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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. A_Khadar;869509 wrote: Taleexi iyo scripts ka ma xaa kala haysta... Yaa qof bilaa zip code ah u taag helaya!, wuu isa soo maqiiqayaa siduu deyn kugu leeyahay, gari ma gasho, mana ka baxdo, wuxuu geystana meel loo raaco ma la'aha.....
  2. Koobiyanta habaar bay ku qabaan ... wax walba China ka filo I don't blame u for that.
  3. b-boy;869496 wrote: yep typical kastumite behaviour when ever they can't give a simple answer;) Calling people "stulti" is not a way to debate! Which part of my response you don't understand. Refer to my 2nd last response. "Typical Khatumite" is a compliment - thanks but no thanks
  4. b-boy;869493 wrote: I don't think you even understand what occupation means:D Refer to my above response.
  5. War weird ma ahee waa waayo waayo .. Fasaxayga iigu horeeya Shiinaha baan aadayaa
  6. I gave up - Stultus verbis non corrigitur fits you squarely.
  7. b-boy;869483 wrote: How can they be occupied when the town is in the hands of the locals:confused: Last time i checked guuto 7aad that controls Lasanod is made up by only reer Sool!! How aren't Somaliland and Al Shebab the same since Godane controlled the last time I checked?... Hope you see the shallowness and fallacy of your logic if not Jumma mubarak.
  8. Math Brydan is a revisionist, biased and irrelevant individual. He should concentrate on keeping Canada together instead of worrying about Somalia affairs.
  9. Regrettable incident. All killings of innocent people need to cease to exist. Irrespective of its location.
  10. Regrettable incident. All killing of innocent people need to cease to exist.
  11. Nin-Yaaban;869316 wrote: Waa buuxaan, oo Xaskeeygii hore (ex wife) ayaa kamid ah. I 2nd that.
  12. Carafaat, spread the message.
  13. No more, no less what Hargeisa admin is entitled to. Anything that went wrong in Somalia ought to be solved on the table squarely and justly. The president seems decent guy and deserve our support. History will judge him by his merits.
  14. Dr. Hashi is a self-made and fine man but corruption and rigging votes are not in his vocabulary. He went there to serve his nation and people and got a zero vote from the MPs. A result he didn't complain rather accepted it.
  15. It is given Hargeisa tags can not sustain the oppression and occupation of Khatumo lands. To Khatumo folks, less isucamirid and hard work is what it is expected from you.
  16. Walaalkiis - wuu dhuuntay. War cidina wax kuuma haysato ee iska haasow.
  17. Abwaan;868804 wrote: I guess Blame, blame, blame. ahaha, dee blame-tiisu ma dhammaato miyaa?
  18. xiinfaniin;868583 wrote: Macno Yare's clannish appeal misses the point... Macno yare iska dhaaf.