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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Whatever she smoke I want to have some!... A pure form of insulting audience's intelligence.. !
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;840442 wrote: No there is something else the peoples of Somaliland regardless if they are from Borama hargeysa gabiley burco berbera hargeisa erigavo laasqoray badhan laascaanood oodweyne sheikh. Are exactly the same people by traditions by culture by accent by history,You just answered you're own question why should they divide they chose to have their own entity and not wanting to be part of the Garowe clan enclave what does that tell you. When Boqr osman and Sultan Ali Yusuf were having their own little sultanate in mudug and bari was there room for the garaad clan no there wasn't. Are you forgetting that the garaad clan and reer maakhir also used to settle in berbera and Sheikh. These people their destiny is intertwined yes there is no difference between a person from Seylac and a person from Djibouti they are the same there is a mutual understanding between the govt of Djibouti and the SL govt that the movement of people should be encouraged. A similar understanding can be reached with the government of Somalia in the near future. Again i told you before, you see everything from a clan perspective everything you talk about is clanish and it stinks. All you talk about is they are this clan i am this clan thus they are my enemy what are you a baby or something stop crying. Maxaad bogga waxan oo cantarabaqash ah uga buuxisay..... kuwa Kismaayo, Xamar, Beledweyn, Garoowe iyo Buuhoodle iyagu ma kala duwan yihiin? Marmarka qaarkood haddii maskaxdu si caafimaad qabta u shaqayn lahayd wax fiicnaan lahayd.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;840426 wrote: Again you are trying to compare apples to oranges we were talking about Somaliland and not about west Africa or British east Africa, Here is the problem Galmudug was never part of Puntland the garaad clan some were part of Puntland some part of Somaliland. And now not a single village is in the hands of Puntland and all the tribal chiefs of khaatumo defected from Puntland. They created a home grown entity called Khaatumo leaving the so called Garowe administration.Its not about Colonial experience the khatumites don't they live in Sanaag and Sool with the rest of the Somaliland communities. You act as if they live in Timbuktu:D. Not every one is there to get you there are no conspiracies they are Somalilanders like every one else. Times change so, do we ....A fact, clan states are neither viable, strategic nor sustainable... "SL" baa ka marag ah.
  4. Showqi;840375 wrote: Xaaji, Siyaad Bare (AUN) barigii uu noola wali cid ugu yeedha Afweyne mushtamaca dhexdiisa oo aan talaabo sharci ah laga qaadin miyaad maqashay. Afka suuqa lagaga hadlo iyo dacaayada ma'aha in aad keento shirarka muhiimka (Sakiin macnaheedu waa nin Khaayin ah) Showqi: The state of totalitarianism is no longer in operation thus, people should be more resilient and develop a thick skin that can with stand the heat of the talk....... the lady soon after she made the remark she apologized......
  5. Odayaashu inay naanaysta Shariif Sakiin u adkaystaan bay ahayd. If there would've been a law and order those chieftains would've been penalized for their misconduct. Very sad indeed: anyone can go away with anything these days in our country.
  6. Showqi;835339 wrote: Looooooool@Taleexi.............Waar adigu horta lotkii waraaqaha qori jiray miyaanad ku jirin. Alla maxaan khad iyo warqad qasaariyey balse Alle iguma qadin inkastoonu is furnay
  7. Aaliyah: Tuu kuu soo diray baadan ka soo jawaabin.
  8. Juxa;835018 wrote: aamiin blessed Met a somali lady with 6 kids and infected with HIV by her husband, who still lives with her and the children (dumarka qaaarkood wax aan ku tilmaamo ma aqaan) One being in a such situation. I think the lady's options are limited.
  9. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;834906 wrote: Ani waaba la socdaa ee see isku qarxinaa. Dadka Facebook ku cusub waaye dadka isqarxinooyo. Just now I am seeing this on my wall feed: Oo video-gan waaba dhag dhag'e ma wa baa ka khaldan? ma'anaa waalan mise Cadan baa laga heesayaa?
  10. ahhha, maxaan kaloo kuugu jawaabi karaa aan qosol ka ahayn.
