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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Not satisfied with his moves and governance style so far but 100 days is very short time to judge our president. The ball is still rolling in his favor either he ceases the opportunity or let it slip away remains to be seen.
  2. The Zack;901039 wrote: Of course Samatar breaks or makes Somalileyn's recognition, from your perspective Who are Siyadists? Of course we won't mention that Siilaanyo and pretty much anybody in SL were Kacaanists. Siyad's own personal doctor is a head of political party in SL LOL. Waa bunch of brainwashed kids ... half baked history baa lagu afuufay ee ha ku daalin
  3. xiinfaniin;900738 wrote: 'Repent' is a strong word, but both men are classic political opportunists , Galary more so than Samatar. I wont be surprised if they develop a joint scheme to engage with Hargeysa ... Tell us a Somali political figure who is not opportunist.
  4. Freedom has a price tag . JB, shaaciroole baad tahay.
  5. It vividly invokes memories but my dugsi days would appear a piece of cake if compared to this scene. Nothing stays standstill in life even Dugsi institutions have evolved.
  6. oba hiloowlow;899796 wrote: awoowe with due respect if you don't like it fine laakin shaqo la'aan and things like that ha dhihin.its cibaadah Cibaadadu ma open ended baa, salaada subax haddaan shan ragco ka dhigo ma layga yeelayaa illeyn waa cibaadee, cibaadooy xaal qaado.
  7. Waxaan ka baqayaa inaad tidhaahdo waa Nebi(NNKH) ammaan.
  8. Ma aha exercise xun but I would prefer if they invested their time more wisely.
  9. Shaqo la'aantu wax walba waa kugu keliftaa.
  10. Abwaan;899261 wrote: Malaha kan warka xun ee Koofurta ayuu ka soo baxay. Xaajigu waa marfuucul qalam marmar oo xitaa mar dhow wuu ina kala gadanayaa, wuxuu kuugu yeeri koonfuriyaan anna waqooyiyaan if even it is a correct term i'm not sure.
  11. Miyaad caawin lahayd. Maanta reerna madaxweyne foqor kama aha... Anba madaxweyne Taleexi baan ahay!