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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Abwaan: Ma national Radio-ga baa diidan tahay, fawdada jooji. Waa laguu yaqaan.
  2. Ninkani ma Xaajigii oo diyaaraddii ka tagtay baa?
  3. Get better Malika. Maxaad cuntay mise out of nowhere buu ka yimi?
  4. Anba degenaansho la'aan dunida ah I'm feeling it. In this magnificent world, everything is function of many unknown variables and because of globalization everything is shared a fraction of a second across the world. The stakes are so high but opportunities are also boundless.
  5. We shall wait and see and judge on his performance. Not a hero yet indeed but he has the chance to be one though.
  6. But at the same time you should've been disappointed since Siilaanyo has also been causing havoc and dismay in some communities if you only care to be fair.
  7. Jilicsanaan nambar kow iga dheh hadday arrintaasi run noqoto.
  8. Xataa sawirkaygii baan ka dhex arkay gidaarka. Waa inaan dacweeyaa Amin maxaa yeelay ilama soo socodsiin inuu isticmaalayo sawirkayga.
  9. Play as you get paid. Nevertheless, Fiska is an artist and we should respect that.
  10. I'm in supportive but I hope the committee consults with all players of the community. I hope one group doesn't hijack the conference.
  11. Shinbir Majabe;873566 wrote: Abwaan, si asluubeysan baa u hadli jirtay, laakiinse maanta ma aqaan waxbaa kaa yara halaysan.. Cambuulo xalay kumuu cashayn, malaa meelo khalad ahna wuu soo maray
  12. Farmaajo, Sakiin, Abdiweli iyo Sheekh Xasan waad mahadsantihiin ee na daaya!
  13. NG: Dhankaan ka hadlay waa kaa Ngonge dhaafay hadalkiiye!, Social science is not equal pure science. As we are in the information era any jack can exercise his freedom of expression, his freedom of fabricating, distorting and satisfying his needs and wants. However, I am NOT objecting in any shape or form possible re-examination, or revisiting the Somali historical figures but all I'm calling is: One should write as many books as he wants but responsibility and facts should be given utmost consideration instead of "Anna way kan" mentality. Nevertheless, I believe Barwaaqo addressed squarely the desires of his skewed audience but overall the book does not add much of a value to the chronicles of the broader Somali historical events.
  14. If he would've come back it would've been 4 more years of the same. A momentum killer indeed.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;873521 wrote: Abtigiis you can figure out the mise part after you read the book its for you to fill it in after you read the book. Wallee Xaaji baan gar qaadan.
  16. It would be fair if we put historical, controversial figures into context, in their time and space. I wouldn't advice in shaqsi duriyadda ahi u keli noqdo qorida taariikh nololeedkii Seyidka. Waxa uu soo butaacay Qoraa Barwaaqo iyo waxyaabo kale oo ka daran baa loo tegayaa.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;873180 wrote: ^^ Awal ba soo iska ma cadayn:D Marka taa la tixgeliyo koleyba way idanka daacadsan yihiin haddaad Somaliland tihiin weli Qaran baannu nahay bay idinkaga dhegtay.
  18. Iga raali ahow saaka si buu hadalkaagu u taagtaagan yahay markaas baan i idhi malaa wuu ku badh go'ay.
  19. uchi;873021 wrote: Walaahi these haters never seize to amaze me, how many threads do you want to make about PL? You even managed to turn Duke against it and he is now having doubts after 36 thousand posts. Is it public hadda in leedahay PL?
  20. XX: 100%-ka wax ka dhin si aad hadhow fallback u hesho, warninyahow wax fahan marqaankii baa weli kaa sii qaylinaya!
  21. Showqi, thanks but not thanks . Wixii la doonayo ha la goosto haddii sidan tan yar laygu burburayo. I just came back crisscrossing the eastern part of your country. Toronto was off the charts waxyaabihii aan kala kulmay inaan halkan ku soo dhejiyo waan ka xishooday. I must say I'm much better with the US "Say Wallahis"