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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Good Somalis are coming together. I don't expect much out of it.
  2. STOIC;792917 wrote: Somaliland is NOT a movement that started with a song and a dance on a western city dancehall.. A big lie. It started in a little room somewhere in London. Much less significant than other movements.
  3. Dee anna ma photoshop baan dib ugu noqdaa naga daa bahasha....
  4. We all Somalis. Let us sort out our differences on the table not in the closet.
  5. The Hermet;792688 wrote: recognition will come later, the position of the british is clear they will follow after africa...the purpose for silanyo should be money...WARS ARE NOT CHEAP THESE DAYS..and the population of buhoodle need bath water. :cool: We both need, aint we?
  6. I was referring to the hotel business in Bossaso ... Oil is way off as of yet methinks.
  7. Fascinating stuff. I also found the more languages one learns the easier it gets to learn one more because language structures and conjugation of words in different languages overlap more often than you think. Btw, I speak few languages including Finnish, Swedish, Eng and Somali - And for conversational purposes Arabic and Spanish.
  8. Is ONLF Struggle on the Track or Not? By Dr. Mahamud Ugas When I read Muktar M. Omer’s article of “ONLF: Time for Admiral Osman to Go” on WardheerNews on Feb 13, 2012, I decided to enlighten the young writers with the right parameters to measure the progress of any liberation struggle. The author started his paper saying “I am only trying to salvage the struggle, not to weaken it” That could in fact be a good intention, but after reading the result of his analysis, many innocent people may think that he made a profound research on the subject he judged and his intentions were good. However, there are many insights that the writer indispensably needed to consider before evaluating the kind of progress a liberation front may make or may be expected. There are a number of parameters that he hasn’t used to determine the growth of ONLF and whether they are making progress or not. There are scores of yardsticks that could be employed to quantify the progress of such a kind of entity and some of the parameter may have a good deal of weight than others, while many indicators of success may have less than one percent weight. The reason that compelled me to comment on Mukhtar’s judgment is that several people may not search the reliability of the result of his analysis, because if the reliability of his finding is very low, his whole message will be discredited. Read more http://wardheernews.com/Articles%202012/Feb/20_onlf_ugas.html
  9. Waa akhris xiiso leh. Wq. Siciid Jaamac Xuseen Feb. 16, 2012 Laba qoraal oo isku mawduuc ka wada hadlaya ayaa ku soo kala baxay mareegaha ‘Somalilandpress.Com’ iyo ‘WardheerNews.Com’. Kan hore oo Af-Ingiriisi ah waxaa qoray Dr. Cabdishakuur Sh. Cali Jowhar, kan kale oo Af-Soomaali ahna waxaa qoray Dr. Maxamed Daahir Afrax. Labaduba waxay ku nuuxnuuxsanayaan in dawlad qarameedkii ay ummaddu nafta ku naawilaysay (waa 'Maandeeqdii’ muddada dheer loo heesayay) in ay dhowaan soo noolaato iyadoo xooggan oo dardar qabta ay si aan muran ka iman karin usoo bandhigeen in ay maanta mindidii dul saaran tahay oo lala maaggan yahay in la kitfo oo laga yeelo “beri bay jiri..jirtay.” Ciddii arrintaas si dhab ah u danaynaysa waxaan kula talin lahaa in ay qoraallada labadaas aqoonyahan si deggan oo miyirqab leh ku akhristaan, ku noqnoqdaan oo si weyn uga bogtaan intaanu dhambaalkay wadaan go’aan degdeg ah oo sar-ka-xaadis ah ayna ka qaadan. Warku ha innagu duxo oo si weyn ha innoogu duxo intaynaan talo ka gaadhin. Anigu qormadan gaaban waxaan uga dan leeyahay inaan digniinta ay bixinayaan iyo qaylodhaanta labada oday gacan buuxda ku siiyo anigoo khatarta ay la fajaceen sii iftiiminaya. Bal halkan ka wada akhriso: http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/Feb/Siciid/20_Qaylo_dhaanku_ma_sasbaa_mise_waa_saadaal_dhab_ah.html
  10. Why do I see through the captures a serenity and tranquil in abundance.
  11. Sheekoy ku nacay. Anaa reer Cali Shire ah, adeerkayna siyaasadiisa waa ku kufriyey, no more horgale. Long live to Khaatumo. Somalilanders are been exposed. Carafaat, we know who you are.
  12. Waa laguu ogyahay XX inuu 5 koofiyadood wato. Taladaadiina waa qaatay.
  13. Dadka oo dhan ha igu dirin Muuse Ismaaciil hadda ilaaqtankooda kama bixi karo'e. Hadalkaygana sidaan u dhigayna ha ka duwin. SL qoyskiinaa samaystay ee Alle ha idiin barakeeyo markaad wixiina iimaansantaana Taleex baan idiinku qabanaynaa wada tashi xagga nabadgelyada iyo dhaqaalaha ah. Ha moogaan, hana ka maqnaan.
  14. Ma saddexda habrood baad igula talisay inaan barlamaankooda soo maro. Inkastoo malkada xiis iyo maydh looga soo dego, heedhe muuse waa muusihiisii... Abti xagga caddaaladda waad ka arradan tahay
  15. Aaliyyah, odayga ka xishood aad ha u haydhsan. Tartiib wax ugu sheeg marmar baa la madax maraaye.
  16. Xaggee laga ciyaaraa sharciga garsoorka anigaa kuu samaynaya adiguna daawade baad ka tahay ayaahaaaga; weliba qarnigan 21-aad ... I guess only in Hargeisa.