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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. ahhaha, Does Dr. Baadiyow have a chance?
  2. Baaq xun ma aha!, Amal uun bal la yare dardaarmay.
  3. Waa markii laysku shuf beeli lahaa Showqiyow!
  4. War Maaddaay waa AS oo wuu ka soo horjeedaa wax kasta oo naftaada u daranba! - Anigu dukaan Sheesha baan rabaa inaan furto.
  5. Maanta caloosha baa i xanuuntay markaan maqlay Shabeel I biyo baa laga helay balse waxaan ku farxay in sigaarka dib loogu cabbi karo carro PL maadaama xaraaradi na dishay muddo afar bilood ah.
  6. Good move insofar the transition of power is concerned. Khatumo is facing multidimensional threats chief among them: unfriendly neighbors, a nominal TFG which prefers working with periphery admins on the expense of Khatumo State, unprincipled, self-appointed leaders of which Khatumo can not do anything about it - This being the worst of all I say - but good or bad Khatumo is here to stay Taleexi's Doctrine: - Concentrating on strengthening government institutions in the areas that are of Khatumo's control - Promoting development, and self-reliance - Having a weak relationship with the central government - Initiating dialogue with the neighbors with the exception of Somaliland so long it occupies Khatumo lands - Recognizing at the end we've to work with PL, SL, Makhir and Ethiopia for our common interests - geopolitical reasons - Recognizing without rights and responsibility Khatumo will be a joke (Any person can do anything against Khatumo and his kin protecting him/her should not be the norm) In a hostile environment, Khatumo needs less enemies and more friends. Governance takes time.
  7. War biyaha yaynaan isku layne bal aan sugno inta dawlad macno lihi dhalanayso. Ma ku farxin biyahaaa ka soo butaacay Shabeel I
  8. Maaddeey;852364 wrote: Maya, lakin ha la simin niman dufanku ka muuqdo sida A.weli & sharifyo. Monitoring group aa ka baqayo 'alleged' u dhaafin waayey!. War Maaddeey, iga daa Abwaan warkiisa iyo madddaxdan hantida lunsatay. Innagaa weligeen isu dhoweyne, yaad adigu wadataa beryahan, ma wasiirkii badaha saxeexay baa sheekadu?
  9. Correction: Prof. Samatar wuxuu Soomaaliya ka maqnaa in ka badan soddon sano maya kow iyo labaatan sano.
  10. If anyone of them(Sharif, Abdiweli or Farmaajo) comes back, the whole thing is just a big joke.
  11. Purpose of life has become a scarce commodity indeed.
  12. Intii dhimatay Alle ha u naxariisto, inta noolna Alle ha u naxariisto.
  13. Freeman: I operate within the confines of the Islamic faith thus, we can not infer the same sources. However, I urge you to come out of the shadows and live the life you really want to the fullest. Pleasing others has never been a tool for success. Lastly, frame your questions with some modesty and rationality if you care people to take you seriously.
  14. Abwaan;852294 wrote: To his English-speaking consistuency? Majority of Somalis might not understand English or this message I should say, why not talk to your people with a language that you both can understand? Abwaan: Fariintu aday kugu socotay, adna fahantay khalaas!
  15. Oo haddaa lacagtii waa maqantahaye tolow yaa qaatay?
  16. Bluelicious;851733 wrote: Hello Taleexi What did you find in there that shocked you? What's habeen bashaalkaygii? Soomaaliga ciyaarta ka dhaaf. How can I explain myself to say "Wallahi"?, Blue, the night was called off prematurely if that makes it easier for digestion!, for me boorsooyinka waaweyni agtayda waxay ka yihiin no go zones!, waa sasaa markaan boorso weyn arko
  17. Macallinkii tusaalayaashii buu soo celiyey , Does President Sharif have a chance anyways?
  18. Beri baan mid boorsadeeda weyn si khalad ah ku furay- Allow ha isugu dhowaan lahaydaa, jab baa iga raacay ... waxay galaafatay habeen baashaalkaygii!, War raggow there are things in life you should never care to know and women's big bags back home are some of them.
  19. Shiribku innaba caadi ma aha.