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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Pretty landscapes, thanks for sharing.
  2. Khaatumo has to make history through harsh circumstances.
  3. Taleexi


    Maaddeey: Goormaa af-soomaaligii carabiga loo bedelay. Maxaa gidaarada carabiga loogu xardhay?
  4. Taleexi


    War Maaddeey ha la daayo beryahan jiq bay ku tahaye. Af Soomaaligii uu is ilowsiiyey buu hadda raba inuu si intensive ah isku baro.
  5. Somalia;841908 wrote: Aniga waxaan uu dashey reer Baraxley. Aint you be a proud Puntlander? - Shame on you!
  6. Women are on the march and more in proportions in colleges nowadays. I welcome this development even though I would love to see a more balanced mixture of the genders in the higher education. Rudy, which Cal State did you go to?
  7. Tolow maxaa ba'as oo dersinimo wanaag ahayn ah baa ka yaal?
  8. Do you in Caanaha Geelu faa'iidooyin badan leeyihiin oo marmar Champagne-ka booskooda lagu bedelo? - Every groom, waa kula talin lahaa.... balse waano abuur baa ka horeysey.
  9. Thanks Shwqi: Geelijiirinimada ha igu qabsan. Ka dhaaf geelajirnimada cayaarta.
  10. Bashir is Bashir. What else worth saying.
  11. Dhunkashadu wax xun ma aha..... inaadse qof walba afkaaga la gasho laga fiican,
  12. The scripts are suffering from Galaydh syndrome. Rehab centers must be opportunities to be exploited in that part of the country.
  13. Haddii Xaaji u waxyooday run u badi. Ma bilaash hadlo oo odayga waa loo waxyoodaa.....
  14. Su'aashu waxaa weeye ma bixi kartaa? Marwo Edna, edeb darada ay Soomaali kaga baxday kama xumi ee kuwa ay galaafanayso baa ka liita.
  15. Nin-Yaaban;840675 wrote: Hyundai is like a cheap knockoff of Honda. They could've came out with a better name.Their new cars look kinda nice though, i'll give them that. But i still wouldn't buy them. I'll stick Toyota (Camry:)). Actually, Hyundai is closing the gap both in design and quality and yet mysteriously they are cheaper.... Higher end models are been introduced including Genesis ... I'm VW guy though.
  16. AfricaOwn;840646 wrote: Her people care for this. F* what you care about and keep it moving. The point is not what you care or not care. Disagreement is a human gene but you just can run away who you are: a sane person supposed to be comfortable with his/her own skin. Edna exercised otherwise. I feel sorry for the crowd that she abused. How many clan states a country can have?