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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. At the end what the masses want will prevail and thus far they've exercised the desire for self-rule. However, some of their pseudo leaders can not see trees from the forest and therefore slowing their progress.
  2. It was a tragic incident. The sad thing is that it continues up until today. Ha is dayso diidaye, ha is raamsatee daa
  3. AUN marxuumka. Hope murders listen the tunes of justice.
  4. Its timing matters, the author's credibility is shallow and questionable nevertheless, the corruption exists and remains a s-e-xy ritual in the realm of the nominal TFG.
  5. Dee inuu been yahay waxaa kuu cadaynaysa haddayba Garoweonline, bar-kulan iyo mareeg tixraaceen.
  6. Warkaas baa igu socda. Self-reliance is the name of the game.
  7. Abwaan: Ma adigaa warbixintan qoray maxaad dhiig karka noogu kicinaysaa!!, Koleyba Somali baa ku soo ogaanaya.
  8. Mario B;848246 wrote: ^ This is not good news, at the moment we don't have civic society that can fight for the downtrodden proletarian struggling for land, housing, water and social justice. If we don't take care of those at the bottom [which happens to be the majority of people in most Africa counries] then the event of Somalia 1991 will keep occurring all over Africa, again and again. Oheey afrikaay hurudooy
  9. XX: Haddaanan waxaan doonayo garanayn waxaas oo hadal tiro ah ma soo qoreen. Qodxaha, bohollaha, jalaqa, hagardaamada siyaasadeed ee iga xiga inaan higsado hadafkayga ma moogani balse si habaysan oo kala hormarine ku jirto baan u hormaynayaa, sidaan u hummaag xumahay uma habacsani
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;848144 wrote: Why would reer taleex disrupt the conference when they were the one hosting the conference even with the killings of reer Cali shireh It was only noble of them to let the process of the conference continue.The Khatumo conference when it was being organized it was done by the G10 Dr cali ciise cabdi from Taleex himself. The only thing Khatumo so far accomplished was minimizing the power of the Elders but you are still dealing with the same not so lucrative politicians as before. I agree though some of the progress of Khatumo is hindered by the Garowe boys to the east and dealing with the TFG will not help their case either you need to have allies in the region. Fahamkeennu ma ka foga balse isku wax ma doonayno.
  11. *Ibtisam;848140 wrote: ^^^^Lool wax walan!! Okay noted, can't say I share that view/ experience or feelings. waan ka xumahey inaad iis fashilisey, so iska raalin noqo Haween baad isugu dhuratay, waxay doonayaan bay diiday yidhaahdaan.... haddaanba thread furayaa, thread-kan Khatumo lagu bash garaynayo waan u bannaynayaa.
  12. Ta yari, waa nacnac inay isku keen dirto baan ka baqayaa.
  13. Ibtisam: Horta ma kuu sheegay inaan weligay hoosta kaa jeclaa, Alla iga raali ahow ma ogayn in aan sirtaydii meel public ah ku soo dhejiyeye!
  14. Ahha, XX, yaa dhurwaayada noqday war waa iga talo hal cadow oo Khaatumo ah yeesha?
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;848113 wrote: Every one knows that the Garaad clan was never interested in a autonomous state well at-least their politicians are not interested in that. For them it was more about political opportunity taking their opportunity to continue their political career where every they can. I am not talking about the genuine diaspora who truly believe in a state for their own clan. But in reality we can conclude the khatumo conference and the organizers of that conference. No one really knew the exact agenda other than uniting the clan but the amount of diaspora members attending the conference was overwhelmingly more than the rest of the attendees. Ahha, you are mistaken, why do you think I disassociated with my uncle, the VP of PL,?, why do you think once my uncle and cousin were murdered in the eve of Khatumo conference? my sub clan decided not to interrupt the grand gathering for some local issues. Get this through your scalp - Khatumites are maturing politically and you've nothing to gain by belittling that Every clan has political opportunists.
  16. In my view, with all its political gaffes and shortcomings considered: Khatumo is doing just fine. As Val stated a six month administration in a hostile environment coupled with an inept and nominal TFG, with scarce resources and some non-egalitarian leaders in its midst, how much progress can someone achieve under such harsh circumstances? - success factors are interpreted differently by the political pundits of the area - . By all accounts, it appears that most of Khatumo folks are finally getting it, because they have an ideology worth fighting for at last and that is to be the architects of their future. The length of Khatumo realizing its dreams depends on different factors chief among them: transparency and accountability of the current admin, punishing/rejecting the traitors, resilience of the masses, the pace of establishing government institutions, and increasing the civic engagement. And diaspora going back for the promotion of self reliance and good governance. In a nutshell, the individual politics is going south while inclusive, pluralism politics is thriving in Khatumo lands.
  17. Ducaysane;848012 wrote: suul dheeraa Ta middigtaa sexisan!
  18. A_Khadar: Waano abuur baa ka horaysay ... Nin wax garowsada baa hadal loo saafaa.
  19. The name of the game is survival.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;847817 wrote: Taleexi abti there was a time that the garaad clan used to say not that long ago maybe a decade or so that who ever is against Puntland is a Somaliland agent now it is who ever does this doesn't represent us i think there is a lack of leadership when it comes to khatuumites. I will not say they are confused but their politicians all have different agenda's for instance ssc the movement that was called ssc Cali Sabaray joined Khatumo Xaglatoosiye was left behind Keyse and the Khusuusi guy joined Somaliland. All of the leaders went their separate ways now you should ask you're self who is to blame who is responsible for this the leaders of ssc/khatumo the supporters or the politicians or the tribal chiefs. A fact: Khaatumo is the next best thing that ever happened to my people. It would be stu-pidity and unfair if I claim Godane, and other TFG officials of your clan represent your beloved Somaliland thus, Khaatumites has now a political organization that has objectives for its people and defined methodologies are in place for realizing those objectives. I'm not here to fantasize that we don't have issues but be mind Khaatumo is tempting to deal its enemies whether foreign or domestic with diligence and iron fist.
  21. The whole scene is pathetic thus, no comment.