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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Caamir: Guys, let us not take the collapse of SA out of context. There were many Somali clan based factions, and each fought within its territorial limits, and all were supported by Ethiopia--determined to destroy Somalia. The worst thing that can happen to any state is when it fights with its own people, the corollary of which is internal implosion. The war tactics that the SNM used was similar to the one used by USC, SPM, and SSDF in their respective towns. They invited severe reprisals and destruction to their own people, and the cummulative effect, convinced the whole population that it was time for a change. Mr. Caamir, that was the case, and that is the difference between us and some, some are distorting the facts and misinforming their respective populace in order to achieve their personal goals. Some wished to go back and put the fault right but that is not an option, making better decisions are what matters now, of course taking into account our past.
  2. Originally posted by Oodweyne: ^^^^Waryaa ************... Waryaa, ********* waxa Aad Yeeleysaa, SNM, waa tii Eryatay Huwantii aad u rix-layn jirteen; waa tii Maanta, Ka Markhaati ah, in adiga iyo ku wii shaley hadhka cad la eryaday, inay calaacal dibada la taagan yihiin,... Car hadaaad nin tahay, Ka soo Jawaab, Waxa aad maanta tahay; Car Hadaad nin tahay, ka soo jawaab, waxa aad maanta aad Hargeisa iyo Somaliland aad ka tahay,.... Waxaan kuu sheegayaa, ******** *********, adoo kale dooxii hargeisa ayaan kugu soo aaasi lahaa, adoo nool; oo waliba cidna ikaa weydiiseen, ************, wakaa qiimahaagu,... Waxaa kaa cabaadinaya haybtii-garan waayahow, waaa taa weeye,...waad og-tahay, in aanad ku noqon karin, halkii aad ku-dhalatay ee Hargeisa ahayd iyo Somaliland ; ileyn ********** huwantii Afweyne's kabaha u qaadayey ayaad tahaye; Oo og in aanu waxba kulahayn, Somaliland iyo umadeeda maanta jirta; taa weeye, ta kaa cabaadinaysa; ee halkan cayda SNM aad dadka ka iibineysaa,.... Waxaad yeeleysaa, ****** **********, orod oo ku biir hadhaagii huwantii Afweyne, ee qurbaha ka calaacala,... ********** yohow, waanad ogayn halka aad taagan tahay; sababtoo oh, ana waa Igu Qaran an gacan tayda ku yagleelay, oo Somaliland layidhaahdo; Adna waa kugu ina-gumeednimo iyo calaacalkiisii; oo aad qurbaha ka soo daldasho, sidii huwantii afweyne, ee hadhka cad la eryaday... Nabadeey, ************, halkaa hanoo joogto... Oodweyne inuu golahan wuxuu doono kaga hadlo ma u mubaax baa, armuu haasaawuhu ku fiicnaa, xurmaynta amaba dhowrida xeerarka u degan SOL [ October 17, 2006, 00:54: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  3. Also we did the same in sool we went in 2 lascanood in 1993 a eid day and when we did couple killings there we went out thats all They where suporting somalia and we where fighting somalia and if they ever try 2 disturp our peace we will fight them again simple as that. [/QB] Likewise saaxiib, if you don't show goodwill and virtue, people on the other side will never hesitate defeating the perpetrators
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: If the SNM won the war why did they not rule Somaliland? Egaal was not a member, and neither was Dahir Riyaale Kahin. So much for the warriors. While Silaanyo was contesting Riyaale, the considered people chose Riyaale over Siilaanyo, what does that tell you General Duke
  5. Mansa Munsa, dear brother aka mr.captain high pantns(joke).I don't see anyone where I have lost it a bit.Maybe my points have came across to you little differently,but the matter of the fact is that there is and you should know this many many tribes that reside in Hargeysa, so for someone to suggest that no one from the "wrong" clan should ever go near Hargeysa while "gangs" are in control and before Kacaanka dalka comes back again.then I have to ask you what would you tell that one person, wouldn't you have said the same way I have said it if not adding little more salt and pepper on it,I think you would. So you may only see my rational and I am sure they, if you have only for once clear your mind from the qabiil that has clouded it and then put on magnified glasses of truth, for which would help you see things in "rational"way. The population of Hargeysa is considered between 600,000-900,000,meaning it could fall anywhere in that number line. Thanks, Assalamu calaykum. [/QB] Dear Mr.Red Sea, thanks for being so clear this time and the joke too, you gave me a range of 600k-900k, which is very reasonable considering in the context of Somalis growth rate and human movement structural analysis. However, don't distort the fact that Hargeisa had indeed being a more multi-ethnic city before than it is now. On the other hand call me clannist or any other name that may please you or make your day, I just happened to be in different position regarding the self-styled administration a.k.a Somaliland. The rest assured, unless you allow others, this is conditional statement, a room that they can breath or exercise their freedom of expression, you are not going to have an administration which is a state-like rather you will always play around with your clan - administration. Ila liqaa.
