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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Maaddeey;799305 wrote: Sidaydaa saxan, hadiiba gabdhaha kuwa gaagaaban aad dooratay, diontana kaba sii daran? Dookhayga waxba ha ka sheegin ninyahow. Miyaadan maqlin ninba tuu calmadaa waa u Caasha Luul. Wax fahan saaxiib hana u gefin the blessed shorties!
  2. Che -Guevara;799348 wrote: Whether Khaatuma or Puntland, all material resources including oil belongs to Somalia! Celtics defeated NY. U got it right man.
  3. Narniah;799307 wrote: Taalexiow (eat that)! lol Maadey your right, and the rer baydhabo too it seems. Dee magaca ha igaga ciyaarin
  4. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;790084 wrote: Maadeey Maadkeer, qoftaan Islii ee joogtee see kugu dhaaftay? Mise baqasha ayaa wadaa miyaa? Sawirka xuska mowliidka ee Islii laga xusaaye la qaaday toddobaadkii hore. waa isneelo.
  5. War naga daaya bahasha Khaatumo cirkaas bay gashaye ... haddaan qayilka cuni aqaano waa barjan lahaa caawa - wiy oo wiy ....maxaa asaagay iga reebay oo aan khudaarta cagaaran goor hore u baran waayey
  6. Xaajiyow .. Islaamku ma sida Maaddeey u fahmo baa saxan mise sida Taleexi u fahmo, mise sida dadka badankiisu u fahmaan? bal halkaa Maaddeey ha inoo yare bidhaamiyo.
  7. Ooo ma waxaad leedahay innagu waa ka caqli badanahay reer Gaalkaacayo ... macal asif taa waa kaa diiday.
  8. Maaddeey;799277 wrote: Qabiil aaminsan ka reeb, sxb. Haddii Shariifba madaxweyne noqday, maxaa isna u diidaayo? Waxaa u diidaya waa keligii saxane, saaxiibkii Sharif markuu noqday muu la shaqeeyo ... I feel sorry for Sh. Aweis but rest assured he seems that he is going to die for his convictions. The morale of the story is be the president of Somalia or die trying.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;799272 wrote: Somalia isn't xudun a khaatumite town goormaad dadka dhulkooda ka boobtay saaxib If I'm not wrong Mr Axmed karaash hails from Xudun. Iska ilow, kani waa mid yar oo juqraafiga si ba'an uga aradan.
  10. Somalia..... You better mind keeping together the remainder of PL after the Khaatumo departure. Khaatumo values the cooperation of its neighbors in particular PL.
  11. Fortunately/Unfortunately with him. Mayal adag iyo qadiyad Qabiilkana aaminsan.... oo ku mayal adag. Bal waxaad ii sheegtaa muxuu ku qancayaa Sh. Aweys, diintii diid, adeeradii markay madax noqdeen diid, isagana madaxweynanimo ka dheer - maxaa xal ah oo uu rabaa?
  12. Haa, Shaatigii Somaliland dry cleaning-ku kaga maqan yahay maanta.
  13. Xaaji, malaa waxay ducadu ku qurux badnayd Eebow sidaynu nahay yay reer Gaalkacayo isku noqon.
  14. Let me add insult to the injury. Narniaho!
  15. Maaddeey: Markaad taariikh nololeedkiisa qorayso fadlan ha ku degdegin ee ka fiirso sidii wixii ku dhacay buuggii president A. Yusuf. Sh. Aweys is religious scholar and a military man but he is macangag - my brother died under his command - and I'm not even blaming him for it.
  16. Abwaan;798881 wrote: XX....horta maanta adeeryaal lama cafinayee, hoos u bax adiga horta yaa kuu adeera ah:)? Oodweyne
  17. Libaax-Sankataabte;799159 wrote: Taleexi, adeerkaa Cabdisamad eed ku caasiyowday haduu black gold noo soo saarayo maxaad naga rabtaa ninyahow? Mise goor horaad cafis waydiisatay si hoose. Kaftan. Beenna ma aha oo adeerkay waa ku caasiyey inkasta oo aan ka qayb qaatay doorashadiisii..... Ta kale horumarka reer PL ee waafaqsan sharciga dalka u yaal waa taageersanahay ee liiska aad soo qortay baan yare saluugay. Teeda kale, u malaynmaayo cafis la'aan inaan Garowe ku noqon karo horaa loo yidhi umul iyo nin weyni siday wax u og yihiin, wax uma sheegaan.
