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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Su'aalaha edeb darada leh baan ku muunsooday.
  2. Sheeko xun ma aha fursad aad qof kula kulantay haddaad ka faa'iidaysato. I travel and talk to my countrymen when I see one.
  3. Taleexi

    What to do?

    Khabar maafish baan ahay, marmar baan soo dhacaa. Waxaan maqli jirey "Haatuu burhaanakum inkumtum saadiqiin", Haatu ma ka hordhacayo haddaan wax ka dareemo talo qiimo iyo qaayo leh must be in order!
  4. Taleexi

    What to do?

    Ma saasuu obsessed ugu yahay?
  5. Taleexi

    What to do?

    Narniah. Mar horaad ka takhalusi lahayd balse I've sense that you've a crash on this elusive figure.
  6. Quud awliyaadka maxaa laga rabaa.
  7. Darawish wasn't one clan project. Many clans were presented.
  8. Well illustrated observation iga dheh. If I may add, the political paradigm has shifted, being skillful horse rider glory days are long gone and dead however, it is inevitable that SL rewrites soon its constitution and redraws its map for our collective good. Khatumo factor can no longer ignored in the political discourse of the north.
  9. 'Liibaan';896415 wrote: I agree with “zero problems with neighbors” policy. But, I also believe Khaatumo should play a more active role in promoting peace and unity in Somalia. Saaxiib, Khatumo folks invested a lot Soomaalinimo and their ROI waa danbaska. Waa insanity in aynu maxsuul kala duwan ka rajeyno falal isku mid ah but I'm with you in proportion and evenly we should partake the reincarnation of our fractured nation.
  10. Waa markaad quraan saarka u baahnaan jirtay, sow taynu taa ku kala baxnay oo qoloba maro rinji ku daadsatay
  11. If Damul-Jadid government doesn't behave clan federalism shall get momentum.
  12. Idinkuna ilma jabarti syndrome-ka mingis ka tunta
  13. XX - 1st, why are you misrepresenting and distorting what I wrote up there?, 2ndly, Wadani isn't a member of people with special needs, he got my remarks squarely, HAG and SL relationship I welcome laakiin Reer Shiikh Isxaaq maxay isu xigsanayaan HAG ilma Jabartiba sow walaalahood ma aha ,, Xaaji wallee noole cajaa'ib badan baad tahay.... Wadani: Saaxiib whose rules shall we conform?
  14. Xaajiyow, mar uun wax qiro madaxweynaheenna waad jeceshahaye. Marna shaki igama gelin waddaninimadaaada:)
  15. Wadani, dhib badani ma jirto xoogaa uun bay ku sumeeyeene waan iska kaftamayey
  16. Wadani, you approval has come a day late and a dollar short , saaxiib adiguba markaad ku soo biirtay golahan waad wacnayd balse suntii siday JB iyo XX kuugu afuufayeen baad noqotay inkastoo malkada xiis iyo maydh looga soo dego, muuse waa muusihiisii!
  17. Haatu, Call it a sample, population or whatever other body of representative population you consider or observe. When you say 87th section, I'm assuming that I and others are saying 87th percentile. In another words, we are calling the same thing on different names.
  18. Ma umul baa, ilowshiiyo dhowaa....
  19. Thanks Liibaan but any development with our admin can be implied to be "nafaqo" ay ku kobocdo, sax?
  20. Waa ku diirsaday si heer sare ah - I can understand the "nafaqo" term can have multiple connotations. And I shall be more selective and be careful about how I frame my responses in the future. So much is done in Khatumo's political discourse and development however, so much is left to do........ I'm with those who believe "Be mind your own business", zero problems with your neighbors unless provoked coupled with having nominal relationship with the federal government in the capital.