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Everything posted by ProudSista

  1. Brother'z & sisters i appreciate your open mind & your reply's may allah reward you all for that amiin. MIZZ-UNIQUE, well I did think about getting down my knees but i wasn't sure if the brother would faint on me Anyways now i know that their is nothing wrong with my act, InshAllah watch me scushh this "......." much love, i'm out!
  2. I know it's normally the men to ask his lady for the hand in marriage, but what if he isn't mentioning it to ya & you fear that things are starting to flame na mean...!! I'm speaking from experience here, well me & this brother we're getting a pit to close & since he kept telling me how much he loved me & so on...I made a move hello i really loved him back & since satan is near & far I asked him to marry me the right way InshAllah... For a while i had a felling, that i was right now am not sure anymore.. :confused: It's ok to go out on dates, to have fun probably even screw or be screwed but marriage seems to be an issue why? I'm not the type to full around & marriage is very important to me, but what is it that's wrong in my doings that just seems to freak out brother's when I open the marriage book... Anyways enough about moi, explain sister is it wrong for a women to ask a men for marriage if he isn't suggesting it & you truly care about him...??? I'm out for now Plz holla!
  3. Here goes my worst relationship ever,this shi* is sad guys... This brotha called Mo& me been kicking it for about a year when this incident happened. We supposed to go out, to see a movie that night just the two of us but he showed up with his best friend Nasir & so i was kind of mad @ him. So me getting dressed up, Mo comes in Tells me that he needes to talk to me about something very serious, I'm like what's up hun shot. So he goes honey you know i love & i'm like ok something bad is going on & So i freak out & told him to talk to me after the movie He agreed & while he was chit-chatting with Nasir waiting for me two get ready I called up my best friend so she could join us as well, so me & my baby could have some time for ourselves. Ok she was cool & soon she showed up. The movie was awesome & now we're on our way home, My girl-sandra kept asking me questions like "What if i did something to hurt you, would you forgive me?" I'm like yo if your sorry, i might, just please don't tell your messing with my men. We talk shit most of time so i never doubted her i was like she's just trying to piss me of aye, so i said what would you do if i messed around with your men.. She said i would forgive you & so we kissed & hugged & we're chit-chatting like that till we got home & i got curious so I called Mo over, so we could have a chat...Anyways so he tells me this, he kept saying this is really bad, i'm was like just don't tell me your gay anything else i can handle, honestly I couldn't look him in thee eyes as he told me this I've been messing around with sandra, i'm sorry honey...bla, bla, bla I had never spoken to sandra ever again & he's been dreaming to get me back ever since....NOT GOING TO HAPPEN... :mad: I guess that's why i'm still not to good with trusting people, cause ones your best mates screw you, men that's not good... Shuush i mean they've been kicking it the whole time, god they played me good..I felt so ****ed up Me typing this all got me crying yo, anyways peace i'm out!
  4. I got too many Favorites, so here I roll A very entertaining CLOWN & A rude person called RUDY!! SHYHEM & Darman: Which are very much alike & Interresting in a way! Opinionated & Harmonyangel: you two are just too kind.. SOULSEARCHER& kisha: My friends is that fair enough Silent-sistah: I got love for you girl Big mom: We all love mom's here & I got some Extra-love for you & ofcourse those i haven't mantioned, i got real love for everyone in S>O>L... Sista-LATEAFHA wink wink For the love of god, isn't anyone gonna Holla @ moi
  5. So far this is all i see *a women *A swan *a bird *a bear *a horse *a wolf *& not sure if it's a tiger or a lion The baby was so cool aye
  6. My advise to you walal be careful & enjoy every single moment their InshAllah Please do me a little favor... But some Sand in a plastic sag inshAllah & bring it with you. Let me know when your back then.... !! Have a save trip Carays Tata
  7. One night, a father passed by his son's room and heard his son praying: "God bless Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma. Ta ta, Grandpa." The father didn't quite know what this meant, but was glad his son was praying. The next morning, they found Grandpa dead on the floor of a heart attack. The father reassured himself that it was just a coincidence, but was still a bit spooked. The next night, he heard his son praying again: "God bless Mommy and Daddy. Ta ta, Grandma." The father was worried, but decided to wait until morning. Sure enough, the next morning Grandma was on the floor, dead of a heart attack. Really scared now, the father decided to wait outside his son's door the next night. And sure enough, the boy started to pray: "God bless Mommy. Ta ta, Daddy." Now the father was crapping his pants. He stayed up all night, and went to the doctor's early the next day to make sure his health was fine. When he finally came home, his wife was waiting on the porch. She said, "Thank God you're here -- we could really use your help! We found milkman dead on our porch this morning!"
  8. No one is an angle we all have dark secretes, big/small & the past makes us who we are today, so their Is no need to be shamed for aye! Talking about moi, i rather have no skeletons in my closet! LAT, you have a point their, keep perishing
  9. ProudSista