  6. Ha lays daba dhabooloqo bal aan aragno dhaxalkee! .. where will it end Mr. Red Sea, or has it end at all?
  7. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: ^My advice to you,get a life. The city of Hargeysa population wise is close to 900,000 thousand. All these people can't possibilly be from the " right" clan. There are people from Zone five, Bari, South, as far galbeed as Djabuti, and even Oromos doing business in Hargeysa. These people have been doing business for as long as I have lived, no harm was done to them, they wonder around the streets of Hargeysa, own businesses just like everyone else. It seems though all Mr. Jordan does is go around the city of Hargeysa and whereever he sees the slightest thing of error he reports with Gigantic title such as the one above. It's unfortunate that all WidhWidh online has been doing lately is just to spread lies. For one it's good enough for those who fall for such news, but to the rest, give us break even you mr.Me, and dont' suggest that people dont' go there, in fact that shows your lack of knoweldge of your hometown, in which is resided by all somali tribes from everywhere, that is a fact, chew on that. Even my post of Hargeysa being snowy has a better chance of being closer to the truth since something solid did fall from the sky (ice) then this mediocar news of Widhwidh online. Mr. Red Sea, Why all that insinuation!, what happened to the rationality. In addition Hargeisa hosts 900 K inhabitants, has no merit and is beyond believe.. any support of your claim.
  8. If Ethiopia disintegrates, it will have some repercussions on us, I rather prefer if it will have a soft landing so geopolitically we are influenced minimally. In the case of the Alle-Ubaahane list, I am bit reluctant enlisting in it due to its lack of clarity
  9. Originally posted by HornAfrique: quote:Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^Abti waa ogtahay aniga inaan waligeey xitaa adoon i ogeyn inaan wiilkaaga ahay ku xushmeyn jiray oo aad ii maleyn jirtay inaan doqon ahay xushmadeyda badan ee aan kuu hayo darteed. Marka abti inaan ku qabto soo maahan hadii aad qalad gashid? Si walba waan kugu raaci karaa oo abtigey ayaa tahay, laakiin diinta hadaa kasoo horjeesatid abti waa inaan ku xirxiraa oo aan la dhihin war kii Alle-ubaahne ahaa abtigiis ayaa waashay oo diintii kusoo jeestay iyo culimada. Marka Abti sidaas hanoo ahaato, jihaadkana waa inaan isla galnaa oo aan gaalada karbaashnaa, insha-Allah. Lol @ doqon ii malayn jirtay, maxaad ku keentay taa? Abtiyo horta nin firfircoon baad tahay balse buufiski iyo waalidi baa fikrad kale iga kaa siisay. Marka waacad ii mar. War bal horta wax is weydiine ma xumee, armayba fudfudaydka Alle-ubaahane ka yimi xagga gene-kiisa.
  10. Originally posted by me: lol@sophist can I join? You be Caydiid, I will settle for Cismaan Caato. These deals are not good for the people. Si xun ayaa laysu dili doonaa. In kuwan xukuma PL dadka laga qabto weeye. Hmmmmmm to be honest of all the warlords, Cismaan Caato seems to be the smartest. Am I the only one thats of this opinion? I said the game is on
  11. Originally posted by Sophist: Art, the contractual agreements between Puntland and Range is confined to hard commodities. Oil and Gas isn't in their sphere matey. Sure Sophist, considerations of this contractual agreement are what matters most. Moreover, to my knowledge there is none rational person objecting the development of the area but a handful of people including me are quesitiong the transparency of contracts of any sort.
