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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Abwaan;896122 wrote: Waxaan maqli jirey qofkaan qumayo-tuurka halla geeyo. Yarta waaba faniiniyeen ee wuxu waalanaa. Oo naagtu khiyaano badanaa, iyadoo dhulka daadsan baa heestu sii socotey. . Dadka intay cajal u daartay oo la heestay bay dhahday waxaan idiinku heesi live. Oo reer Nairobi ma sidaas baa loo waraa? Maskiinsanaa. Cajaladu waa iska sii socotaa...
  2. Bluelicious;895961 wrote: Hmm this is interesting. Some people don't mind being with one person for the rest of their lives like me. So according to this article you can rekindle your passion by suprising each other and doing exciting things together. Noted Do you have a choice, Blue?
  3. Wadani;895882 wrote: A_Khadar, when faysal said that he meant wiilka kilinka shanaad, not actual ethiopia as in tigray and amxaar. Wax fahan. Yarkii Wadani SOL way uga dartay. Anigu xiriirkan HAG & the clan enclave waa soo dhoweynayaa hadday aqoonsi keenayso:)
  4. I predict rather opposite. Get use to it, XX will be with us in 2013. Canatarabaqashkiisa waa loo baahan yahay.
  5. Abwaan;895214 wrote: The people of Somaliland although I disagree with them on dividing the country they still are Soomaali and deserve a respect. Ma Soomaali bay ahaayeen? bal Xaaji waydii. Bal mar uun bahasha xawaashka ka yareeya oo madaxweynuhu dadka reer Waqooyiga ah ee diiddan goosashada ha u hambalyeeyo sida sharafta leh ee ay isu difaaceen
  6. Self-made man is in the making. Good luck Mr. Samatar you've my vote like I've the right to vote for him.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;895200 wrote: Garowe boys are angry the President of Somalia congratulated the people of Somaliland and the government of Somaliland:D Now what is wrong with congratulating people. The guy has been in office less than 3 months give him a break he has a long way to go Somalia is war torn country destroyed by famine and civil war , Rome was not build in one day give the man some time and space. Can he also once condemn the naked aggression of Somaliland against Khatumo and Makhir if he isn't only a president to some? - Actions speak louder than talk.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;895120 wrote: Natiijada hordhaca ee Laascaanood iyo sida Axsaabta ku loolamaysey Kuraasta u kala badsadeen Written by Qarannews Dec 02, 2012 at 05:47 AM Natiijada hordhaca ee Laascaanood iyo sida Axsaabta ku loolamaysey Kuraasta u kala badsadeen Burco-(Qaran-news)- Wakiilka Komishinka Doorashooyinka ee degmada Laascaanood ayaa goor dhaweyd ku dhawaaqey natiijadii hordhaca ahayd ee codadkii ansaxey ee doorashadii golaha degaanka Laascaanood. Kuraasta Axsaabtu ku tartamayeen Magaalada Laascaanood oo ahayd 21 Kursi ayaa axsaabtii tartamaysay u kala heleen sidatan. 1- Kaalinta Koowaad xisbiga Kulmiye oo helay 7 Kursi 2- Kaalinta Labaad ururka xaqsoor oo helay 5 Kursi 3- Kaalinta Sadexaad ururka Wadani oo helay 3 Kursi 4- Kaalinta Afraad Xisbiga Ucid oo helay 3 Kursi 5- Kaalinta Shanaad Ururka Ummadda oo helay 2 Kursi 6- Kaalinta Lixaad ururka Dalsan oo helay 1 kursi Urur siyaasadeedka Rays ayaan keligii Degmada Laascaanood ka calafsan wax kuraasa wixii doonaba ha jiraane. Dhinaca wadarta guud ee dadweynaha ka codeeyay magaalada Laascaanood ee codadkoodu ansaxeen ayaa dhan 25000. Tani jawaab uma baahna.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;894633 wrote: Chairman of the party Deputy chairman Baligubadle near the border Mapka maxaad Sool iyo Sanaag ugu darteen wixii ka dhacay miyaad illowday?
  10. Che -Guevara;894857 wrote: And for the love of God, they couldn't called just Jubba? Juba is the correct way of saying it in english and Jubba is also the correct way of saying in Somali. Knowing the historical context of the term helps sometimes!
  11. A half baked piece referencing to Pham discredits its entirety. Nevertheless, yes to development regardless of its location but SL needs to be redefined and its map be redrawn.