    3 +3+3+3+3

    Batuulo, try me hon i might get it!
  10. What's your favorite food?? Your favorite Dinner & dish! My fevorite dinner veggies stir frieze... Specially potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower, spinach stir frieze:D My favorite dish: Chocolate or Anything with loads of chocolate yummy!! Your turn.....
  11. scarry one OGUN all of that death,graves stuff
  12. I personally lie quite often, but i always tell the truth afterwards mostly! e.g when i'm on the phone with some guy & my sis asks me about it, mostly i say it's one of my chinese chick-friends. :rolleyes: Times i get in a fight, i've fell of a cliff:rolleyes: ! That's not a big lie, but how easy/hard does a lie come out of your mouth? Any liars in the house?? Holla!
  13. That kid is smarter then the teacher... I wonder what i was up to when i was 6years! Good one LATEAFHA!
  14. Yo rudy/Aaliyah It's just something i wrote ages ago, far from the way I fell now Alhamdulilah. we're human aye, we'll fell screwed sometimes! Anyways cheers for your reply's!! Peace i'm out!
  15. If I died, would you even know? Just one little bullet, one single blow. What am I to you, except a pain. If I were dead, you would probably gain. Am I the only one who feels this way? Should I go on to see another day? I'm confused, my life's a mess. With death, comes no stress. Would anyone even cry? I bet all eyes would stay dry. Sometimes I wish I could end it- If death was meant for me... I wish God would send it.
  16. I hate the way you always swear, the way you point @ me I hate the way you make me cry, the way you lose your mind I hate the way you always lie, the way you make it rime I hate the way you come home late,& the fact you didn't call I hate the way you fall a sleep, I hate it when you snore I hate the way you bring your friends, & the fact they flirt with me I hate the way you always fight, the way you think it's fly I hate the way you say *macantoo* just when you want me too When mostly I hate the way I hate you! OOps i left out something, now youz can enjoy!
  17. I hate the way you always swear, the way you point @ me I hate the way you make me cry, the way you lose your mind I hate the way you always lie, the way you make it rime I hate the way you come home late,& the fact you didn't call I hate the way you fall a sleep, I hate it when you snore I hate the way you bring your friends, & the fact they flirt with me I hate the way you say *macantoo* just when you want me too When mostly I hate the way I hate you! This is a little something I wrote, right before I finished watching that movie: *10things I hate about you* I Hope you guy's enjoy it! Holla!
  18. ProudSista

    3 +3+3+3+3

    I wish i could read that.... :confused:
  19. I *Heart* george bush???? I reckon you was going to say,I*Hate*aye! I don't love that freak, but i don't hate him neither. I believe he's been up to no good so far as a president, but i don't quite understand this whole presidency stuff! Anyways good luck with your debate, but i don't think you'll find people to disagree with you!! I'm out!
  20. I've heard from people that if one doesn't get jealous @ all, that's it's a sign of Evil. That freaks me out though cause that would make me a total evil-person, anyways thanks for the replys y'll much apprecitted. Yo kisha seems like i've seen that movie, it's freaky cause i still don't get how far jealousy can drive one, it's like a force you can't fight... !! I was wondering though what Islam say's about Jealousy mac mac kish, bye youz! Haters get a life... !
  21. ProudSista


    What you think of jealous people? I can't stand a jealous men!! What would a married person get jealous for, I understand they're married they got the person for themselves & yet some are raped in jealousy!! I can't remember being jealous for ones in life, so any nomads who are jealous explain to me why one would wonna get jealous> :confused: :rolleyes: Holla!
  22. Guys what's the deal if i'm not rude of askin??? :confused: :rolleyes:
  23. May Allah guide Youz on the way!! & don't forget to have fun! bye....
  24. Kisha-cade tell me your not listening to them? Come on your not leaving cause of what those freaks said. Girl I know your so much stronger, the this. I'll holla @ you later & don't you dare leaving me!! Smile
  25. I'm not going to kill no one JIDAAWY !!! Gosh what's the problem people!!