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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Nothing is secret in the cyber world.
  2. Some don't realize the subtle geopolitical changes until in their final cycles¡. SL and all other clan states are coming back to Mogadishu. And Somalia shall rise once again.
  3. Maakhir State is in a dormant state. Maakhirites ought to learn from the mistakes of Khaatumo. Khaatumo has learned in the harder way and it seems Maakhir is on the same trajectory as once Khaatumites were. The great people of Maakhirites can not afford being part of too many administrations - the luxury of jungling between "SL" and PL has cost us dearly and because of it; Khaatumo State was proclaimed at last. The moral of the story, Maakhir state needs to be fully independent (my preferable route), be fully part of PL or be fully part of SL. But having too many admins in the same cities is calling for trouble.
  4. I believe tribalism has not died and never will but it becomes a dormant in a randomly fashion. I propose hybrid form of governance for Somalis where a mixture of clan mechanisms and methods of modern nation building are deployed for the reconstitution of Somali Republic. In the case of Somaliland, it has failed itself and its people to have a viable government with neutral constitution is supreme - Thanks a lot to the beloved president of Siilaanyo. Clan states including mine(Khaatumo State) are not sustainable in the long term but without them we know what we can do to one another. Case in point the secessionist cult in Hargeisa exercised all forms human rights violation and the sad thing they expected other clans to accept; Seemaal slaughtering, Buuhoodle and Las Anod incidents are testament of rejection of Somaliland ideals - Employing cohesion policies have shown to be detrimental and irreversible phenomenas. The only way forward is "SL" vacating Khaatumo lands and thereafter the two admins discuss the matters of concern, the mutual security, development and historical ties short of calls for WAR and believe there will not be winners but will loose and for sure Khaatumo will reclaim its fallen cities and SL visionaries will go back to a photo editor like photoshop and redraw their map - one that suits to their golden three angle cities. Secession is indeed a life support.
  5. AFP – 3 mins 18 secs ago Gunmen on Saturday shot dead the director of a major Somali radio station in front of his home in Mogadishu, colleagues and witnesses said. Hassan Osman, who headed Radio Shabele, was stopped by two men as he was entering his gate who then shot him several times, said Mohamed Moalim, a relative who stayed in the area. "We don't know who they are but the shot him mercilessly in the head and shoulders", he said. Colleague Adan Yare confirmed the attack. "Two men armed with pistols shot the director several times and he died in the spot," he said. Radio Shabele interrupted its programmes to broadcast several verses from the Koran as an expression of mourning for Osman. Somalia, which has been devastated by 20 years of civil war, is considered one of the most dangerous places in the world for journalists. Media rights campaigners Reporters Without Borders (Reporteurs Sans Frontieres, RSF), reported in December that 25 journalists had been killed there since 2007. In December a man wearing military uniform shot dead a journalist working for a local television station in a Mogadishu street. Two months earlier, a Malaysian cameraman was killed in the city, the site of fierce fighting between the Islamist Shebab fighters and the weak transitional government backed by African Union peacekeepers.
  6. By Nur H. Bahal January 27, 2012 Nabad iyo Caano – an SNM slogan during the campaign Since the inauguration of Kulmiye Party as the ruling party of Somaliland and Silanyo’s achievement of his long sought dream to manoeuvre himself into the Presidential Palace in Hargeisa, the reverberating undercurrents of rancour and grievances have progressively expanded to curb the peace and stability enjoyed by Somaliland. At the centre of the many premonitions about Kulmiye Party’s long dreaded policies is the reincarnation of unadulterated tribalism. The party’s slogan tries to capture the imagination of its perspective voters through three simple words: Unity, Justice and Development – Midnimo, Caddaalad, Horumar. These are beautiful words but can be applied differentially across the spectrum of people in Somaliland. The practical execution of that slogan came to mean that some are more equal, deserve more justice and development than others just like the SNM slogan of the time meant peace and prosperity for “us” only. Silanyo’s government is a prime example of the preferential equality among the **** rather the equality of all of Somaliland people’s. But then even when it comes to the ****, some are still more equal then others – a perfect embodiment of the true nature of tribalism. Read more: http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/Jan/Bahal/27_The_re-incarnation_of_snm_and_militia_mentality.html
  7. By Mohamed F. Yabarag January 27, 2012 Ahmed Silanyo, the president of the self-styled government of “Somaliland”, the clan state that no country on the face of earth accepted its legitimacy, has recently dispatched his ministers to the cities and towns in the enclave to organize public demonstrations against what he described as anti-Somali landers (nabad-diid), a euphemism exclusively used for Khaatumo State of Somalia which was established in the historic town of Talex a few weeks ago and Awdalstate, the precursor of Khaatumo state. Both states and their people reiterated their commitment to the Somali unity in the face of mounting pressure from the secessionists, whose mission for separation appeared seamless until recently, at least in their deluded minds. Ahmed Abdi Xaabsade, loaded with inducement money from Ahmed Silanyo’s office, arrived in Las Anod to bribe people into staging fake demonstrations in support of his paymasters. Xaabsade’s false deception that the people of Las Anod want to be part of “Somaliland” is ridiculously akin to Gadhafi’s last gasp and desperate “my people love me” interview with Jeremy Bowen of the BBC. On the contrary, the people of Las Anod want to see the back