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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;904741 wrote: The map is still incorrect Somaliland controls the southern part and eastern part of sool except one district of sool is out of Somalilands control you need to update you're map son. Haa wax u sheeg, educate him.
  2. Did you also see what happened Milano game yesterday?
  3. Taleexi


    Thanks for sharing.
  4. STOIC;904514 wrote: Xaaji, Inaatheer do you always seek out negative dramatic news of Somalia and positive news of Somaliland everyday when you wake up? This is not good for your health and sanity!You are one trigger happy Somali/Somaliland news junkie..haha Dhowr jeer oo hore baan kala hadlay inuu kartidiisa geliyo meelaha ay waxtarka ku leedahay ee dadka walaalaha isu soo dhoweynaya balse Xaaji waa Xaaji uun. Dhagax taabasho iyo tuujis waa isugu mid malah
  5. The new year must've embarked with excitement in your end. Milk it I say.
  6. Haatu;903892 wrote: Isn't it weird just to post a smiley for no reason?
  7. lol @ Alpha, maxaa Khaatumo sannadka cusub gaar kaga dhigay, Inkastoo malkada xiis iyo maydh looga soo dego Wallee Muuse waa muusihiisii War Khatumo will thrive and prosper and I wish SL, PL and the rest of the country the same, beryahan Khatumo syndrome baa ku haleeshay... Let us all promote peace and live side by side in peace.
  8. Shinbir: Have u ever been in that area?
  9. Sannad wacan oo wanaagsan dhammaantiin - qofku taariikhduu isticmaalo dhib ma laha, Taleexi calendar xataa waan bilaabi karaa. The only thing people overlook is; we all are going to honor our routines and traditions on January 1st as we did on December 31st, nothing much will change ....... the only reason days and nights reciprocate is for us to account the years, months and mathematics as such we make sense on our life in terms of comparative, vertical and horizontal analysis
  10. Faarax waxaad i soo xasuusisay "Dabotaag"
  11. Well put yaa Abwaan... Anything can be a money making machine.
  12. Wuu ka xanaaqaa haddiiba laan la soo hadal qaado.
  13. lol @ Che laanka amaan ha la siiyo, Garac lagudhal, Dhuusomareeb, La ba'as..
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;903326 wrote: All Somalilanders are all the same to me i love them equally one nation one people one flag long live Tell that to the Ha-rtis in the East
  15. Apophis;902751 wrote: Our Abtigiis could make a killing by writing the Somali version of 50 Shades of Grey Waa brilliant and his wit is charming.
  16. Arooryo suuban asxaabta: Nin Wacaysle ah baa rabey inuu Lawyocaddo ka galo Jabuuti, xuduudka baa dadkii lagu waraystay markii su'aalaha rakaabka la waydiinayey saf baa la geliyey, kii ugu horeeyey baa dhahay H-awal baan ahay, kii ku xigayna H-jeclo markii isagii la soo gaaray buu wuxuu mooday in la waydiiyey yaa ku dhalay, markaas buu dhahay habar kuuleey... markaas baa la qabtay oo lagu soo celiyey Xamar isaga oo hooyadii u xanaaqsan buu ku dhahay hooyo cid ku taqaanna ma leh, cid walba habarteed bay xuduudka ku mooday.