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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Somali Supply Chain is inseparable one therefore secessionists should have second thoughts of instigating other wars with other clans ... I guess they've already enough problem.
  2. Too much talk less substance. We Somalis have open mouths, closed minds and haven't learned anything from the last 20 years ... ha wareegto giraantu.
  3. I prefer being free or die trying saaxiib. You are brainwashed kid and we all know who massacred by whom. Let the count begins! Though wishes remain only to be wishes. A fact, some areas of Khatumo are under your sphere of influence but stay tuned Khaatumo is in deliberation mode of removing the shackles of occupation from itself on.
  4. the kettle calling the pot black - classical hysteria.
  5. Hooyooy la'aantaa, adduunyada hubaasheed.
  6. NASSIR;790843 wrote: I remember when Fb wasn't that popular and only university students with school e-mail coud sign up. I was at the time student. The reputation that FB had built on that brilliant business model was the main reason its popularity rose to the sky. FB is being going in public and we shall wait if it remains a success story. However, FB privacy is very weak and I would urge people be more cautious putting everything about them in there ...
  7. Mario B;790679 wrote: Wait till Abtigiis sees the picture of the foreign affair Minister of KS. :D I was told he already secured her contact.
  8. Samjamaa...... A side sisterly note, bal yare akhiri amaba dhegayso wax dhaafsiisan guriga aad ku nooshahay si aad fikrad intan ka kobocsan u soo ban dhigtid.
  9. Carafaat;790402 wrote: Your calling Somaliland a dog that is chasing his tail. Do you have any other description that fits well?
  10. The Hermet;790654 wrote: It looks like your on your own saxib. I wasn't complaining rather politiking.
  11. Hermet: Focusing on the scope of the matter at hand is an ethical ritual we should all strive to comply.
  12. ElPunto: See trees from the forest. Atom is the smallest particle of matter and itself consist of Electron, protoron and nuetron where each is doing its distinct function in order the atom doesn't collapse within. Therefore, let every tuulo with few thousand people has its maamul and after it obtains peace within it can initiate dialogue with its neighbors. This grassroots evolution will for sure have an exponential growth. I aint lying it is a cumbersome methodology but it remains to be one of the few solutions that are not yet tested.
  13. Revival of our literature is the way to go... One would hope that the zealots don't brainwash our precious kids in there.
  14. President Farole iyo codbaahiyaha marar badan baa idhi ha la kala fogeeyo balse laygama hoos qaadin. Prof. Galaydh put President Farole in his place but I disagree with him where he stated; we don't need your support. We actually need the support of any Somali be Puntlanders or rest of Somalis however, Faroole exhibits some signs of emptiness and hopelessness at times and is an enemy to himself umaba baahna cid wax ka sheegta. If I were him I would leave Khaatumo people to their own devices but af aanad lahayn ma qaban kartid.
  15. Bottom up approach appears to be the most convenient exit route for our self-inflicted, prolonged predicament
  16. NASSIR;790095 wrote: Thanks Libaax for the highlights! This seems to me as though the world/western governments are biased in favor of two main Somalia zones that would most likely resemble very closely North Korea (al-Shabaab) vs. South Korea (Puntland, SL, and the TFG). Somalis will reject this silly proposal & fight it until the country is united. Ethiopia & Kenya are very much pleased with the prophets of Somalia's doom & gloom. And this London conference could bring about that scary scenerio. Edit: I pointed to the neocolonial designs of the UK gov't in my thread and how it vehemently gave its diplomatic and financial support to the secessionists against the wishes of Maakhir & Khaatumo folks. Well put Nassir. I will reserve my comments in 10 days.
  17. NASSIR;789784 wrote: It's we compete on the commercial side. I desperately need Ilo Shampoo for my ever fading hair Ila soo gaar dozen of it Nassirow.