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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Wadani;806659 wrote: Walaalayaal, reer khaatumow anaa xaajiga xaal ka bixinayee, ninkan KOW layidhaa maad naga qabataan? lol U malayn maayo in tani kala badinayso..... Weli wax baa isugu dhiman.
  2. Marba markaad gees u bood boodo waa ku aqaan oo waxba meesha kuma haysid .... ee mawduucyo kale ha ila gelin..... Gaashaamo folks with Liyo folks murdered and maimed the Buhodle citizens ma been baa? Tani meel kala tegi maysee, ma is rifnaa mise wax baan isu ogolaanaa?. Khaatumo is gone for good, most of it is not in your sphere of influence. Some people never understand .... Waa halkii Sahra Ahmede ... bal aan heesaha ku dayo. Daaya, Xaajiga ...... On behalf of Khaatumo, we regret the lost of innocent lives and send our condolences to the family members and friends of the victims.
  3. Gaashaamo folks did what I would've done it. And I did it in Buuhoodle in the past. And will do it again if provoked. And this must be commended. However, XX advocating Buhodle citizens don't deserve to live free speaks itself in volumes .. We are dealing people with such mentality ... Liberation struggle must go on in all fronts, and in all times ... no selective justice saaxiib.. bal iska qayil maanta way kugu taagan tahaye. Liibaan: Dab dhaxamooday maxaa lagu diiriyaa?
  4. Bunch of corrupted minds. The game is on indeed. Let us destroy each other until everyone comes to terms with reality.
  5. Xaaji ... maxaad lacagta isaga khasaaraynaysaan .... Stoic iyo kooxdii kale Cheerleaders-kii baa hadda ku qabsan doona.
  6. It is sad that Somalis are being used to kill each other....... Gaashaamo people defended their God given right methinks and Khaatumo people are fighting a just war that is against the aggressors.
  7. Discrediting Stoic's shallow, one sided, and bogus political stands are actually the noble thing to do. His make belief of SL is an oasis of peace when one looks at his angle, Isa-k's clan view point then I rest my case. If he is a man with real convictions he would be rather daring and say the clan is my God and my clan by all means is doing well in that part of the world. He can even claim that SL is the best thing that ever happen to humanity but I can not tolerate his selective justice, half-baked truths if he comes here with his cantarabaqash by degrading, bashing and dehumanizing about the others' aspirations in the north e.i. Awdal, Khaatumo and Maakhir. Whatever name you call to those who possess opposing views doesn't really matter but one thing is for certain that they indeed causing insomnia in many of your lot. Ngonge: Can u bring anything substantive and objective to the table? this has been the norm for 20 plus years ....
  8. By Abrahman I. Takhal March 18, 2012 In this century, education will be the greatest tool for success much more than it has been in the last half of the twentieth century. This is particularly true in Africa, where most countries spend huge sum of their GDP (including the international aid) on military and defense build-ups. In a world that is increasingly becoming more interdependent and interconnected through commerce, political, and social issues, it is unwise to focus on the strength of military capability while downplaying the importance of education, which is the source of every prosperous society. Hence, it is high time for African leaders to invest in the future of their young and dynamic generation --if they are to do better than their parents by being more productive generation. Thus, serious steps to improve the primary education sector in Africa must be undertaken. Read more http://wardheernews.com/Articles%202012/March/18_education_africa_takhal.html
  9. Xiimaaye: Why bother? -- you've been exposed within a day. You've no clothes.... Apply another username.... and good luck next time. Nassir: You nailed it.
  10. Ximaaya: The way you framed the question is unjust and has an ill intention behind. Go figure why Some Khaatumo lands are occupied.
  11. Xiimaaya: Bal horta soo dhowow ... aflagaado sheekow ku bilow meelna kuma gaadhsiinayso.
  12. What difference does it make? Khaatumo is already a just war with Somalilanders. This map kama duwana ka Siilaanyo dadka ka dhaadhiciyo.
  13. Odayaashani should've have been in uniform - markay ka carareen this is what an occupier is doing to them.
  14. Taleexi

    Somali people

    A good reminder. Thank u.