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Everything posted by ProudSista

  1. lol @lucky girl your funny, but since your not a VIOLENT person won't you let me have the favor just give me their names i make them sorry they've ever bothered you..?? catch ya round sometimes!
  2. kisha damn gal why would you wonna tell that it's copied lol.. anyways i love you back darling & yeah your right with the message guess you copied it from somewhere too Thanks walashis Batuulo cheeres Nubian_Gurl Lefty thankiis
  3. originally posted by ilhaan003sistah My question is will peace ever be possible or shall we let our people live one country to another and suffer more. I honestly think peace is possible, i also believe that our issue with clan has also become less important during these years. I've had a chance to get to know so many great somali people & all from different clans/tribes it's so interesting cause i learned that the war had different inflicts on different people, for me i was devastated mostly cause i had lost families but some had learn a lesson instead. Many people have told me that before the war they had disrespected & judge so many others but now they say what matters most is that we all are Somalia's it doesn't matter whether he's from a small clan or related to the president himself. I believe many good has come from this war as well lots of destruction but mostly i'm great full to Allah(swt) for giving us all a second chance, i believe that we as So Malians have made a mistake & surely we have paid the prize with many lives but we also have learned & inshAllah i hope the next president/presidentian can for come such an act from happening amiin!! I hope i was able to answer your question sis! i'm out for now!
  4. This is how the story continues The men who'd slept with the girl, felt horrible& deceived by the shytan. He was terrified what might happen if the brother returned & would find out how he had committed such crime he also feared that the girl might be pregnant he broke down not knowing what to do.. Shytan appeared laughing, he said this.. Well i have an idea...but the men who was not on his clear mind, said what? Well said the shaytan you could get ride of her, or you can wait till she brings a child.. get ride of her?? How your not asking me of, no i couldn't possibly kill her Nooo i couldn't, but wouldn't the brothers find out?? Of course not you will burry her, no one will know! What will i tell the brothers?? tell them she'd run away, it's ok they will believe you, many girls run way.. But won't they look for her?? of course but soon they'll think that she doesn't wonna be found & so they'll give up hope.. when should i do, kill her asked the men?? Do it when it get's dark, take her for a walk, then cut her throat, that way she'll die quicker.. Soon it was dark & the girl who felt quite comfortable with the men accepted to go for a walk, somewhere where no one could see & where he had already digged a hole so he finished her of by cutting her throat then bearing her! The men who was sure he had solved his problem, finally went on with his life as if nothing ever happened. Soon of course the brothers returned & asked for their sister, the men who was known for his honesty & legality said she'd run way, the brothers didn't question him twice as they left sadden, surely one of the boys dreamed about his sister & how all of it had happen pulse her grave.. Now it was a metter of time as the two brother digged & as he dreamed there was their sister inside with open throat. Now they've found out the truth, the men had confessed as well & he was scented to death.....!! The message in story..???
  5. 2 Brother came to a religious men one day & they ask him to look after their sister the men refused but the brothers begged him so he said inshAllah, the brother left knowing the men was Allah fearing so he'd never harm their sister. So the men made sure the girl had plenty of food as he would knock the door & leave food @ her door step, so he did a couple of times as one day he had a visit from the shytan himself saying your such a horrible person.. The men of course asked why? the shaytan replied, how can you keep the poor girl locked indoor while your enjoying the sun yourself.. The men who wasn't sure what to say, said why would i listen to you shytan? the saytan soon said, she can always wear a nigaap that way she can enjoy the sun & you wouldn't have to worry about her look.. The men thought that was a good idea & soon told the girl she could come outside & enjoy the sun only if she was totally covered up even her face. So she did that & came outside & the men would tell her to go inside when the sun would set, this kept going on for a while as the shytan apaird to the men again & told him this.. would you want to see her face, just her face The men said no! Since the men wasn't falling for temptation, he said this... poor girl i'm sure she is burning, that black thing on her face just imagine something on your face .. the men said what you care shytan? I don't because she is not under my protection, your treating her badly i'm sure her brothers wouldn't be to happy with your act... The men got up & asked the girl how she would like to wear the thing, she said my ok but if it wasn't a big deal she would like to uncover her face he allowed her & soon he left her side. Soon the shytan came to the men & told him this.. Isn't she beautiful wouldn't want to see her legs, i think she likes you, see the way she smiled @ you The men started to talk to the girl, he liked the way she laughed, the way she looked @ him & turned away from him of shyness & he wondered how nice she would look in a dress so he told her to wear a normal dress & the girl who felt comfortable did so. Now the two became friends eat & laugh together shytan came ones more this time zina was is intention & he achieved his goals. Wonna know the rest of the story holla people...
