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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. JB: Khaatumo baa ka go'day PL ee maxaa kaa khuseeya.
  2. nacnac iga dheh Maakhir has some lessons to learn from Khaatumo phenomena. They don't need to reinvent the wheel. Khaatumo paid dearly/handsomely juggling between PL and SL. Self-rule is the only way forward for the great people of Makhirites. In order to achieve that self awareness campaigns should be carried out where self reliance, trust within community and reconciliation are promoted. Rome wasn't built in a day.
  3. Somalia;803672 wrote: Oh, you hurt? You make this stuff up all the time, not even Al-Shabaab goes through that many hoops to make up fake tapes. Mt. Script, what part of my thank you - you don't understand.
  4. Malika;803213 wrote: ^Lol - xasiid saniid. Lady Juxa said it all. Make it a possibility that you go away together - spend that time rediscovering each other, after ten years, with kids...life gets pretty mandane and folks take each other for granted.- time alone to remind yourselves why ' you or her'.. ps. Congratulations! You two have survived the 'seven year itch'..well done. Malika..... Rediscovereey xaal qaado. Anigu meesha dad isku daalay oo laysku khasbayo baan arkaa. My talo is... If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  5. Horta denbiilayaashii oo dhan Alle denbi dhaaf ma loo weydiinayaa mise sheekadu qaar bay khusaysaa?
  6. Abwaan;803543 wrote: Daahir Calasoow iyo Dhallinta Khaatumo ee barnaamijkaan isku soo duba-ridey waa ceeboobeen...Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa "Been sagaal guur ah ayaa run galab carraw ahi ka daba timaaddaa". Waxaan baaritaan ku soo ogaadey, in Wasiirka kelmedaha hore ee salaantu ku jirto laga duubay oo codkiisa tahay inta kalena lagu kabkabay oo laga beensheegay lacag-u-diridda iyo taleefonka laga qorayo. Naga daa hadal tirada oo shirkii Washington DC soo summarize garee oo bog cusub oo SOL ah ku soo dheji. Ta kale I always have my own reservations on such recordings but before we blame Calasow and his collaborators..... See labo warqadood oo isburinaya uga soo wada bixi karaan xafiiska Ra'iisulwasaaraha... Ku lahaa way naga fakatay ma dhusaa sorry about my language. Waxaasi waa ceeb lagu qooshay unprofessionalism... Markaa maamulkuna ma eed la'a ee iska ilow xawaashaynta Somalina.
  7. Somalia;803102 wrote: I mean these SSC people take desperate to another level. Thank you Mr. script.
  8. Information age can do wonders. God bless the internet and audio editing techniques.
  9. Oodweyne is indeed suffering from Khaatumo-Seeg syndrome. Way duushay,.way dhuustay ma Khaatumaa isku fuuqsatay.
  10. Siyaada iyo duruufaha jira baan ii ogolaanayn. Cagowareejis marmar waa ku khasbanahay.
  11. Kool_Kat;803440 wrote: ^Qandhada wax ufiicana waala haaya! Sheekadu waa: Qardho lee imaaw. @Nuune, haddaadba kataabiyoos xasuusatid igama yarid.
  12. Oodweyne;803438 wrote: Somalina : gartey, dearest,.. :D Taleexi : Maya, abti, laakiin, sida aad isu-diidsineyso arintan ayaa wax ii sawirtey. Tan kale ee Somaliland ahna, iyadana haddii "munaafaqnimo" aan milix lasoo marin kaaka soo dhadhantey, dee, abti, hays martiyeen ee halkaa kasoo miis; oo dhamaanteen noo-noqo odey-weyn oo waliba hoga-tusaaleyn fiican nagu haga. Ileyn, "Maandeeqda" Somaliland waa wada leenahey e... :D Saaxiib, Maandeeqdii weyneyd waxaad ku diiday baan ka xanaaqay.
