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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. A_Khadar;847567 wrote: Before the all excitement, Anyone exactly know what the two have talked about? One thing I am very certain is that the people in Buhodle and the entire people of Khatumo will have no any effect on this.. Even if Galaydh himself meets with your old man Siiraanyo.. Khatumates only need: 1. Free of your militia from the towns 2. Self govern 3. Unity of Somalia.. This is so hard to be understood to those of our midst with fixed minds. Neither Xaglatoosiye nor Dr. Galaydh can be taken seriously if they deviate from the mission of Khaatumo. To all the haters, Khatumo ideology is thriving in its birthplace and that is what farsighted people should see.
  2. By Safi Abdi July 01, 2012 Linguistically speaking Somaliland is exactly what it says: a Somali land. Anyway you put it: whether you glue Somali and Land together or tear them apart, a Somali land is always a Somali land. I dare you, dear reader, to define this term and ask yourself, as I’ve asked myself what this term truly and honestly means. Define it with the help of any dictionary of your choice and if you come back with other than what I found in my dictionary then you’ve every right to tell me to please shut up. In essence and in its pure untainted form, the word, Somali means, a Somali person, as for the word Land it also means exactly what it says, land. So in summary the definition of Somaliland could be said to mean a land that’s populated by people who call themselves Somalis and call their mother tongue Somali, afsoomaali. History has it that when the thirsty hungry white folks landed on this parched land of ours, they found a rather unusual looking folks that called themselves a rather unusual sounding name. In no time our guests were soon figuring things out for themselves: Umm…Soomaali, You say… …And these are your lads…. And those your sheep? Now, what’ve we got here? Somaliland! The story goes on to say that once they set up camp, our guests went straight ahead with their mission: O ye black folks who call themselves Somali, they said, turning to the locals of the land: Come hither, and let’s sign together this white sheet we’ve got here... Hey! you tribal chiefs, this is a pen, you can write away your meat and your dignity… there, there… in the name of your clan (s) or whatever else makes you write away your meat and your dignity. Now sign here…Good boys! Mind you, the foot soldiers who came to our land had a plan of action and a mandate to rule the world and they weren’t exactly concerned with halal or haram. So wherever they set foot, they went ahead and divided the locals, dissected people’s lands, and divided farmlands and grazing areas amongst themselves; no questions asked, no buts, and certainly no fears of a far off Judgment Day. It was a simple case of: I hereby name you ‘so and so’, and hereby ‘sign you off’ as part of my vast Empire, and I bloody well don’t give a damn about what God says on this issue. This scribe wasn’t personally invited to the Name-giving ceremony, but she’s guessing there wasn’t anything haphazard in the way the lucky recipients of our body parts walked away with their share of the booty: You over there, you are French Somaliland. Period. We don’t like the French, and like the natives even less. So go away. And you, as of today you are Italian Somaliland, so live with it. And Hey! Princely Ethiopia, take thou that chunk next to you as a gift from the Queen. It’s an order. And we, the honorable British Empire, we keep the feet of the booty to make a head for the Queen’s Kenyan body; and last but not least the reason we are all here, the meat….let’s christen this baby British Somaliland! Good baby! Now, we all know where the body parts went and are fully aware of where some of them are still lurking as we speak. However, a question we all should be asking is: Where in the world did the Somali Brain go? We know where the Body went, but who ran away with our Brain? On a side note: Of all the things the Almighty Allah allowed He hates divorce the most. Allah hates divorce for He knows the havoc and the pain divorce causes the family and the community, but when the parties can’t live together in peace and harmony it is allowed, and for a good reason. But while divorce is allowed, distortion of facts is not the way to go. Like everything else in life, divorce has rules and regulations and there are simple guidelines and procedures for any partners who agree on going their separate ways. Transparency, Honesty and full application of God’s Law, being the keywords in any given situation. Moreover, before any proceedings take effect, one has to know who is divorcing who; meaning that the identity of the partners must be established first and foremost, and beyond any shadow of doubt. How else will anyone go about a divorce if they don’t even know who they’re divorcing? To understand the problem we all are up against in a definition of a ‘Somaliland’ that’s not in our books, and this is a simple exercise in mathematics that any Fourth Grader might attempt: If a man had 4 wives and only 1 wife was unhappy about the relationship, how many wives should the husband divorce? If you still are confused and can’t make head or tale of what Silanyo’s Somaliland’s all about, you’re not alone ‘Cos last we checked the collective Somali Brain was still gone missing. __ Safi Abdi is a freelance writer, author, and poet. She can be reached at E-Mail: safia5960@gmail.com Source: http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/July/Safi/01_is_Somaliland_another_name_for_problematic.html
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;847196 wrote: But Liibaan Haabsade never supported ssc or Khaatumo he was a former Somaliland parliament speaker than the interior Minister of Puntland than back to Somaliland as the information Minister. As for Abdiraxmaan tuur late Somaliland President aun he was a unionist and every one knew initially SNM started as a unionist rebel movement so he is not really to blame. He was the last SNM chairman and both him and caydid wanted to honor the pact they signed in 1989. Currently, Xaglatoosiye has neither political mandate nor power base thus, his political dealings will not alter anything in the ground. Think of in similar terms the SL unionists of your clan.
