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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Ciyaalka yaan loo daymo la'aan. Hambadana khasab ma aha in la wada cuno.
  2. Jacaylbaro;861618 wrote: You need to know the difference before you jump to the conclusion. How far one would need to claim the ownership of everything ? ,,, wondering. Saaxiib thanks for lecturing me balse haddii qoys walba xayaysiiyo intooda hal abuurka leh fankii iyo hiddihii wuu qudhmayaa haddaadan u arag wax khalad ah inta qoyskaaga ah inaad meel ku soo ururiso ood tidhaahdo waa reer Somaliland, dee waa dab dhaxamooday maxaa lagu diiriyaa. Innagu kala fikrad duwanin ee bal aayatiinka ubadka ha loo fekero, waa iga talo uun, Allow Alle anigu waa ka baxay!
  3. I hope he stays consistent in the presidential elections.
  4. Abwaan;861908 wrote: Abtigiis, you should support Dr. Bashir Loyan, he is not a clanist. Too late baad Abwaan talo bixin u dhaqaaqday...
  5. Taleexi

    Amal Aden

    Nin-Yaaban;860584 wrote: Qoftaan quruxda badan waxaa layiraahdaa.....Sagal Mohamod Sadiq. She's from San Diego. Correction: from San Jose, the Bay Area.
  6. Congrats to the newly elected speaker and I hope he serves his people and country with just.
  7. Are you programmed? - mise hadalka baa labo shub kuugu dhaca. Dr. Galaydh is capable who can do the speaker portfolio per excellence!, what more do u want me to talk about?
  8. Perhaps their physical fair resemblance is as such.
  9. Personally, I wouldn't pay a penny for this contest but would read the result on the papers next morning!, Amin Amir is an artist
  10. Zenawi bite the dust but his policies are in tact. All literature indicates it will be TPLF version 2 governance - yeah, with some fractures but overall smooth transition.
  11. ahhaha, Kama soo horjeedo Jawaari. Ma heer aynu isu hadallo on SOl-na bay sheekadii maraysaa - malaa SOL nomads' libel and fabrication have no boundaries
  12. Only if they knew the cost associated spending few years in the camps and then learning a strange language and then learning how to survive and then and then ... they would be much better off getting their degrees while they've nothing else to worry about.
  13. Jacaylbaro;861189 wrote: in SOL, You don't even want to ask someone's qabiil ,,,, You just have to look at his supporters One of the rare occasions that we are in agreement, la yaab.
  14. STOIC;860714 wrote: Xiin is still optimistic about Somali politics, I will Wait for the reactions of the likes of Xiin and Duke when fissures start to show up in the selection process.It is great to see them having faith in the process, of course it bears remembering till main men from D-block fails to capture the most powerful seat in future Somalia haha.There are some reasons to be optimistic in the current stage of selecting the next government.I'm really happy to read everyday on the progress being made in Mogadishu.For those of us with no dog in the fight, we shall say may the man with the strongest clan allies win.................. Stoic - Ilmaadeeraday la jiifiyaana bannaantooda imisaa la daawanayaa...... Reaction-ka Xiin, Duke and Co after the selection of the speaker deserves a call for coffee gathering!
  15. Taleexi

    Amal Aden

    Tolow naaguhu maxay naagaha ku arkeen. Wax kale ma odhan karo bal raggu ha dedaalo!, Abwaan - Isxayaysiinta baan ka xumaaday sheekada inteeda kale wax ka soo qaad ma leh. - Canada week is almost over coming back home tomorrow to smell the coffee ! -
  16. It is sad that we can not share the art and literature. How far one needs to go to seem different and believe different!, waa amankaag.
  17. I wanted oil to be discovered but there are many more places for further exploration.
  18. Brilliant mine. May he recover soon.
  19. Farmaraa;860181 wrote: Ali Khalif , waxba heli maayo. Cid dooranaysaana ma jirto. Xataa Reer Khaatumo intay heleen waxaa la hubaa in uu ka halayo 1 cod oo kali ah. Dee hadii uusan kalsooni ka haysan dadkii iyo deegaankii uu sheeganayay Soomaali u malayn maayo jacayl ay Cali u qabaan in ay u doooraanayaan. After all, he has the worst record for all. Falcelis tan ku khasaaraynmaayo.
  20. Overall, FM has made some political gaffes but many times have stated clearly his true intentions about Zenawi irrespective of Zenawi's status, dead or alive therefore, the guy appears to be the best among his peers who came out so far ee ooyayey tolow maxay ugu ooyi waayeen dadkii abaaruhu wax yeeleeyeen - Kudos to FM.