of secessionists camped outside their city. As widely expected people turned out in droves against Xaabsade and rejected his separatist SNM project by staging counter demonstrations that was deliberately turned into violence after the occupying army of SNM sprayed live bullets into crowds consisting mainly of women and children. Scores of people have suffered bullet wounds while at least two people are believed to have lost their lives. In this demonstration, the Las Anod people have clearly shown the secessionists that their true allegiance is with Khaatumo state of Somalia and not with the separatist clan-state of “Somaliland”. The Las Anod failure was followed by Awdal rejection when several ministers from Awdal, again loaded with bait money from the separatists in Hargeisa, tried their luck in Borama. According to reliable sources in the scene supported by video footages, the turnout was pathetically dismal; only a few dozen supporters believed to belong to the ministers’ camp turned up. Even those who bothered to show up in favor of the secessionists’ fake demonstrations were outnumbered by Awdalstate loyalists, who were clearly spotted waving the blue and white flag of Awdalstate in the streets of Borama city. In spite of using kickbacks in the form of bribery money, the secessionist government has spectacularly failed to garner any meaningful support for their fake public outings from the citizenry of SSC and Awdalstate. Nevertheless, there were orchestrated turnouts in support of Ahmed Silanyo’s government in Hargeisa, Burco and Berbera, but there were no elements of surprises in this endeavor as these cities are already known to form the backbone of the separatists. In democracy, public demonstrations are hardly orchestrated by governments; they are spontaneous. Ahmed Silanyo’s phantom government can no longer ignore the will of the people in Las Anod, Buholdle, Erigavo, Borama, Dilla, Lugahaye and elsewhere in northern Somalia. No amount of bribery or intimidation in the form of massing armed clan militia in the cities and towns will bring back people of Awdal and SSC to the secession camp. In the past few weeks, Borama city was teeming with SNM clan militia marauding in the streets and dispersing crowds. No amount of press gagging and arbitrary incarceration of journalists will conceal the culpability of Silanyo’s reign of terror and the atrocities committed by his clan militia against innocent civilians in SSC and Awdal. Borama News Network office in Borama was raided two days ago by separatists’ militia and two journalists were taken away. Cabdicasiis Cabdillaahi is still in jail for the second day running. Without any shadow of a doubt the tide is turning against the head of the secessionist camp and, no matter how hard he and his entourage try to convince people that “Somaliland” is for all, there will be no change of heart and no turning back the clock for the people of aforementioned cities and towns. They have had enough of secession; of alienation and separatism; of misrule and intimidation; of lies and innuendo, and more importantly, they have had enough of living under the whim and brutality of one-clan state, particularly a clan state that has no name and place in the international community. Somaliland’s main claim for being a separate and legal state hinges entirely and exclusively on the concocted so-called Burco convention in 1991, where a number of hand-picked elders from several parts of northern regions of Somalia were asked to toe the line and accept the SNM dictate or face the consequences of their actions by a well-armed clan militia. Such gun-ho policies, intimidation and arm-twisting tactics have no place in the international community. You cannot create a whole new country on this simplistic and flimsy basis. Ahmed Silanyo’s clan militia has taken a significant part of the destruction of the last Somali government on the false pretense that their clan members were deliberately singled out and murdered en masses, a claim many historians dispute. Unfortunately people die in civil wars and that was the case in northern Somalia. More people have perished in south and central Somalia. The crying shame, however, is that the separatists want to hang up to a doomed state whose time is over; a state that the international community has shunned ages ago and large part of its perceived territory is slipping away from its fingers. The nightmare scenario dreaded by separatists has begun with the declaration of Awdalstate and the ultimate creation of Khaatumo state of Somalia. More importantly, Somalia is on the mend while the secessionists are on the wane. It is all over for separatists. However, it is not too late to change policy. Somalis are prepared to welcome back their long lost child. Mohamed F Yabarag WardheerNews Contributor E-Mail: Myabarag@yahoo.co.uk Source: http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/Jan/Yabarag/27_The_tide_is_turning_against_separatists.html
  8. Wax ka daran bay rumeeyaan.... and guess what in the information age.
  9. What does Sayid have to do with the war between SL and Khaatumo?...... Urgent must be calling.
  10. I'm. for self defense. Your six sense didn't lie.
  11. Terrific pics. These images send subtle messages, I sense serenity and tranquil, do u?
  12. Proponents of peace igu dar. I'm against it.
  13. Not to mention his versatility, wit and the sophistication implied in his selective semantics.
  14. It is expected that education adds value to one's life but many Somalis way bililiqaysteen PhD title-ka. A large number of learned Somalis are useless and the sad thing is it is going to be like that for many years to come. My advice, be decent person and first and foremost waxaad baratay barakadeeda naftaada iyo gurigaaga ha laga dareemo. Qofkana, meeshuu doono buu ku noolaan karaa ee yaan la khasbin.
  15. Shit happens -- And way dhacdaa in aad mar mar dhaawacaaga ka cararto - naftu orod bay kugu aamintaa.
  16. Islaanta way ka inkaar galabsadeen.... Warlord Siilaanyo wuu seexday bay tidhi.. Allow u gargaar!
  17. XX, Wake up, wake up you can continue denying peoples' basic, birthright. The Khaatumo state wants to live in peace with your admin aka Somaliland. The liberation will carry on until LA and other occupied cities are free from your oppression.