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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Ngonge: Khaatumo is an admin that is at its embryo state. It inherited a land that has no any credible institutions, a fractured community and what not. Khaatumites acknowledge the challenges that may lie ahead but because of prioritization sake - they decided inay first and foremost to reclaim their abused cities and thereafter build their region with its institutions brick by brick and develop it yard by yard........ However where your naiveness coupled with arrogance leads remains to be seen.... Oh, boi I forgot Xaabsade represents Khaatumo -- try that lucky and send him back to either Buuhoodle or Taleex same fate that of Lamumba in Katanga is waiting him I guarantee you that.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;784018 wrote: Warmongers dressed as Mullahs? buhoodle sheiks call for war Burco sheikhs call for peace Buuhoodle was attacked. Buroa wasn't that is the difference macnoyare
  3. Abtigiis: You nailed it. Our brothers who give their allegiance to the Hargeisa admin. are blinded with the worst dogmatic tribalism possible which led them to obtain a PC of which photoshop is installed. And other accessories. In there they painted a piece of garment with three strips and call it a flag. In addition, they wrote a handful stipulations of which they call it a constitution and thereafter they formed three clan parties and they call them multiparty system. The irony of all, they claim 97% of northerners are for secession - a laughing stock indeed !- As if all these are banned others in the north to pursue. In this time and age, the leaders of the enclave believe such a pipe-dream how can one reason with those leaders who need an urgent rehab is beyond me.
  4. Showqi;783697 wrote: Ceebay tacaal. Xoolihii la xadayey waa la'isaga daba yimid. Waxaaba ugu daran dadkan dhahaya waan isfurnay ee hadana caruurta isu dhalaaya. Singal Mother maba jirto marka, waa lagu qaraabtaa lee.. :o Classic..... Single-mothereey xaal qaado -- ciyaalkana sida digaaga u dhalaysa.
  5. Tani kama duwana hooyadii wiilkeeda ku tidhi " HOOYO WAXAAS AABAHAA ALLE MATUSIN!!"
  6. "Indhoadayg.com Iga dheh - Iga walla sida saloolka baa la duban lahaa hadduu Buuhoodle, WidhWidh, Xudun amaba Taleex cag dhigo.
  7. Peace, Order and Good Government are missing. Very tragic scene to witness.
  8. bilan;783646 wrote: Khaatumo shalay dhalataye bal cagaha u dhiga marka hore, had they not wasted so much time for waiting Faroole, I think LA would’ve been in their hands now. It is not time to blame Faroole's political gaffes. It is Khaatumo's time to project and reconfigure how she can reclaim its occupied lands.
  9. Rest assured, Khaatumo leadership acknowledges what at stake in here.
  10. Oodweyne;783215 wrote: ^^^ :D Could it be possible that matters are much more simpler than that. And, by that I mean, it's possible that, what you are surprise about it is no more than seeing the sight of how "victors" goes to the spoils; and for good measure, have the right to write the history... Whilst. as usual, the "vanquished" , could consider themselves to be so lucky, if only, they get to be dignified, with a mere mentioned on history's marginalia, indeed.. :D Ari xaa kan booto ku dhamaatay.
  11. Madaxda iyo waxgaradka ummadeed waxba ha ka sheegin Xaajiyow. Iyaba kuwaaga waa caayi karnaaye.
  12. MoonLight1;783150 wrote: Taleexi oo ma waxaad leedahay there will soon be a taalo for Morgan in Qardho. You are paying attention. Smart man.
  13. I rather leave it there. May Dahabshiil prosper, be accountable and transparent company. Abwaan: People will use whatever makes business sense.
  14. Waa sheeko fiican waa in ummad kastaa xasuusataa dadka qaderinta ka mudan.
  15. In terms of derivative finance and business transactions I can build up my case against Dahabshiil. In the grand scheme of things though, I want to the success of Dahabshiil to be continued but DSH has to stay clean. The ripple effect of its collapse might turn out something none of us would expect. I remember vividly when Al-Barakat was shut down the impact it had on many of us.
  16. Somalina;783029 wrote: Another way of saying, 'I aint got nothing'. I hear that. Bilan, If I'm not mistaken Golis operates in PL only and Hargeysa has a monopoly over the telecom companies in the North. You may imply that so long we ain't in court. With regards to Golis, some of the biggest shareholders are reer Maakhir and Khaatumo. It also operates some parts of the north.
  17. I declined. Don't give me homeworks! I've got better things to do.
  18. Somalina;783013 wrote: "Alleged" is not going to close the Dahabshiil money transfer service shop in Buhodle or LA now is it?. Don't expect me to expose in here all the wrong doings of Dahabshiil. I selectively used the term ' alleged'
  19. Good question Bilan. People were at peace before and I guess whatever made business sense. But people over there have think strategically for their survival.