  18. Khaatumo is claiming its own right place in the Somali political discourse.... Khaatumo is a blessing for all peace loving people of Somalia including secessionists lot. Buhodlites we hear you and thank you very much for the demo.
  19. LST: Wuxuu qalqaalsanayaa wasiirka propagandada ee maamul goboleed Puntland. Best to you buddy.
  20. By Associated Press, Published: March 2 NAIROBI, Kenya — While tens of thousands of its citizens were dying from famine, the U.N.-backed Somali government spent only $1 million on social services despite having $58 million in revenue, according to a report by a former Somali government official. The whistleblowing report shines a light on chaotic and secretive financial dealings and says the Somali government did not explain how the $58 million it recorded receiving last year was actually spent. Somali government officials disputed the report. It was written by Abdirazak Fartaag, the former head of the Public Finance Management Unit, a Somali government body charged with overseeing the country’s financial management. “The government is very committed in terms of fighting corruption,” said government spokesman Abdirahman Omar Osman. “That report does not reflect the reality on the ground and it lacks credibility and data.” Just over $2.6 million was budgeted for social services, according to the report. Fartaag was fired around the time he wrote another report saying tens of millions of dollars was missing from government coffers. Improved accounting of the money that comes in and out of the government is vital to solving Somalia’s 21-year-old civil war, analysts say. As long as warlords and corrupt officials are able to benefit from the chaos, they have little incentive to end it. At a conference attended by world leaders in London last week, donors and Somali officials agreed to set up a joint board to manage Somalia’s finances. The failure to keep track of Somalia’s cash has been deadly. Politicians fight for control of the cash but little of it reaches the needy. A promise to end corruption was a key recruiting tool for the Islamist insurgency fighting against the government. The fighting was a key cause of last year’s famine, which killed between 50,000 to 100,000 people, according to the British government. A refusal by insurgents to allow many aid groups access to distribute food also played a major part. The U.N. is appealing for $1.5 billion this year to aid Somalia. “Somalia needs a solid framework that improves transparency,” said Comfort Ero, the Africa program director for think tank International Crisis Group. “(The government) hasn’t provided basic services.” The report has not been publicly released but was presented to Somali legislators last month. After being contacted by The Associated Press for reaction last Thursday, the government denied the report and promised documents to prove it. The AP waited for one week but the government did not respond to repeated requests for the documents. The report was based on banking records, the government budget and other financial documents. Some were seen by the AP. Last year the government raised about $58 million, according to the report. About $20 million was raised in domestic revenue, the report said. An additional $3.7 million was seized at the airport as part of a confiscated pirate ransom. A deposit slip indicates it was deposited in the Central Bank but no such entry shows up in the bank’s records. The government also received at least $34 million in cash donations from mainly Arab nations, said Fartaag. About $41 million was withdrawn in cash by individual politicians, militia leaders and other leading Somalis who gave no identification other than their names. Most of the rest of the money was also taken in cash, by individuals who provided the Central Bank of Somalia with their name and the ministry they worked for. An additional $1.2 million in cash went to hotels, phone companies and airlines in Mogadishu, according to the report. But during the whole year, only about $1 million was recorded as being spent on social services, the report said. It was unclear how the money was spent, as it was part of the $41 million withdrawn in cash. Some of the cash withdrawn is believed to have been spent on government salaries but it is