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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. From Gedo I ticked it but being Farmaajo I crossed it.
  2. JB, The more coffee the merrier, source of life indeed.
  3. Oba, ma ooyayso way majaajilaynaysaa!, waan furayaa xaasaskaygaa "Say wallaahay" sidan oo kale iigu waalata baan raadinayaa.
  4. I crossed Mudane Aware out si baa xanaaq uga muuqdaa.
  5. Chimera;873122 wrote: I wish the new PM came from amongst the Somali Bantus, or the Bajunis. Petty Somalis. In an ideal world I would approve it.
  6. According to the cursed formula of 4.5. The PM will come from the block because and rivalry is a factor to be considered and needs to be suppressed in the future.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;872881 wrote: ^^ Taleexi i am you're uncle can you're uncle oppress you its illogical. Sheekooy ku nacay .. Remember Godane is your adeer too. I believe reer SSC have spoken you guys are just prolonging the process.
  8. Carafaat;872854 wrote: Clannish stuff and nonsense. As if you need to remind and warn President Mahamud about the unity and interest of the country. Some folks really think their 'clan' politicians are more nationalist. Saaxiib, You can not oppress people in perpetuity.
  9. Abtigiis;872336 wrote: There is also another book coming out in Nairobi this week. The title is " Ina Cigaal ma wuxuu ahaa wadani mise fat.aal? " Another book to be launched tomorrow in North America. And its title is Siilaanyo ma mujaahid baa mise .....
  10. ......Over the years, the secessionist enclave has cynically exploited the political vacuum and miserable conditions that plagued Central and Southern Somalia, particularly the Somali capital, to their dishonest advantage but failed so spectacularly that the international community had reiterated more than once that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia is sacred. On 19 September, the United Nations Security Council re-affirmed in no uncertain terms that the territorial integrity and unity of Somalia in resolution SC/10768. And this is what the resolution, inter alia, says: “The United Nations Security Council reaffirms its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia and reiterates its commitment to a comprehensive and lasting settlement of the situation in Somalia”. ..... Read here in full http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/Sept/Yabarag/22_President_Mohamoud_should_tread_carefully_on_the_Issue_of_Secession.html
  11. Proper education must be in order.
  12. Saaka Qaxwihii aint doing anything for me.
  13. Boqoraddii waa xanaaqsan yihiin like LA folks. Arrintan Iimaanku wuxuu ka yidhi, muddaharaadkani waa sharci darro maxaa yeelay laylama soo socodsiin.
  14. It has if Somalis want that every clan can secede. I wonder how will the lines between clans will be drawn.
  15. The talks between the Hargeisa admin and the Federal Gov. is good methinks. And it only has the potential of each clan calling for a negotiation with the government when they feel so. Other than that I call the caravan to be in motion.
  16. Maaddeey;872332 wrote: Guri Barwaaqo waa qoraa sare, lakin nin duriyadda ah laguma aamino Sayidka inuu xukumo. Waxaanse jecleystay markuu Hadraawi iyo 'dabahuwan' ka difaacay mid duf ku baxa ah (khaalif tucraf) oo daldalloolo u yeel is yiri. Haa, sayidku sheekh cilmi iyop camal isku darsaduu ah, hogaamiyena wuu ahh halgamaa ah, qaladna leh sida aadmiga kale, hadduu xer iska ahaan lahaa mawlac uun isaga jira hadda laysma weydiiyeen 'ma sheekh buu ahaa'. Halgankiisa iyo dagaalka uu Soomaalidii ka soo horjeesatay ku qaaday ayaa keentay in dadka qaar magacyo ugu yeeraan. Shixiri iyo Muse Ingiriis iwm. dartoodna waaye. Maaddeey, waan kugu raacsanahay, Qoraa Barwaaqo si fiican baan u aqaannaa, waa nin karti leh si wacanna waa ugu soo dhoweeyey magaaladayda balse waa nin taariikh mutuxan iyo tabani isugu darsantay. Nin duriyadda ahna yaan Seyidka lagu aaminin sida aan anba la'iigu aaminayn Siilaanyo oo duriyaddu saint u aaminsan tahay. Marka dalku haggaago gudiyo u qalma, oo isku dhafan, ha qoraan taariikh nololeedka shaqsiyaadka Soomaaliyeed ee fikir ahaan lagu kala duwan yahay. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Seyidku wuxuu ahaa hogaamiye gefaf galay wuxuuse dad badan u bidhaamiyey inay u dagaalamaan madaxbannaanidooda isku soo xoori waxtarkiisaa waxyeelladiisa ka badnay - taasi waa fikirkayga qof ahaaneed.
  17. Ma dhib baa jirta haddii reer kale oo qaaciddada xaaraanta ah ee 4.5 waafaqsan.
  18. Abtigiis;872063 wrote: The long-footed community is not yet mentally ready for the PM position. As much as I hate to acknowledge it looks the long-held view that 's are deficient in intellect is true at least in the politics sphere. Sheekada displays some sort of political maturity. And in the configuration of the current government, the ability of the PM is limited however, it has a symbolical significance.
  19. xiinfaniin;872093 wrote: I don't understand: a significant segment of Somalia's political community who would not otherwise agree on things , agree on one thing: the PM post must not be given to MJ! And what do you call that Abtigiis? Redistribution of power. Be mind Mitt Romney said that 80% of D block feel that they are victims
  20. Wallee Soomaalidii waa waalatay. Sheekadu ma Gedo bay isugu soo ururtay.
  21. The president got a good reception across Somalia but he remains to be unknown to many. Let us pray for him to succeed and what kind of president he becomes remains to be seen. His performance will be judged.