  12. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^Ok, ii saxuuro saaxiib, ma aqaan waxaad kusoo afurtay xalay, waaba xanaaqi weysee! Nabadeey awoowe. LOL
  13. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^And don't forget to vote for the Islamic Courts Next Ramadan! Insha Allah, everything comes those who wait
  14. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^I would advise you to eat the sort of food that can enlighten your mind, for instance, Islamic religion, Quranic food, Axaadiis Food, Seerah Food, and so on. Time to take care of your poor mind, insha-Allah! Thanks Brother for the advice and good night
  15. There is some truth in these pieces, certainly further tuning is required
  16. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^Well, you call it an irrelevent and you feed on irrelevant news since you can't resist of it. I guess its irrelevance reflects on your low opinions here! Suxuur wanaagsan I have more followers than opponents.
  17. Originally posted by Caamir: Well said, Mansa, the government should do more to win the hearts of the people. Our people are hardly educated and can be easily deceived. The enemy that is ingrained in our hearts and minds is Ethiopia and the government needs a better method to convince the masses the desired intention of these foreign forces. Also, the BBC is playing a big role in further confusing the public with platitudes. It does not provide enough coverage for the TFG leaders to directly speak to the people. I have to go brother. The BBC Somali Section became irrelevant entity to me even though I can't ignore its influence
  18. It happened before and it can happen again.
  19. Originally posted by Caamir: Mansa Munsa, what more can Ethiopia do to us in their support of the TFG than they couldn't before. I am very positive that Baidabo would have fallen into the hands of the courts had it not Ethiopia protecting its institutions. The proponents of the courts want an all dysfunctional TFG and the reemergence of new reconciliation process whereby the courts dominate all other entities . I ask simple question, why not support the TFG in its final years of need? Only two and half years is left from its mandate. How hard it is for the courts to come to terms with the government. Saaxiib Caamir, We are somalis after all, very emotional people and I know some people will blindly support either courts or TFG regardless what one does. Known fact that the TFG tenure is fading as we speak, and in terms of legality TFG was coined on more genuine platform in relation to the Union of Islamic courts. Having said, the UIC is undeniable factor in terms of influence, all I am trying to say is that they will collapse within if the TFG does play its cards well, it is also known fact that the courts were non-significant yesterday and because of the masses support they are where they are today. The motives of the courts are somewhat complex and implicit therefore I only want in badar iyo biyo loo kala baxo. Secondly, we all know what Ethiopia can or not do to us, but the question is not to appease Ethiopia rather to win the hearts and minds of the majority of somali public, as I indicated ealier somalis can be exploited and manipulated easily specially if some Qur'anic verses recited on them therefore I want to take that kind of justification out of the equation, so the courts will not have a choice but to display their true colors. Finally, if courts reciprocate what they preach.. further analysis of our respective positions are required.
  20. Time and space are the two variables that shape the way one thinks or the position one takes at a time,even though the encounters of Aweys, Qanyare and Yalaxow are historical points of interest. However,this can't overshadow the performance of the UIC courts so far. The way I see it, the UIC encompasses varied groups, namely islamists, clanists, nationalists and the fourth group which is the public at large who became fed up the lawlessness of the country, who doesn't care who rules them as long as the semblance of governance executed. Therefore, UIC deserves, a time be given, and if the president of TFG does not abandon and come clear out the alliance of Ethiopia, the somali masses will rally behind the courts. Moreover, if he and his advisors discontinue their policy of "Stay the course" the courts power sharing will precipitate, and the clanists, will go out of the window and the righteous will steadfast. All in all, the ball is the TFG's court.
  21. The remarks of the Sheikh deserve only appreciation, and if the Sheikh practices what he preaches we even ought to support.
  22. Alle-ubaahane, Khaliif exercised his first amendment that is all.