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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. NN: Point taken. And that is what I've been saying all along.
  2. By Osman Hassan Feb 12, 2012 Abdirahman Faroole, the President of Puntland The SSC had a history of making sacrifices for the Somali cause for which they paid heavily, got little in return and expected none. First was the Darwish campaigns against the British colonisers in which close to a million people died, directly or indirectly, as a result of that struggle. Then there was their unquestioning support for SYL from the outset and the quest for independence . And it was their continued wish to save themselves and the union from its enemies that led them to be a partner in the establishment of the Puntland State of Somalia as a way of fending off the predatory, anti Somali (Soomaalidiid) secessionist authority based in Hargeisa. Read more http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/Feb/Osman/12_With_a_friend_like_Faroole_who_needs_a_foe.html
  3. This is the mishaps of the admin not the people. As you know Khatumo was a co-founder of PL and naturally nobody likes separation effects. PL and Khatumo believe one Somalia and don't have expansion policies. But there are differences between Khatumo and PL.
  4. TFG dad badan bay dhibtay. Anna furihii gaarigayga bay xadday.
  5. Reviving and breathing life into a dying ideology clearly a zealot would obtain from a temporary comfort but all the signs show that the political landscape of the north has been altered permanently and resetting to its former state is like a girl who lost her virginity yet longing to restore it.
  6. The Hermet - You are a product of anarchy thus, your view of life is irrelevant.
  7. This is a different kind of war but PL doesn't massacre the innocent and has no expansion and subjugation desires.
  8. Bilan: SL is like "Pot calling the kettle black"
  9. We can forgive but not forget. The revival of Makhir and Khatumo put in rest the role of the middlemen.
  10. Khatumites care less what trollers/impostors ku hantaatacaan!
  11. NN: Nabada aynu ka sheekaynayno Xaaji reerkiisu weli diyaar uma aha danibase waa odhan.
  12. Thanks You. And aragaane! Neither do I want to go it that way. The idea of secession is dying in front of our own eyes. Save it saaxiib!!
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;788045 wrote: Kumaan odhan qof walaan ku dayo waxan ku idhi aynu wax wada qabsano Muhimadu wa taas dalkeeni wax so saar wa leeyahay dad ku filan wa leeyahay kheyraad wa leeyahay shacab wanaagsan wa leeyahay.Laakin Taleexi wuxu na leeyahay intan khatumeysanahay dadka walaan baan ku dayanaya taasina dee caqli maha aniga ku miir qaba:D Bal beryahan waan khaatumaysanahaye juqajuqaynta iga daa
  14. Xaaji, Talo eexeed baad haysaa. Ee xalkaad haysaa xaal ha qaato . Ta kale qof walba maro rinji waa ku daadsan karaa oo calan ugu yeedhi karaa, dhowr qodob intuu qorona dastuur ugu yeedhi karaa, qariirad photoshop ku sawirona map ugu yeedhi karaa ee baa wal ninka laga badiyo. Koleyba midkeen baa waalane, tolow yaa ina kala saaraya?
  15. Abti, afmiishaarnimadii waa dhamaatay. Taas uun baynu isla garanaynaa. Haddaa ma Somaliland baa ummadda xal u ah?
  16. Lander: Thanks for your concern of belittling Somali race in your small way.