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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Oodweyne;782504 wrote: ^^^ :D Abti , I guarentee you, this Khatumo thing, will be "obsorp" into Somaliland, hence, I can, with confident say, it will not derail Somaliland's larger objective, come what may. But, we shall see... :D Waxba kama qabo balse labaatan sano baad lahayd isku wax noo sheegaysid .. aqoonsi baan keenayaa, xuduudaha baan soo xidhayaa, Abti Cumar beenaalana beryahan waad ka daraatay ... We shall wait and see.
  2. One can not call Mujaahid Siilaanyo and bad-mouth Gen. Morgan. They are both bad apples or good no gray areas in my books.
  3. ahahhah ... we've similarities when it comes to the influence of hot women on us ... but be objective and fair to Saado with regards to her consistent political stands throughout. Her then sexiness is matter of another time and another fore - Get that or be square.
  4. Oodweyne;782432 wrote: ^^^ :D it must really be a funny world; or at any rate a one from alternative universe, when one could argue (with straight face, no less) that Somaliland is illegal state or even, an illegal charade. Whilst, on the other hand, this "two-day-wonder" call Kkaatumo , is a legit entity.... :D But, then, again, some of our sisters really ought to have stuck with entertaining us; particularly, with the latest output from the ever resourceful Ms. Saado Cali and her "fighting songs" , indeed... After all, as old Communist (or at any rate, the Marxist of old European continent) used to have it, that he business of capitalism is that of: each to his ability ; and, theirs, as a vanguard of historical inevitability, was: each to his need . Hence, let’s hope, our dearest Ms. Caaaliya , will stick with that notion of: each with his/her ability . And, leave this sort of argument (which is clearly above her well-tendered head by a obligatory hijab) to those who could reason beyond their anger, indeed.. :D Wallee Saado Cali insomnia badan waa kugu riday. If I were you I would appreciate the lady because after all she is a very objective figure... She stood with you in your darkest hour .... Illowshiiyo dhowaa, ma umul baa.
  5. Oodweyne: Goormee ka bilownaa three months-ka ma, maanta mise beri. Erigavo-na I'm going to claim the south of it like Galkaio.
  6. Oodweyne;782485 wrote: If ever there is a deadly delusion in play in here, then, there is this sort of talk about Somaliland’s endless demise, in which we have come accustomed to hear from certain pens, indeed. For, Mr. Ahmed M. I. Egal , is one man and his opinion. And, although, I think he is wrong in here, for he “assumed” too much of what the international community is trying to do with this conference; but, at the end of the day, he is individual just like everyone else. Hence, if I were you, gents, I would see to it to hold my knickers straight in here. For, your seductive song of demise of Somaliland is really getting bit of a tiresome in recent days; not to say, rather contemptible in seeing it in letters, repeatedly; particularly when the likes of our Taleexi fella start comparing it with this “two-day-wonder” call khastumo, indeed.. :D Dee xaasha saaxiib inaga ilaali cayda oo haasaawaha haynaga kharibin..... ninba mar bay ku foorartay .... xasuuso waan u adkaysan jiray dhimbilihii aad igu soo tuuri jirtey .... the time isn't your side ..... Khaatumo is claiming its lands by the day but I assure you not to attack your triangle cities. So, take a deep breath.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;782478 wrote: SNM dee may qaadi jirin beerkey adiga ku weyn intay bawdaha calanka Somalia ku xidhan they were determined wanay ka midhi dhaliyeen himiladoodi. Anigu nin Dalxiisyaan arkaya iyo qolo xaflad ku jirta oo xabxab ka dhargay oo camaradaha isku dhigaya kaalaya na arka Abti, labadaba waa isku wadaynaa ... Sooljoog, Kalshaale iyo Buuhoodle-na ma xafladaa lagu qabtay .. Wax fahan waa halkii Jacaylbaro'e.
  8. General Duke;782481 wrote: I don't mind a NW become Preisdent of Somalia. The secessionists need at least a couple of years to start loving the blue flag, celebrate 1st of July an accept Mogadishu as the capital. Aniga iyo General-ku maanta isku doc baan ka cabaynaa ceelka. I concur.
