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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Hello Folks , Firstly , to Mr. Suldaanka , this is essentially the truth, that Mr. Mansa Munsa does not seemed to know what he speak of in here; particularly when you said, this: quote: Originally Posted By Mr. Suldaanka ; That particular land dispute was something that happened across the border and inside Ethiopia. The flare-up and seriousness of that dispute came as a huge surprise to everyone who knows the history of the two clans that share land there. They are regarded as "ul iyo diir" in Somali terms and was very unfortunate. It was the first of its kind to take place both inside and across the borders between major clans in Somaliland in a very long time. Secondly ; given, that you – i.e., Mr. Suldaanka - have covered the misconceptions about issue in land-dispute in Somaliland, and what have you; what is left for me is to suggest that the editorial staff of Wardheer News , does not seemed to know, the first thing about this kind of argument... For starters, there are no known "Clannish Disputes" in much of Somaliland's jurisdictional territory; in which this sort of land-dispute could be said belongs to as a category; given at the present-time what is there, is some sort of “particularistic disputes” , that usually involved in one family against another; but nothing of the kind that will amount to a clannish sense(implicitly or other-wise); which is what would be coming into the picture in one’s mind, if one were to take it, this piece of misinformed article, as the literal truth of the land issue that can exist in Somaliland... And finally, if some folks, wished to comment in-ordinately or at least intelligently, particularly about the issue that can be standing affair in Somaliland's body-politic as a whole – be it land-dispute or other-wise - and what have you; then in that case, the least that person owes to the demand of hearing his view, in which he is requesting from his captive readers(i.e., his customers ); is to, for love of god or other-wise, spend some time in getting thoroughly acquainted with the “hard facts” as they stand in the scale of actuality; particularly in regards to that of which he wished to passed judgement on it in his argument... Other-wise, not only, will you get un-satisfied customers in return for your labour; but, on the whole, you may be liable to be treated with “contempt” ; from those of whom, having a "little knowledge" in this affair that you know so little of it, was not something that they could be accused of, in the first place.... Regards, Oodweyne. Waryaadhaheen, miyaynaan isku meel ka hadlayn, the incident took place in the Somali Region of Ethiopia and I do apologise the inaccuracy in my earlier post which indicated that the land dispute orginated from Hargeisa. That been said, why are you all guys blinded the reality on the ground?, what made Silanyo, Waraabe and other to cross the border if that is not the glorification of your clannish dogma while there were more urgent issues that needed their attention at the time in Hargeisa and its environs ?, and why are you guys always zealots who are in a denial mode as that will lead you to the paradise. Sorry Mr. Oodweyne, I and some did not know, you guys are saints who don't fault in any circumstance given, and if they fault it is like the policy of Don't ask, Don't tell. Nobody needs to be a brain surgeon to see and take a stand the land disputes of the areas of your administration's jurisdiction because it is all out there to be seen, the genesis of these conflict is not subjective however, it rests on the lenses of the analyzer, may be you want to cover it up, may be the editorial piece wants to expose it. Red Sea.. We are closer than I thought on this.
  2. Originally posted by Suldaanka: There is no such thing as a clan land disputes in Hargeisa. Dear Mr. Suldaanka, Isn't that so good to be true?, let me reminisce in the recent history of land disputes of Hargeisa City, what happened a half year back is worth telling, when two sub clans clashed and in both human life and material wealth were lost because the conflict’s decisiveness, even this clash spilled into the Somali Region of Ethiopia.. There Silaanyo, Waraabe and some reps of the administration aided to close a deal to those caught in the conflict. In addition to that, a pilot project was carried in this part of the country which can be a model to the other land disputes in Somali peninsula, that is what this article is calling for and I don’t see any grey areas on its clearness. Red Sea, Hargeisa must be a relative beautiful city but it has like any other city in its size, shabby, getto-like areas therefore don’t put yourself in a defensive mode so quickly and easily, remember Hargeisa is what it is  and what we say are merely words on your screen. Caamir, I agree with you. The model, Hargeisa administration developed, is a good one that deserves to be replicated in the other parts of the country. Of course a customization is required in some places but it is a good start, I say
  3. ...."While most disputes may be resolved peacefully through existing local traditional or judicial processes, there are cases that may get out of control and lead to potential violence with serious consequences for peace and the maintenance of law and order. This is so when the dispute is amongst members of the same clan or clans that place claim on Hargeysa and its suburbs. ....." This piece analysis profoundly the incalculability of what might be induced the LAND DISPUTES in Somali Peninsula .. If not addressed this issue now in all local, regional and state levels.. An article that is ahead of its time and worth reading, I can say... Read here the full version of the article
  4. Originally posted by Caamir: Mansow, waxaad ogaataa haddaan doonayo inaan wax baddan post gareeyo , waxaan tegi lahaa meesha ay ka daldalmaan dadka intiisa baddan sida Generalka. Laba sano iyo bar baan halkaan ka ahey member, postigayga ma gaarsiisaneyn .7% a day. 700posts/ 2.5 x 365 days/ . Qofku waa inuu xisaabtamaa markuu wax sheegayo. Dawo bukootay iga dheh!