  11. Wyre: Malaa sida ay u kordhaan ama u yaraadaan waxay ku xidhan tahay kolkaad golahan ku soo biirtay. Ma hubo, waxaa kaloo jiri kara in doorsoomayaal kale tirada afar-geesoodka cagaaran saamayn ku leeyihiin. Haddaan awoodo, waa kula wadaaagi lahaa balse xannibaad baa waxa ina saaray hawlwadeenada golahan sidaas darteed iimaanso xoogaaga Alle wuu kuu barakayne.
  12. Xaaji .... wuxuu liqay baa iga yaabiyey ee uu duriyadda sidan ugu cabsan yahay .... tolow ma jannada paas-keedii baa
  13. The beauty of life is: Biological clock does not discriminate ... ma kala taqaano D-ir iyo Da-rod
  14. By: Hassan M. Abukar May 25, 2012 A Somali woman here in the US—with whom I have been acquainted for more than 10 years—has recently told me that her husband of 8 years is into something. She has grown suspicious of him because he has started taking annual trips to East Africa, something he did not do before. I happen to be a close friend of a man who is a confidante of her husband. “Can you check that for me?” she asked. My first reaction was one of bafflement. When I told her that I wouldn’t do it because I thought the whole request was, not only, unethical but rather bizarre, she began to recite a litany of complaints about her husband. “He is in this marriage because he loves the good life that I have provided for him,” she said. Her husband, on the surface, is a gentle, kind, loyal, hard-working, and highly educated man who is close and kind to her family. She is active in her community, and the husband is the one who is perfectly content to be in the background. If there is anything unusual about this couple’s relationship--barring the unknown—it is the glaring disparity in their income. The wife is a doctor who makes four times what the husband, a social worker, does. However, he has been gainfully employed since I met him more than a decade ago. Read more: http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/May/Hassan_Abukar/25_anatomy_of_a_husband.html
  15. Wq. Axmed Ismaaciil Maxamuud (Axmed Deeq) May 28, 2012 Gabalku waa sii dhacayaa, oo cadceeddu iyada oo dhar dahabiya xidhan ayaa waxay u sii gurguuranaysaa godkeeda. Waxay geyiga ku sii sagootinaysaa falaadho casuusa. Kuwaas oo marka ay foolkaaga ku dhacaan ku hilmaansiinaya wixii aad huq iyo hagardaamo maalintaa mudatay. Waxa ay kugu soo noolaynayaan dareenno muxubo iyo kalgacal isugu jira oo aad u qabtay inta xidhan maro iyo dhixir oo gudahaaga ku dhadhay markii aad qaan gaadh noqotay. Dhulkan hortayda ka muuqda waxa uu huwan yahay biyo madaw oo bad la iigu sheegay mar danbe. Alla baddu qurux badanaa oo haddana quwad waynaa; deeqsisanaa oo haddana dad qalsanaa; xunbo badanaa oo haddana xasili ogaa. Ma xaaskii saaxiibkay ee Cibaado yoomaa? Gudaha shishe ee badda waxa dhex siqaya wax guryo u eeg, la iiguse sheegay maraakiib. Halka dhexdeedana ay dul sabaynayaan doonyo yaryar oo dad saaran yihiin. Cirku caad yar oo khafiifa ayuu gashan yahay, isaga iyo badduna waxay ku kulmaan halka ugu fog ee aragaygu ku soo af meermo. Bal halkan ka sii akhriso: http://wardheernews.com/Sheeko_Gaaban/Axmed_Deeq/May_28_Xeebtii_Kalgacalka.html
  16. Waa markaad sheekada Novels-ka halkan ku soo dhejin jirtey....
  17. Coofle;826342 wrote: You forget the Wisest Member...Abtigiis ,,, I do not dare to label him.... Nin caqli badan baad tahay... bal yaa ku dhaca...
  18. Thanks Wyre ... But I'm close to Mexico ... and here it is a ritual to misuse your body ... you are what you eat isn't in our vocabulary.
  19. OdaySomali;826327 wrote: So I wasn't that far off then U aint .. I'm within the range of 21 and 39 ?
  20. BLue - bilaash kaagama cararin haddaadba Xena isku koox tihiin .. Abtigiis jabka ku dhici doona baan ka welwelsanahay.