  9. Carafaat;782445 wrote: folks from Minneapolis celebrate every clan's dhuuso. Cant take them to serieuz. Tani dhuuso way ka weynayd sidaan warka ku helay
  10. Haddana ogow weli kalgacal walaaltinimo, xigaalo iyo wax walba diyaar baan u nahay ee sida ugu dhibta yar ha noo dhaafaan haddii kale difaacida maatadayada naf iyo maalba waa u huraynaa. Eebbow xaqa tus.... mar rag xitaa haddii lagu qoslo wax fahmayaa way soo indho adag yihiine.
  11. Warka aan kaaga hayo baa ka daran LA, Yagoori and Erigavo. Sidaanu wax u ognahay kuma shaacin karno SOL... waa ceeb Xiinow...
  12. Tit-for-tat ka sokow .... Waa dhab in beelaha Waqooyi waa cusub u beryey.
  13. Maya tobonayadii late eighties qol London ah isugu timi ee SNM abuurtay baan ka hadlayaa... maxaad horta isu yeelyeeshaa ... you who reer Awdal are...
  14. Carafaat;782462 wrote: Instead, the Silanyo administration should attend the conference with the aim of telling truth to power and challenging the international community to honestly address why the Somali state collapsed in the aftermath of the Siyad Barre dictatorship and in doing so return ownership of the process of reconciliation and establishment of a new, 21st century rationale for the state to the people of Somalia. Somaliland has unique experience of this type of genuine, grass-root, democratic peace making and reconciliation rooted in local culture, traditions and religious faith. The Borama Conference of 1992, which laid the foundations for the re-emergence of Somaliland as a peaceful, democratic and free republic lasted for over four months, was rooted in local culture and history, ensured that all sections and groups within society, including those historically not accorded a voice, were represented and were heard. In addition, this conference called upon the skills, experience and knowledge of those from the Diaspora as equal citizens and not as fortune or position-seeking carpetbaggers. The representatives/participants at this conference included clan elders and leaders, traditional Sultans, intellectuals and poets, business people, professionals, e.g. doctors and lawyers, politicians and civil society leaders. ahhaha, Carafaat farihiisa iyo maskaxdiisu in synch ma aha... Taleex conference overrode all these bogus conference mentioned therein. History is evolving -- nothing is written in a stone...
  15. Egal annagaa beri hore qoraalo is waydaarsanay ... Reerkiisii Awdalna gab, Reer Somaliland-na ma badbaadin karaan... Waa digaagad madaxa laga gooyey oo kale ... ikhtiyaar badan ma laha inay galgalato mooyaane. Khaatumo iyo Awdal ma ina Egal oo kale baa loo joojinayaa! la yaabna ka daran, ee waa amankaag. Allow soo hadee.
  16. Desperate individual iga dheh. .. Allow sahal umuuraha....
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;782446 wrote: Who said they want to unite with Somalia? Somaliland will never ever be ruled by others they know the world knows it Xaaji weli maad qaxwayn baan u malaynayaa... Waa ku maqlayaa ee hadalka tartiib iigu sheeg
  18. Ahahah, Are Awdalites, Khaatumites and Maakhirites you enemines? if yes is the answer - you are doom to fail. Good lucky though once you face with your enemies.
  19. Why would one treat them as a privileged group? .... Let our brothers come to the discussion table like anyone else. No more, no less.
  20. Abdul: War xun baad intaa sheegtaa cakuye naga daa sidaad wax u ogtahay looma sheego'e.
  21. General Duke;782065 wrote: It's a lose, lose situation for the secessionists. If they go they will have eggs on their face. Since the meeting is for Somalia and they will be a state or province. If they ignore then they will be isolated even more. Like Faisal Waarabe stated, this failure is their own doing. If they don't show up. Khaatumo will represent them. No biggie.
  22. Mise wax la mid ah. War nabada yaan loo daymo la'aan.