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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Taa lagu cawynayo baan ka helay.
  2. They just want to stay the leader of the tablet world. Samsung and Motorala gadgets are catching up.
  3. Showqi;795624 wrote: The outdoor billiard tournament oo maanta ka bilaabmay duleedka magaalada Qoryooley..... Creativity has no boundaries ... loving it.
  4. Jacaylbaro;799924 wrote: He supports Khaatumo-xumo we support Banadir ... quite a good one for him to lower his gaze Khaatumo-xumo iga dheh....... Saaxiib ha kugu taagnaato. Awelba wax beenbeen iyo qiiro qabiil lagu abuuray baad rabtay inaad beelaha waqooyiga wadan uga dhigtid.
  5. Waa saas Xaajiyow. Ha dhakhlayso.
  6. The guy wasted too much bytes of electronic data and yet makes insignificant suggestions at the end.
  7. 77 wixii ka danbeeyey gaaska iyo biyaha buu Siyaad Barre isku daray.
  8. Boowe aa say la' tahay. We aint a tribal state.....miyaad tiri? If it Looks Like a Duck, Walks Like A Duck, Sounds Like a Duck then it must be a tribal state.
  9. A prerequisite to send Somalia into the abyss: Deal with Khaatumo first.
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;799675 wrote: Meeshan golleh rijaal bay ahaan jirtay meesha laakin beryahan canaaasiir ba ku so batay Canaasiir weliba aragti kooban.
  11. Wadani;799674 wrote: Taleexi, u missed my point. I'm against people who portray one region of Somalia to be full of loose and promiscuous women. There are bad women all over Somalia, just like every other country. But to focus in on one region in the country to the exclusion of others is wrong. Actually, to focus on the vice of Somali women from any region is wrong, unless its intended to help the situation. I hope u get my point now. I didn't misread u. My comments were targeted at Fresh.
  12. Ma reer Soomaali ah baa jira, oo aan lahayn haweenay barjaysa?
  13. Somalina: Waa haweeney belo ah. Maandhow siday sawirada markaba ku soo heshaa! .... halkaa kaga hay saaxiib.
  14. Meles Zenawi BY Muktar M. Omer March 06, 2012 Vulgar Wisdom I have no intention of discussing Elisabeth Pisani’s unsettling stories from the red-light frontlines of Jakarta in the “Wisdom of Whores”. I mention it here to drive home the point that wisdom is to be found in the unlikeliest of places for those who are in thoughtful quest. It does not always gush out from professorial eloquence or excerpts from hard-cover autobiographies of prominent personalities. For example, there is a vulgar wisdom to be learnt from a seasoned adulterer. The day you walk into the connubial bed of a married women, you do not sleep naked or with only slender vest on, and all eyes slammed shut. Rather, you keep your shoes fastened on your suffocated feet, shirtfront open but shirt on, and with one unblinking eye resolutely fixed on the exit door. You enjoy the stolen fruits with the alertness of a sprinter waiting for the sound of the bell to start flying. The slightest stupor in mind or body earns you a broken skull and fractured bones; or if unlucky, a fatal shot at the abdomen. And the bad thing is the police will not take bloody chin and split bones as vivid exhibitions of abuse suffered; they are not a cause or explanation of violence. Blood and gaping wounds, however gruesome, will not grant you automatic innocence. You will have to answer tough questions about how you got the bruises and burns, even if that has to be from a hospital bed. Read more http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/March/Muktar/06_why_there_can_be_no_peace_with_Zenawi.html
  15. Waryaa Carafaat ..... talk to google. Thank you Turkey!
  16. Haa waa saas Sharma'arke ... Batulo naga daa mid yar oo aanu Xamar bajiyaha iyo jalaato jumba iskula cuni jirnay bayba isoo xasuusisaye
  17. Ijaabo ... my ex-wife's name.
  18. Tolow maxay ka wada hadlayaaan - ma hadal baaba dhex mari kara nin dhul iyo dad laga haysto iyo kii haystay? Markaad marqaanto illeyn waxba kuma xiraan.
  19. As an entrepreneur people's wants and needs should be given at most priority. Balse waxaan la yaabanahay kar urur baan abuuray leh illeyn horaa loo yiri - Qofkaan quusan isagaa quus ah.