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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Abwaan: War Mahiga ma gacan saar baad la leedahay? naga edbintiisa looma baahna'e
  2. Taleexi


    Sheekadu waa dhagdhag my SOL nomads!, badanaa igama xumaato, and even if it does, I accept the s-hit promptly and manage it. All in all, belo ma jidho, hadday jidhana ma buura - Left the motherland in my teens @ post civilwar. And now I'm old enough and have lived in different continents, visited 26 countries and still counting – at some point even got married with a lovely Somali girl in Holland until we took our separate ways and produced a son together in Whitechapel, London with the grace of Allah, I must underscore though, the blackbag was handed to me gracefully, if you only know what I mean – My son now lives in Nairobi, and me left from Sweden/Finland and have made home in America about a decade ago, I’m truely global. The other day, I visited MN and crashed on with a xaax, “Say Wallahi” girl, she even liked my wit and all but she asked me about my age after the lights were lit and she discovered few misplaced, sporadic gray hairs – I neither wanted to lie nor tell the truth therefore, I responded intentionally “labadii labaatanaad wax baa iiga dhiman” she confused and thought I’m must be somewhere in between 21 to 39, Eebbow “say wallaahida noo daa”, sheekadiiba waxaan kaga dhigay “Fabuhuta ladii kafara”, xasuuso kii ay isla murmayeen caleyhi salaam nebiyullaahi Ibraahim. The moral of the story, as a child I always dreamed about teaching Somali National University and that dream has never been closer than it is today with President Gurguurte and Co. being in Villa Somalia and Somalis’ renewable, ever recycling, and obscure conflict being in a declining mode – At least the public’s perception indicates so and I’m extremely nostalgic going back home and keeping Somalia and Africa moving this time around rather remaining in my adapted countries. Rest assured though, I’m grateful to those countries because they gave me opportunities and I will always indebted to them.
  3. Taleexi


    Malika;883596 wrote: Why do hurricanes have female names? This is sexist, we females dont destroy, we build..heh Because when you leave you guys take everything with you. Exactly as hurricanes do
  4. Gaadhhaye: Khaatumo folks need to sort out their differences if liberty is what they are after - No force from Garowe or Mogadishu will set them free "Ever" I may add.
  5. Taleexi


    Belo aan kaa qoslin, belo ma' aha.
  6. Clan factor can never be removed from the Somali way of thinking however, Somalis all they need is political justice and then the influence of tribalism will take be reversed.
  7. - Maroodigu takarta saaran ma arko ee ta kan kale ku joogta buu arkaa.
  8. Carafaat;879522 wrote: Taleexi, Egal(aun) was the early architect of Artah. Eventhough he disagreed with Omer Guelleh and Abduqadim Salat in a later stage. Second Puntland was hardly an administrative goverment in 1999, Muqdisho not destroyed as it is today and Somaliland was just recoverin from decades of civil wars and not really in any mood in political turmoil. I am just adding some important variable the author 'forget' to mention. Waxaad kor ku qortay kuguma diiddani in la tixgeliyona mudan.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;879519 wrote: Maxaad fahmi hadaad kuwi waxba fahmayn aad la rabtid kuwi wax fahmaya inay fahmaan kuwaa waxba fahmayn. Malaa labadeenu innaga oo marqaansan uun baynu is fahmi lahayn illeyn rational-ka gabbood baad ka tahaye!
  10. Carafaat: Thanks for the insight but is the glass half empty or half full? sheekada ha ka dhigin. Many variables are at play and function of one another in Somalia's political arena regardless of time and space. Considering "ceteris paribus", this endeavor would've transformed the Somali political landscape enormously had it not died at its infancy. Ugu danbayn, waa isku dayaa maalin kasta oo i soo marta inaan wax fahmo.
  11. At the end of the day Somalis are destined/obliged to talk and work around their differences. I personally found the communique interesting had it being given a chance.
  12. Source of life indeed. I don't know what planet you live on but water itself is scary in our lands.
  13. NGO President waqti ha la siiyo koleyba his initial political gaffes ma ka helin balse he has a long four years ahead of him if he has the stamina and the will to leave us some positive legacy. For now let us support our president and let the history to be the judge.
  14. Beelaha deriska ah Alle ha kala qaboojiyo. Dhammaan Soomaalida qabaa'ilkeedu waa dagaal jecel yihiin.