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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Whatever you thought was neither true nor right. They are there up and high to show who they are and what they stand for.
  2. Ahmed Najaad: Miyaanay dumar la dhalan, dhalin, oo aanu u dhixin af xumaa war ninyahow wax iskula har horaa loo yidhi " Nin reer u weyn iyo naag umilisa ahi, midna siday wax u ogyihiin,wax uma sheegaan Taasi waa taa. Teeda kale, Blue-eey, my SOL presence represents only one dimension of me ee nin hawlo badan baan ahay. You know what! I've come to the conclusion that the thing call marriage is like a game. Doesn't depend on how much you have in terms of material wealth or how much knowledge you possess it is like a game and if you can not play the game well - it is a given loss - Case in point, we always see some people (women/men) whom we may think they are losers yet have no problems in their relationships......... All in all, life is a beautiful experimentation. And this is the mantra I live by - Get a nice woman or die trying!
  3. Ahlu Hargeisa iyagaa dantooda iga og saas darteed hubka inoo badiya mar haddaad taladaydii ahayd dawada iyo tacliin kordhinta diideen. Kugu raacsani waa mandaqad aad iyo aad u xaasxaasi ah.....
  4. Nassir, I love Asha... waa naag labo xiniinyood leh mise tolow waaba saddex.
  5. Xaaji, Maakhir-na socotaye ma habrihii baa isku hadhay Allow Alle. War dadkiina dhinac ka raaca.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;785371 wrote: ^^ Beritoole wuxu odhanaya halugu jihaado Khaatumo:D Taas horuu u yidhi ee waxaan ka baqayaa inuu yidhaahdo Maakhir ha lagu jihaado.
  7. Great gathering -- Dots are connected - Somalis came back square one. This shows true colors of the north.
  8. Qaranka waa in la difaaco balse armay tahay hanti la marin habaabiyey oo meelo kale kaga haboonaayeen.
  9. Abwaan, bal adiga horta reerkiinu ha ku soo doorto. Guubaabintuna ma xuma hadday mid fiican tahay. Roadmap-kuna wuu soconayaa!
  10. It is case by case.....And people aint in the same social strata but please, strive modesty coupled with moderation ... anigaa beri iska waalay oo wixii iga raacay waaba la ogaa
  11. One picture represents thousand words indeed.
  12. xiinfaniin;784729 wrote: This conference has the potential to make Siilaanyo statesman... I doubted.
  13. Sheekadani waxay bidhaaminaysaa baahida loo qabo isbedel aasaasiya oo bulshadeena ka dhex curta. Dhacdadayni waxay kaloo ku tusaysaa sababta qarankeenu u dumay inuu soo kacaana waxay ku xiran iyadoo la yareeyo amaba la cidhib tiro falalka noocan oo kale ah. In safka la ilaaliyo ma aha wax ummad amaba qoys u gaar ah ee waa dhaqan reer bini'aadam xal u arkay.
  14. Killings transcend geographical locations.. I wonder do they know how many years it takes to produce a good doctor.
  15. Maaddeey: Anigu waxaan ku iri waa qaran jira oo way duushay.