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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. haa 4bn barrels of oil. Ma Soomaali baaba sii murmi lahayd.
  2. Ha kugu taagnaato Malika. Haweenay shan iyo toban buug aadan garanayn akhriyaysa guur aan ka la'aado.
  3. Good development. Hope whatever revenue is generated from this drilling not abused.
  4. Peace to all Somalis who in particular yearning for IT.
  5. NASSIR;775545 wrote: GREAT NEWS! I am glad that things are moving in te directon of unity and of sanguine outlook. It was Gandhi who said, "At first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win." The outcone of the Taleex convention shall change the history of Somalia for good. It already raised some eyebrows NASSIR. This movement is unstoppable.
  6. Cakuye - Aaliyyah, show maba barato Freedom who is suffering identical crises and complex inferiority.
  7. Ha kugu taagnaato. Live with your baseless, fakeness hatred. This community have spoken.
  8. SSC communities' finest hour. Khaatumo State will for sure alter the northern Somali political landscape for the better.
  9. Abtigiis baad u danleedahay. Ee daandaansiga jooji Ngonge-ow!
  10. Oh well. Fortunately, it is already taken and duplication of Somali states aint permitted.
  11. Carafaat;775347 wrote: Phd from which university? And what is his experience or qualification to become minister of foreign Affairs? Ask Ngonge he knows it.
  12. Great development indeed and Kudos to them. But I'm dissatisfied with the name. It is an Arabic name to begin with plus has no any distinct historical dimension correlated to the land it represents.
  13. Abtigiis --- As Ngonge used to say : It is just words ont he screen. I've to yet see the impact of the ciidanka qaranka ee "SL". They couldn't stop the meeting in Taleex and couldn't keep Buuhoodle. it was like a hot potatoes to them
  14. NASSIR: The naked agression of Siilaanyo's militia will not succeed. The northern Somalia is in transition for the better. The clan enclave will come to terms with reality sooner or later.
  15. It is irrelevant what if ina Farole writes.
  16. Kudos to the courteous, fearless Buuhoodle citizens. "SL" and with all its might have been tested once more. Rabbi xaqa ha tuso Siilaanyo iyo ciyaalka gacmaha reer Buuhoodle ku cadaabmaya.