  6. Hell yeah lucky, might teach ya few tricks someday, depends if you enjoy braking bones or not though lol :cool: Gotta go catch ya some other times
  7. Stop playin with da song girl
  8. Originally posted by SHAKA ZULU I thought you knew it by now since you're a woman not a girl anymore. Was that gonna make me laugh shaka cause i'm not feeling the trill nooh :confused:
  9. Damn wifey you've got bro, you write her this & when you kiss her she slapped ya wow. Now i'm confused what you doing wrong..?? :confused: fill me in nooh
  10. P.S Love is Sweet but it can turn into a Bitter fruit and Painful Experience Once you Underestimate it. Tell me about shaka
  11. You guys are so funny walahi. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar i would scream MAAMIIIIIIIIIIIIII but since my mum would be scared herself i'd reckon daddyyyyyyy would work out for me, cause i know he'd probably check every where & then i can sleep in peace.. We'd lived in a house near a old cemetery ones, automatically as soon as it gets dark outside weird wind starts blowing from no where, walahi i used to not sleep @all. My cousin told me that dead people would come & visit their families, i used to wait for some kind of relatives to just walk in ma room, but i was so young & sad it still gives me chills. Yo Jawahiir, nice one but just think about some freak walking dowm your stairs saying sure i'd like milk with mine plz ooh lord you'd probably turn to milk i'd reckon cheeers for all your replys guys much love i'm out
  12. I think i heard a song, Saayid mohmed something Me notto know him though, anyways may he rest in peace InshAllah! I'm out
  13. I don't know, i've falling in love so many times, that i'm confused whether it was love or something else :confused: I'm not trying to scare you of hun but love is really confusing & complicating, you can get blinded by that person almost causes you to ignore the whole wide world, it can cause you pain & worst your so weak by love walahi that person could brake your heart just by looking badly @ you. Falling in love is easy, staying in love that's harder & keeping the brother is the harderst. Their is always something, guess Their ani't such thing as profection after all? I guess it was love other wise i wouldn't have dwelled this much aye, but it's something really i wouldn't want to change the world for cause it made me stronger in a way i feel. So don't hold back give it your all & fall hard QUEEN Tata i'm out
  14. lol @ it touched my soul & heart kisha damn you girl i thought you had none do mutants have any? Just kidding hun but what's up with that "sh*t" i wish i had one like that? Girl don't you know that your my favorite here, your about to brake ma heart so you better take that back doll.. Lucky thanks for your reply much appreciated, by the way lucky used to be my high school nick, I did extreme stuff this & that :cool: cheers guyzzz i'm out
  15. What would you do if you was alone @ home & you'd hear voice/footsteps upstairs or in one of the rooms that claim to be empty? To make it a pit more interesting it's past midnight. I'd seen many horror movies where in this incident most people go & try to figer what's making that noise but in real life i'd reckon people would rather run out of the house but maybe it's just me. So plz feel free to holla & be honest...
  16. Their might be a pit more that i have to learn about your clan but don't you think imma fall for that lovers thing shak:D Originally posted by rudy some us need to stop whining and go hunting once in blue moon! just keep fishing till u get a bite!! it aint that hard I don't got the patience to wait for a bite rude, bring the god-damn food i'm hungry Intelligent guys: mm let me think i've dated a few & this is what i've came on with They like to show of their intelligence which is a pit annoying,kind of makes you fell dam then they claim to be romantic sure of course, don't forget jealousy thought was a sign of how much he care for me turn to be more complicated in the end had to defend myself from him. Kaafi with all the respect bro don't advise a lady to seek intelligence only cause that won't make a good brother!
  17. SHKA-ZULU are you 4real, cause in your history you don't seem to have known that many females lol hahhhaha shuush i'm kidding yo, i don't need the zulu clan to come after me i'm out
  18. Of all the friends I've ever met, You're the one I won't forget. And if I die Before you do I'll go to heaven And wait for you I'll give the angels Back their wings And risk the loss Of everything Just to prove My friendship is true I'm thankful to have a friend like you A freind wrote me this hope you guyz enjoy it aswell
  19. Since i'm already here let me drop of this.. They say you don't know what you've got till it's gone, what i'm trying to say here is if you still got love for the brother, then give him & yourself a second chance what you got to lose anyways.. Originally posted by nafta: Besides i have been told that he was quite serious about me, but hello it was way after it was over, what good will that do @ least you know he wasn't a playa & that he was serious about you. I think that you've got a good men their sis, so won't you holla @ him. all the best love!
  20. I've seen last year a few men smoking during Ramadan, sad huh! Back to me, Smoking been their done that! I've got more knowledge for pills though! *Ecstasy *XTC *LSD You can smoke herion too-Pixie But why don't we talk about Qaad since we're in the drug store already..?? Your call Simple Woman.. i'm out...
  21. I thought you was gone king, glad that your still around.. What's the deal behind the map, is this for incase we visit ya their ??
  22. How can a sister ever do that? I seriously sometimes think that girls who do that are either deprest ot depressed or somehow just plain CRAZY I'm not crazy or deprest MiZz_LeXuS, i guess am just inlove but I'll take that as a compliment. cheers people i'm out!
  23. proudson, your talking about making someone happier & doing something for them that they like, so your saying that's your way of showing your love.. Interesting but what is it that you'll do, that you know will make her happier..? Master Mafia, I see you got some love for flying-still but brother that ain't the way to win a women heart A-A :rolleyes: & talking about heat i would say your the one that's on fire.. AalTo, wish I could read that pit you just wrote, it sounds quite interesting
  24. If you couldn't use these words"I love you" What you reckon?? What other way would you use to express your love for that person you love the most? Do you reckon you could set your love stright without these words?? Just curious here.. Holla
  25. Their is nothing worse to me then finding out the brother was cheating on me...That would kill me :eek: :mad: :mad: I rather have him tell me i'm inlove with someone else i guess i can learn to get over him in time! I hope it doesn't happen to anyone inshAllah! That was my biggest fear! So i'm out!