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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Carafaat;780686 wrote: isnt Garowe closer? and doesnt Garowe have hospitals? Or does Faroole refuse medical help to wounded? Be selective the way you frame your questions Mr. Script.
  2. The heat finally caught them. Dare they go the extra mile and let their clansmen vacate the cities that ain't theirs.
  3. Dumarka baa mushkilada guurka daahaya ka mas'uul ah, waana inaan maxkamad la kornaa, hadday cambarka nagu adkayn lahaayeen dhibaatadan maanta kama wada hadaleen.
  4. Waa hagaag. Illeyn naf baxaysa, lama celin karo.
  5. Bal horta quraan dhurwaaga qolyahaaga ka soo dhaadhici. Abti, dabbaasha sii baro waa xirfad inaad u aydo u badan.
  6. RD: Haddaanu idinka adkaano idinku xagaad u guuraysaan? Ma baddaad isku shubaysaan?
  7. Hadalkii adaa dhameeyey, waa inoo gu'gan gu'giisa. Erigavo ilaa Buuhoodle anna waa ku tusi inay Khaatumo hoos timaado. Boqoradda Bilan-na faraha ha ku taagtaagin, waa haweenay belo ah oo ragga wax la qaybsata'e.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;780182 wrote: Red sea the Kalshaale territorial dispute is almost solved another clan gathering is needed to come to an agreement but the garaad clan was busy with the khaatumo thing in taleex but i am sure they are willing to come to the negotiation table.Not so sure how the Khaatuumo guys will approach another peace conference to be organized some where in togdheer in the next few weeks. The war is not against the people of Buuhoodle or the Garaad clan as a whole as they are Somaliland citizens the war is merely against some anti peace elements a minority group with in the buhoodle district. Even when it comes to the newly established khaatuumo leadership there are some leaders of that organization in particularly the G6 who are willing to come to the peace table. Its even better for the Somaliland government now they know who to deal with it, give it time and it will all be solved very soon. Haa waa saas give it time!. 20 plus years on and still counting.
  9. RedSea;780177 wrote: Bal Xunkan cuqdada ka buuxdo eega. Adeer xininyo iska baadh anaga habaar waxba nagama qaadi kartid. Koleyba cajalad baa kugu go'an oo iga wallaadan ii maqlayne... Tirada dhimashada dhankaaga ka tirso. Maxay iga dhibi lahayd haddaad maskaxdaada isticmaali lahayd. Buuhoodle is calling, where are SNM tugs?
  10. Waryaa Oodweyne hadal tirada jooji. Wax iska celiya. Waa halkii Abtigiise nugulaa, ma ........ !
  11. Red Sea is headed to the gates of hell. Anna waxaan leeyahay war ka joog..... Xitaa wuxuu naga dhaadhiciyaa Illaahna waa secessionist Somalilander ah. Aragaanee meesha geedigu ku furto.
  12. Xaaji dhakhtarka waalida ee Hargeysa iska xaadiri waa haddii aanu kaa buuxin. Anigu sida kuwa jibaysan kuu camirimaayo oo waan kaa naxayaa! Nasteexadayda qaado, mar danbaad u aayiye.
  13. Beenna ma'aha. Ha isdayso diidaye, ha is raamsatee daa.
  14. We don't value our learned as much as others do.
  15. KK: Sidaa waxaa u fekera dadka garaad li'ida iyo waalidu isugu darsantay.
  16. Khaatumites iyo dadka nabada jecel ee Soomaaliyeed waxaan ugu baaqayaa inay taageeraan halganka xaqa ah ee reer Buuhoodle ku jiraan.
  17. Some are just naive and this complex, magnificent universe they have a monolithic view of it.