  13. Somalina;803435 wrote: Taleexi mid aan kuu sheego, jufaysiga iska daa, ama reerka dhinac ka raac ama Taleex aad ama afkaada hayso. Jufadaas labo meelood ayaa laga maamulaa, Hargeysa iyo Garowe. Adigu is xisaabi baan ku iri, odeyga Garowe fadhiya iyo odeyaasha Madexweyne Shariif fariinta u direy waxba kuma kala duwana, ee kala saar saarka jooji. Intaas keliya fahan. Tooshkana waa kaa demiyey, awalba adigaa isku shidey. lol Taasi waa sheeko xariirtii AUN marxuun Galooleey: "AMA Afgooye aad, AMA Afweyne raac, AMA Afkaaga hayso" Qaatay taladaa balse baaqa I see Pr. Faroole's FingerPrints.
  14. Qardho boos baan ka gatay.... waxyaabo kalena waa ay ku fiican tahay kumase soo dhejin karo SOL. KK: Ha nagu kicin qandhada ee naga kale yaree inaadeer.
  15. I'm jealous .... my country needs to recover soon.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;803425 wrote: Members ku abtirsada faroole LMAO:D:D Waa erey bixin wanaagsan........ ninkii odayga ahaa taalo baa loo dhisayaa. Somalina: haddii lay soo weeraro ma passive baan noqdaa oo sheekadu ma peaceful means baa .. Gandh iyo MLK come to mind.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;803418 wrote: Its sad that the president is discussing the national security of his country in Addis ababa. But than again there are Ethiopians in Somalia so its understandable. Xaajiyow ... marka sheekadu kululaato reer SL cid Ethiopia ka jecel ma jirto ee naga daaya bahasha? haddii aydaan iska deyn karayn dhar u geliya....
  18. Waryaa, oday Xaaji ... reer Maakhir waxba islama diidanin .... ha naga dhex shaqayn.... Oodweyne: Miyaad Somalina jeclaatay?
  19. Wixii munaafaqnimo ah tooshka ku ifi saaxiib... bal tiina ka waran aad labaatanka sano subkayseen, way duushay qabiilo kala duwan baa ka tirsan, waanu go'aynaa ... war bahasha wada sheeg ama naga daa selective justice .. don't cherry pick your stands ...
  20. Oodweyne;803412 wrote: ^^ :D You are learning fast in here; particularly, the contradictory stances of our teeming "Khatumo-Seeg" folks,.. Oo adigu Khaatumo ma deyn baad ku leedahay?
  21. It is all munaafaqnimo yaa Somalina. Additionally, Farole has nothing to do with Khaatumo any more except KH and PL be a good, neighborly regional states.
  22. Safi is an interesting writer and yet again she penned another piece about Puntland. Puntland; All Talk No Action By: Safi Abdi March 13, 2012 January 8, 2009 was an extraordinary day for Puntland and so it was for mudane Abdirahman Mohamed Farole. After years of a downward spiral, a change of direction became inevitable and that was the day our people ushered in Abdirahman Farole as Puntland’s fourth President. To judge for yourself my dear readers just how excited we Puntlanders were on that day let me please draw your attention to a short article that I posted on this very site To be fair, what our new President inherited January 8, 2009 was not a Puntland that was intact nor was it a functioning state by any sense of the word.Rather it was a leftover of sorts and our new President’s primary assignment was to pick up the remaining pieces…And bring back home the stolen goods…Not the best of legacies, you’ll agree, but that was a legacy our President came into freely and without coercion. In other words, our President knew exactly what he was getting into. It was our understanding that anyone who moved into this house was coming in first and foremost as a humble servant of people. What Puntland needed then (and still needs) was a statesman of high caliber who knew exactly what his job demanded of him. And so we took the Dr. at his own words when he said, I am the one, trust me, I can do it. So we trusted in him and gave him the keys to the family home and granted him all the time he needed to make good on his promises. Read more http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/March/Safi/13_Puntland_all_talk_no_action.html
  23. Anigu qof ahaan sheekadan waa soo dhoweynayaa ... in laga wada hadlona wax xun ma aha... Anyways, my long term goal is the unification of Khaatumo and Maakhir.