  4. Carafaat;847022 wrote: This is good news. Even thought it's not really suprising, Somali wax weyn iskuma heysato, cadiifado soke mooyaane. Khatumo will merge with Somaliland, its a matter of weeks. Dhulka baa Izak dhex gelaya waa sheeeko xariir.
  5. *Ibtisam;846981 wrote: LOL LOL, dhadkaan max heesta!!!!! Sii soco, soo soco, wadaadad ayaa liiqi at this rate!! Xabsadey is due for a switch soon miyaan aheyn Sii soco, soo soco maxaa ka wanaagsan
  6. Wadani;847191 wrote: ^ I agree. Siilaanyo should make concrete steps to show that he's serious about peace. His past record is hunting him down.
  7. Khatumo and SL are regional neighbors and they need to cooperate with matters of their mutual interests. As far as I'm concerned Mudane Xaglotoosiye is not part of the current administration of Khatumo thus, his personal dealings don't have that much of a weight methinks. Khaatumo is bigger few individuals like all other administrations.
  8. Quite contrary. It was a joyous day for all Somali speaking people indeed. Bad governance, favoritism, corruption and nepotism that ensued are to be blamed for our self-inflicted, protracted predicament . And sadly, we've not learned anything from our recent history and all clan states are armed to the teeth undoing the other. As the King said: can we all get along?
  9. Aadan Jugle;846670 wrote: That border betwen somaliland and somalia was nullified by who??? of course by somaliland in 1960 and now the same goverment renacted the old borders. Without my permission you aint going nowhere. I assure you you need care than being on SOL.
  10. Good start the clan enclave talking to the weak TFG's heads at last.
  11. Valenteenah.;846506 wrote: Khatumo is doing good work, laakiin waa inaan niicda yareyno oo activity-da badino. Lol @ mediating between KH and Puntland. Is there a real need for that? Surely hadal fiican uun baa looga baahanyahay, Mudane Faroole. I couldn't agree more. More field work is needed in Khaatumo. Rebuilding the regional state in terms of education, health, and governance should be given priority. The moral of the story less talk more work. There are some confused Khaatumo folks who can not see trees from the forest. XX: FYI, other anglo borders as of today are valid and standing but the one between the former Somali regions was nullified and voided in 1960 thus, one Somali family can neither reclaim nor redraw a defunct, obscure border. Balse qofka bini'aadamka ahi xaq buu u leeyahay inuu isku maaweeliyo waxyaabo dhalanteed ah
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;845639 wrote: Ma photoshop baad miciin biday Xaaji..... Waalidu has no boundaries
  13. Oodweyne: Tolkay ma ceeb la'a mase mawqif la'a. Horaa loo yidhi siday u il daran tahay uma Alle la'a. Malaa madax dhaqameedkii habraha ee aan Buuhoodle ka gudbinayey si ay Istanbul u soo taabtaan oo dadkooda wax ula qaybsadaan in aad taageertid baa kuu wacnayd. Maroodigu takarta ku joogta ma arkee, ta kan kale ku joogta buu arkaa. 20 sano Soomaali la hadli mayno waxaa xigtay waa la hadlaynaa, Khaatumo, Maakhir iyo Awdal states are here to get their slice of the pie. The misguided and political isolation promoted by the die hard secessionists are hunting you down. Mid iga gunud Abti, "SL" will not get a royal treatment in the Somali political arena; each clan state will be treated with the consideration of its constituents' magnitude. Ha iga degdegin, Soomaalidu taxadka bay tagtay oo tartiib tartiib baynu isugu soo dhowaanaynaa... Marqaanku wuu idinka bixi, Laascaanood-na waa laydinka saari
  14. Ooodweyne: Waad isku dhex yaacday ee orod shirka Daallo ka qaybgal.
  15. Abtigiis;845130 wrote: Horta, this reminds me something important! What has come of the 180,000 USD multiplex olympic stadium in Garowe?? :D Back then, we said 180,000 buys 3 bedroom apartment and we expressed concern! Abtigiis, Ma accountanti baad tahay miyaadan waxba ilaawib PL way duushaye afkaaga ka du
  16. Where is Mudane Yalaxow when you need him most ... Illeyn ninna kabo aan jinkiisa ahayn ma gashado, Somaliland-na dawlad duriyadeed bay isugu soo ururtay, Allow ceeb astur ....
  17. Ciyaarta mar haddii nolol laysu diiday waa in eber lagu wada baandheeyaa.
  18. Fadlan halkan ha ku soo dhejin si sir ah iigu soo ***.
  19. Aan ka kaco ardaagii oo raadsado madaxtinimo.