unclear how much. The government did not respond to requests for records. During that time, Somali children were dying in the streets and starving families were flooding into the ruined seaside capital, fleeing the drought and war consuming their villages. In September, the U.N. said 100 children were dying every day. The government spent $165,000 on “disaster preparedness” during the famine, according to the report. “Everything is done on a cash basis and no one has to account for it,” said Fartaag. “Nothing is functioning, everything is a briefcase institution ... That’s why they can’t provide services like water, hospitals or schools.” The British government wants to address Somalia’s tangled finances by establishing a board made up of mixed Somalis and foreigners to oversee the failed state’s finances. A Somali and a foreigner would have to sign off on each withdrawal. It is also encouraging nations who make payments to the Somali government to publish the figures. “The findings of the Fartaag audit are unconfirmed, but the joint financial management board is intended to tackle exactly the types of corruption and mismanagement that it raises,” said Matt Baugh, Britain’s ambassador to Somalia. “The (board) will also reduce any risk of corruption in the assistance provided to Somalia by international partners, and improve the accountability and transparency of that aid.” Better management could make a huge difference. Fartaag says the government could easily earn itself $179 million dollars a year, mainly by collecting a 3 percent tax on telecommunication companies, and by taxing remittances, the sale of the narcotic leaf qat and by properly collecting revenues from the main port in Mogadishu. Despite the circumstances described in the report, Somalia’s government has made some small improvements. Some civil servants were paid last year, although many did not receive their salaries in the last months. Government revenues are up from 2010, and more foreign donations are also being declared. The government is also currently debating a bill which would impose a yet unspecified tax on telecoms companies. Fartaag estimates their revenue at about $540 million annually. Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/report-somali-govt-received-58-million-last-year-spent-1-million-on-social-services/2012/03/02/gIQArz5nmR_print.html
  21. Aaliyyah: Waa kind of ritual balse ha layska bunnaysto..... Khaatumo is making political inroads.
  22. Sheeko-xariir Deeq si fiican buu u farshaxameeyey, oo ugu farayarastay, boholyowga uu u qabo Hargeysa bal ila wadaag haddaad waqti u yare quudhi karto. Hargaysaay: Ma kuu dhaxay!! Wq. Axmed Ismaaciil Maxamuud (Axmed Deeq) March 03, 2012 "Hargeysaay, hir dooglaay, hoygii kal-gacalkaay, haradii abwaankaay, dalka hooyadeedaay, hal-abuurka midhahana, halka laga aloosee, loo soo hiloobaay, hablo naasaleeyeey, Himiladii naftaydaay." Kuguma dhalan oo xundhurtaydu kuguma aasna, xabkayguna kuguma bururin, haddana xubigaagu wuxuu dhammeeyay dhammaan xubnahayga. Saamiga kalgacal ee aad naftayda ku leedahay ma jirto magaalo kale oo ku lihi. Tanise kama dhigna inaanan magaalo kale jeclayn. Iskama kaa caashaqin ee waad mutaysatay kalgacalka aan kuu hayo iyo xiisaha aan kuu qabo. Waad mutaysatay inaan kuu hilloobo, kuu darsado, kuuna boholyoobo. Waad mudan tahay inaan goor iyo ayaan kaa fikiro, kuuna fikiro. Maxaad u mutaysan wayday miyaanan dhallaanimo iyo dhallinyarnimaba kugu soo hano qaadin? Miyaanay i horjoogin barbaartii baxsanayd ee aannu beryo banoonida wada dheeli jirnay? Miyaanay laabtayda iyo lubigaygaba sidaa u hoganayn hablahaagii heegooyinka ahaa? Miyaanan xusuusnayn barayaashii hufnaa ee aqoonta nagu habi jiray iyaga oo hayntoodu ay liidato? Miyaanay maankayga ku wada xardhanayn dugsiyadaadii aan wax ka baran jiray? Tolow Sh. Madar ma sidii uun buu Cabdiillaahi maamule uga yahay? Imaam Muslim ma sidii uun buu Cabdicasiis ugu sarreeyaa? Gacma Dheere ma sidii uun buu Siciid Talaabo uga taliyaa? Faarax Oomaar ma sidii uun buu Cawil Horjooge ugu yahay? Buunina ma sidii uun buu xisaabta uga dhigaa (xisaabtiisaba waxaan ka jeclaa falsafaddiisa nololeed iyo fikirkiisa cabqarinimo) Aaah, Mooyi !! Bal halkan ka sii wada akhriso http://wardheernews.com/Sheeko_Gaaban/Axmed_Deeq/March_03_12_Hargeysaay.html