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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. I believe he would be a good fit to be among the people with special needs
  2. Saddexda habrood ee saddexda madaxweyne leh iyo saddexda xisbi iyagu waxba kama soo qaadaan.
  3. ahhaha ,,, Haabsade daryeel buu u baahan yahay oo dood kama bixi karo.
  4. Anna igu halee xayn ku soo dhoweysa Adan Ade International Airport inaan diyaariyo. Intaa ka dibna dacalada bilicdasan ee Xamar lagu wareejiyo si uu u ogaado in uu intan oo dhan qar jafayey.
  5. Abwaan;794808 wrote: "Dagaal wiil kuma dhashee, wiil baa ku dhinta". Mase ogtihiin in kuwa wax dilaya ee dhiigga islaamka daadinaya aad dembiga la leedihiin haddii aad taageertaan? Abwaan ku mahadsanid taladaada balse dadka gardaran waa in af iyo adinba lugu joojiyaa.
  6. A month ago I came back from home and wherever I went I saw opportunity for wannabe entrepreneurs. In any field, don't take what I write on its face value I would urge everyone travels there and assesses what kind of project he or she can undertake of course considering his/her capital leverage, skill set and potential customers.
  7. Maanta halkaas baan u joojinaynaa ... koleyba Xaajigii xoogaa qayil ah buu doontaye.
  8. Cakuye Abwaanow ma waaxda sirdoonka baad u shaqaysa ... Odayga iska daa homesick iyo waxyaabo kale baa isugu darsamaye.
  9. Ahahha ... Good try yaa Xaaji ... Nabad xaaraan ah haysta..... nevertheless Khaatumo is here to stay and will never compromise its birthright to self-determination. And it will never be ruled from Hargeisa ,,,,,, all in all what part of Khaatumo's rejection to your enterprise you don't understand.
  10. Not only jiran waalana ku dar - Aaliyyah, jimcaha markay Hargeisa ku tukanayaan, khudbada waxay ku ducaystaan Illaahow D-block dhamee, markaas baa jameecadu ka daba tidhaahdaa aamiin what a misguided people we are dealing with.
  11. NASSIR;794630 wrote: Neither SL nor PL can exert power on this this region since they're perceived as clan-based entities. The stability of Bosaaso environs is largely due to the peace-loving inhabitants of the region. I believe the United States should support a local administration in Sanaag & Haylaan & Western Bari a.k.a (Maakhir ) regions. The only effective solution is to help local efforts and local administration program that's independent of both PL & SL. Likewise, the newly formed Khatumo state needs political[/] support and less intervention from the SSDF/SNM found admins. The two track policy is just for that. Don't you worry Mr. NASSIR. America and the western world are well versed our social fabric and clan and they are using it to their advantage and to our detrimental. Rest assured though, soon Maakhir will be dealing with Americans other governments as long as viable, credible Somali government is not there. It is a highly probable the merge of Maakhir and Khaatumo.
  12. Nabad xalaal ah oo xornimo leh. Wixii intaa ka soo hara xabaal xornimo leh.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;794787 wrote: Actually Minister duur is doing everything to bring peace in the buhoodle district he reached now a peace agreement with the chief caaqil of buhoodle Mr Mahamuud xaji Cumar camay.So everything for peace no need for warmongers. Come on now. A wasiir la kulmaya caaqil ... filinkaas waa waa gubtay ... ul booc booc ah baad ku tukubaysaa.
  14. Ma Aaliyyah idinka wada cabaadisay. Awelba reerku caqli uu ku kala hadho gabaabsi buu ku ahaa. Khaatumo is aware its enemies whether it is domestic or foreign.
  15. Afnoolina waa hadlaa eyna waa ciyaa Saado Cali's efforts need to be commended. Very objective artist I must say not without flaws though. What do u do with your money is all up to you. I don't know if it is arrogance, ignorance or both Saado's pocket money wouldn't be an issue for survival of Khaatumo.
  16. STOIC;794344 wrote: Talexii, haa niin yahoow........sortaa like thorny to my taste.I was recently reading an editorial contribution where the writer took a trip to Djibouti.He was showering praises on a dictator.I. Think it is whoever the editorial is sleeping with that matters to them and not journalistic integrity Waa yahay Hadhwanaag is a partial web portal that honors the ethics of journalism.