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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Imisaan lahaa Farole iyo codbaahiyaha kala ilaaliya. Dheg la'iima jalaqsiin dabadeedna wuxuu madaxweyne Faroole ka wareegay waa la wada arkay ... Illeyn af aanad lahayn ma ilaalin kartid.
  2. Ma'anshaa Allah ... dadkan maxaa lacagta loogu diraa iyagaaba inaka taajirsan .. tolow hablaha 100 geel ah ma laga bixiyaa?
  3. Eng.Cadde;801369 wrote: actually reer khatumo were the main beneficiaries of siad barre.they lived like big boys.their only mistake was investing heavily in xamar instead of their degaans. Some of them suffered the regime's brutality as well. Nevertheless, Khaatumo folks need to shape their destiny with/without recognition. Self-reliance, and development is all they need ....
  4. STOIC;801267 wrote: Lander, We may have different of opinions on this issue, but we are both supporting SL aspirations (I refrain from using the word Project from now). Somaliland is a fact on the ground.No question about that.For the first time in its exceedingly long history , Somaliland today is recognized as independent region that has traveled the long path from dirt-poor dream of secession to a fully recognized legitimate region..Somaliland has battled to fend off South Somalia hegemony in Somali government.They have marched into the Wilderness of Somalia along with their guns.They have gained the stalwart ally of countries like Britain and the western world because of their pure aspiration to rebuild their homeleland.Somalis of different clans and descriptions have also sought refuge in major Somaliland cities.It is this stunning results that won the hearts of people like me.Now lurking beneath all this accolade is the recognition Somaliland people and government crave for. Whether tomorrow produces a new recognition and commitment from the rest of the world -or a continue reluctance to do so-would in large part determine the future of Somaliland.The new legitimacy conferred on Somaliland by the London conference has kept and reinforced the lid on Somaliland secession.The South Somalia is forced to negotiate with SL.Everything seems to be falling in place for Somaliland.Yet at heart, we all know that it would be foolish for SL to negotiate with any Somalia government until a two legitimate government are elected in South Somalia to test their stability.If you try to confront the issue consciously you will realize that Somaliland will stay this way for a very long time.When the shifts and shakiness of South Somalia rings warning bell to the rest of the world, SL can keep pushing.Before that could happen, of course, you need to entertain what if South Somalia can produce a legitimate government and the lid is blown-off for SL recognition by the rest of the world.I think we would be forced in this spirit to settle for whatever the world hands to Somaliland people.I understand this will NOT seat well with collective conscious of the kids born after 1991, but what Choice do we have then? Somaliland can go one of two ways then, and i doubt this needs any elaboration.For now Sheikh Shareef can hem and haw whether dancehall state (Khatumo) is a legitimate state while the world take notice of SL aspirations... The corrupted mind goes here again..... The dance hall state, the kastumo state is indeed doing a superb job. Beyond this we shall all wait and see where the lalaland bogus dreams end up.
  5. NGONGE;800895 wrote: LANDER, my or Stoic's support of SL is never going to be as strong or fanatic as yours, saaixb. Today, I am waving the SL flag and celebrating the achievements of the state. However, tomorrow, should circumstances change and it becomes more pragmatic to support a greater Somalia, I too will dust off that blue flag from under my bed and head that way (of course, I doubt circumstances will change to that extent). It is the eternal Somali problem that you all have (and here I lump you with the other Somalis). Maaddeey alone is not the one that suffers from extra amounts of 'xamaasad', you all do. In fact, this thread is a case in point. Here we have a unionist criticising a Somalilander by suggesting that he's a unionist at heart! Err, if he is, would it not be more prudent to sweat talk such a person and ensure that he's (happily) on your side rather than drive him away? Why go out of your way to antagonise such a proflic and good writer, which can only result in him writing even more articles that belittles your side? Khaatumo really needs someone like Mr Goth in their side. Hell, they could even do with A&T (now that he made Wardheer news his new home) instead of that mad man that is Osman whatever his name. Unprincipled, prolific writers are not welcome to the Khaatumo lot.
  6. Anigu mar baan ku degdegay at the age of 23.... balse talo ahaan nin waa inuu 40 ahaadaa gidaar kasta madaxa ku soo dhiftay haweenayna waa inay 30 jirtaa shineemadeeda iyo warwareegeeda soo dhamaysatay oo last round before menopause-ka ku jirta.... Waxaygu waa talo uun.
  7. Akhyaarta macooyday Udbo lacag ha la dhigo.... Reer Khaatumo iyagaa awalan aqoonsi isugu filan wixii kale ee cagowareejin u baahanna rag iyo dumarba way u wakiisheen. XX: Awliyo waad tahay laakiin awliyadii laga ducaysan jiray ma tihid ee Showqi ha u been guurin.
  8. Your mocking is warranted then.
  9. Stoic: First, unless you've a short memory what Khatumo has had in terms of celebrations is just a tip of the iceberg when compared to SL. 2ndly, does the expense come from your payroll or cost center?
  10. I met them and they appeared genuine then but now they seem to be sold-outs.
  11. Wadani: Isn't Aiyn derived from southern part of former Togdheer? XX: Khaatumo has enough landmass and population and wants to live in peace with your admin. as long as you guys want it. -- Ogow adna Sahra Halgan iyo kuwo la midka ah baad dhegaysataa. STOIC: A fact, SL is a bit head in terms of governance when compared to newly formed Khaatumo. Over the existence of of only 2 months - Khaatumo has caused havoc in the secessionists lot. if Khaatumo were confined in the dance halls - then what is all about this craziness. Who needs Siilaanyo's while he is a killing machine?, Salaadiinta Hargeysa who needs their gogol when they are promoting the displacement and occupation of Khaatumo lands? - For sure, SL has no stomach to self-sustain the oppression - advice them to vacate the lands that aint theirs .... - if only you care about their progress.
  12. Stoic's true colors have surfaced. Clan is everything for him basically his oxygen is. However, the prolific writer, Bashir Goth, can not have both ways and cannot insult the intelligence of his audience in perpetuity we are in the information age folks!. The great regional state of Somaliland consists of Waqooyi Galbeed, western Sanaag and and northern Togdheer. And "SL" will meet with the TFG in Turkey representing their constituents alone. The likes of born again secessionists like STOIC is extremely hard for them to decipher. NASSIR: Will the real Bashir Goth stand up?
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;800479 wrote: you don't get me i want saado to support khaatuumo and sing songs for khaatumo is what her people want wa inay tageerto. Muslinow run sheeg, dad Allowna run uga qaado.
  14. Anaa tirada LA og adna ta Hargeysa - Taasi waa gar eexeed. Garawshiyo baan kaa filayey.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;800505 wrote: ofcourse he is part of the 4.5 any way he did not say Somaliland wa dawlad madax banaan he just called Somaliland wa dal jira oo nabadaysan. Nabad ah ... malaa laba planet baynu ku kala noolahay... Dhowr qof oo rayid ah baa shalay lagu dilay LA.
  16. Sheekadu ninka ha la gaadho 40 gabadhana 30 wixii ka intaa ka horeeya waa baashaal. anigase beri baan ku degdegay oo 24 jir baan ku guursaday..... Wallaahi raaxo buu ahaa .... haddase liilow baan ku jiraa.
  17. Somalia wuxuu u baahan yahay daryeel.
  18. Universal is like play as you get pay but Amen's inaction towards this TV needs more backup info.
  19. Waa saas KK. Nuune saaxiib karbuunada ha igu bidhaamin