don’t practice their religion as they should, but one of the 100 somalis got paranoid and is up to no good. Oh Brotha I think you where meant to say what is next for Abdi-Ahmed, besides shame?? Wa-salaam
  14. Salaamz Why should Nomads feel you??? wa/salaam
  15. sup sis I was suppose to laugh at this joke, not read my A$$ of... Come on sista by the time i'm finished reading i'm all tired up & almost a sleep....... God none of these Jokes work! :confused: peace try harder!
  16. Sup bro I took the time to read this Haystak, but brotha your not making no sence here & your scarring of momads writting this much! No hard feelings aight keep it real and keep it short!! much love!
  17. Salaamz I must say That your very smart, and many of the words that you use I had to look for in the Dictionary. ManshAllah I can see that you have big plans so do we all. May Allah help us achieve our goals in life InshAllah and may peace come in time! We all want to make differances in life, mean something to aother's at least that has always been my dream of life. I've come very far yet I don't feel I made a different, human huh we never know when to stop. Keep up the bright mind. Much love!
  18. Welcome aboard Sis Have a nice stay InshAllah and peace with ya! Much love!
  19. Salaamz Nomads Sista welcome to the site, have a nice stay inshAllah. I'm not sure by that sentence you just made, brotha's not respecting sista's with hijab,come on where ya @ sis? Cause here in NZ they die for a real Muslimah! Much love to u'll i'm out!
  20. salaamz brotha proJect Let me roll the red carpet for ya brotha, that's the way we do it in here aye welcome hope you have a great time InshAllah! Much love!
  21. Frist a warm Salaamz to my fellow Nomads, Long time no seen sista's & brotha's. And Brotha Millenium Nah Honestly I wouldn't change anything in my life this second, but hell yeah i would change something around the globe, most Important my home Somalia & if i could stop something from happening that would be this silly war. peace i'm out much love! PAKI girl please SHUT UP!
  22. Salaamz ManshAllah brotha Millenium,sista Naziha surly marriage in islam is blessed but yet is easier to aked on zina.....don't ask why cause i don't know myself! May Allah help his ummah inshAllah! wa^salaamz
  23. Slaamz Don't know what his plan is do you? He sure is up to now good! Wa^salaamz
  24. Salaaamz 1Muslimah 2Mixed somalian 3proud blackenes Nice order brotha khayr. Wa^salaam
  25. Salaamz You say that you care about Muslims oooh is that so, i don't think that you do brotha darman cause iff you do you would not post this topic you have. Now you have many mad muslims saying such thing i would shoot him and yeah him like they could. You have but some thought in to your brothers and sisters mind that is haraam, may allah forgive you for that you have!! Wa^salaamz