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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. The Hermet;782668 wrote: The truth is...Somaliland was built on mutual consensus of all the tribes that is something no one can deny. Another aspect that can not be denied is that it has brought unprecedented peace and development as the wars of the past were set aside to build a better future. Had the conference not taken place in burco and borama in 1991 i asure you the people of las canod and buhoodle would not be alive today or would be living in absolute destruction. What has changed recently is Somalilands stance from peaceful dialouge to complete open war which has killed alot of people..these people now understand that without peace what they get is war and they have now woken up to the reality that peace irrespective of were it comes from is better then peace...in regards to Somalilands so called demise...weve been hearing for 20 years and further from demise it continues to get stronger...so if peace is desired then even God himself says.."if peace is offered take it without condition" ...and if my countrymen take that peace then it is to their benefit and mine. As for bax bax land aka puntland.. indeed las casyr state and west puntland state highlight the insanity of somali politics...these states are weakening an already weak establishment and if bax bax steps out of it boundaries im sure Somaliland would love to play a few games in that region. This is what you've been imbued over the years ... there is nothing call consensus but a clan project - Be happy with what you have.
  2. What a come back - MA.
  3. Taleexi


    Qofkaan mar wax furin, amaba la furin, beryahan qof jiraba ma'aha oo wax baa ka si ah
  4. Anigu ma caytamo balse waad ogtihiin Soomaalida inaad tihiin reerka ugu cunsurisan
  5. Well put. Hope Hargeisa admin is listening.
  6. Xiin ha u jaawibina ee inaadeerkiina Hargeisa warqada ka soo qoray la hadla.
  7. Baraare iyo nabad baa dhanka Waqooyiga malaa lagaga nool yahay.
  8. Sal fudaydkii reerka uun baa kugu soo baxay adoon akhrin baad budh igula soo kalahday.
  9. Dee ha iska hantaaticin... U've no clue about my stand with regards to Seyid-ka .... War ninyahow saad u joogto baad isku dhex yaacdaa.
  10. Ha ii doordooring ereyada waxaan ku idhi, tolow ma far waaweyn baan wax ugu qoraa.... I'm for building blocks - bottom approach.
  11. Hadday saa tahay waxba islama diidanin. provocative, constructive, fair discussions I'm also all for it. I enjoy debates that make me a bit uncomfortable but add value to my life....... So, meel aan dagaal ool waxba ha ka doon doonin.
  12. Indhaha fur. Even that one clan state - arkaanta Islaamka oo kale ma aha ... ee way sii kala gogo'i karaan. See wax kuugu sheegaa.
  13. What about Siilaanyo, ina Egal, Ina Kaahin, Dhegaweyne, Riyaale the list goes on. One can be history revisionist ... but revise all or don't bother.
  14. This is a good read and the author has some good points. Somaliland: consequences of possible disintegration into tribal fiefdoms By Jama Mohamed Askar January 30, 2012 Many Somalis were greatly shocked by recent escalation of armed conflict between Somaliland government and tribal militia in Buhoodleh district. The conflict is probably a precursor to unpredictable security and political developments to unfold for the coming months and years. It indicates that peace is to wane in regions formerly defined as relatively stable areas in the North of Somalia. Read in full http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/Jan/Askar/29_Consequences_of_possible_disintegration.html
  15. Caano_Geel: Waan soo dhoweynaynaa aragtidaadan.
  16. Abti, ma jaamacada bootada baad ka soo baxday. Dhowaan waad ogayd sidii wax u dheceen ee maxaad iska yeel yeelaysaa. 90-kii berina 15 baa kaa tagtay ee sidaa ula soco.
  17. Carafaat;782119 wrote: maxaa ku diiday heestii calanka ee AUN Abdillahi Qarshe? Bal adba.
  18. Halgamaad Aalliyah ma ka filayo, kamana suurowdo, inay reer SL ugu hor niikiso Hargeisa iyada oo her birthplace LA arkaysa balse maxaan iska daalinaynaa waa inoo xagaaga danbe .... inaga oo geed hadh macaan hoos fadhina, shaah hayl iyo qorfe lehna fiiq tukaalaynayna inaan dhowr qodob ka wada hadalo kow, sida dhalanteedkii gooni isu taaga loogu jabay, iyo waxyaabo la mid ah.
  19. http://horufadhi.com/2012/01/30/jaaliyada-galmudug-iyo-ururka-saxafiyiinta-galmudug-oo-xaflad-usameeyay-wariye-xoriyo-shiikh-cali-oo-dhawaan-gaalkacyo-lagu-dhaawacay/