  5. Originally posted by Caamir: Mansa, dhibaatada jirta waxa weeye dadbaaba si aadan garaneyn u fikira. Waa dad xanuunsan. The way I see it, waxna xaq baynu u leenahay, waxna xaq baa laynoogu leeyahay. Inaan shuruucda SOL dhawrno waa waajib balse markaynu wax qoonsano hawl-wadeenada xuubka caarada ee SOL xaq baynu ugu leenahay inay ina qanciyaan. Teeda kale qofkii xanuunsanaya waqtigaa caafimaadinaya, oo macalin ma daale ah.
  6. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: By the way, folks, your attributed post numbers may be down, but most posts are there. A little inconsistency, yes, nevertheless the posts are there. It has perhaps to do fixing the PM bug. And I didn't know there was too much ego or prestige behind what number of posts a person had or has. Ego-boosting iga dheh. I did not think much about the quantity of the posts as that has correlation the length of someone's idle time. However, in terms of reference and making SOL more resourceful, where students or ordinary people can turn to obtain information pertaining their relevant inquires, those posts deserved to be secured and should they become vulnerable to danger, it should be notified to all concerned parties. As far as your jockery remarks are concerned, You put on my face.
  7. Originally posted by Wiilo: "A government recognized by the UN, who the ******is the UN? We all know they are bunch of clts to Ethio, and their days are numbered.... THAT IS MY TWO CENTS ABOUT THIS TOPIC.... Go figure:............ Reality is one thing, illusory is something else. A fact, Somalia needs the world but family of nations could care less if Somalia is erased on the face of the earth.. so, Wiilo, may be it would be better if you have second thoughts. We also proved time and again that we are niether capable nor have the will of helping ourselves.
  8. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: ^lol.Caamir iyo Mansa Munsa,this is utterly embrassing for you two.I had the same feeling as well,however,I kept my strike mode within myself.But you two Goodness sakes came out protesting in public.Do what I did,well I looked at everyone else,then I have discovered that everyone was dealing with the same thing,so I kept my mouth shut,well for a while. This is not limited to you two, just look where I was and where I am today,I was nearing 1000 post mark,now I am back to 600+. It happens though,I just hope everything comes to where they were before. .. Thanks for the clarity even though we also sensed some SOL instability. All we ask is to have An Announcement above all messages stating what is going on with the site...other than that business is as usual. Moderators of SOL are our leaders and one of the characteristics of good leader is to share his/her teammates if there is a problem because covering it up is the worst solution. More importantly it will be known down on the road.
  9. Originally posted by Caamir: ^^MMA, You should know that data can be retrieved. Otherwise, you're defending an intentional error. There are many websites with thousands of members and whose posts remain fixed and permanant. We demand that the admin retrieve these posts ASAP. I will give our mentors the benefit of the doubt because I do have a feeling of instability about the site. At any rate, retrieving the data is an option if there was a backup to begin with, which I think it was. We are in limbo so far and keeping our eye on the ball. Patience pays off
  10. Originally posted by Caamir: ^^If they have known you, they wouldn't have done this. I share the sentiment with you, but we have to forget and move on. Have you ever been to Galkacyo Mansa? Mr. Caamir, Moving is the best alternative however, our trust in all its forms, wether it is deterrence, knowledge and/ or identification based is diminishing if not averted with a valid reason. I was in Galkacayo many times in the past and liked its CAD IYO CAANAHEEDA. I don't want to go where you MAY trying me to comment on.
  11. Mr. Caamir, thanks for the piece it contains valuable information pertaining the Somali dilemma and makes some recommendations for the way forward.
  12. Originally posted by Caamir: Websitekan maxaa ku dhacay. Why they deleted my post?????????????????????????? I can't believe this. I have posted a quite long opinion of mine and it never contained any deragatory or obscene terms and it was deleted. This is an obstruction of my freedom to express my views. The last time I visited here, I had 700 posts and they were reduced to 581. Dear Mr. Caamir, I have found myself to be in the same situation as you are. First, my posts were decremented from approx. 360 to 231, secondly my last post was removed, what triggered this activity remains to be mystery till now; thirdly my signature was removed without my consent. These aforementioned complaints are what I am concerned. Furthermore, I am not ignorant about the compliance of SOL golden rules, and understand anyone who preaches them, or not conduct his/her views in a scrupulous way will be liable to be disciplined. However, as I am a computer savvy and aware of the incalculability of what can go wrong in those node interfaces in the Internet in which data loss can happen so many ways.An operator can abuse the data or delete intentionally or a script on server can behave weirdly and because of some corrupted lines generate unpredictible results, anything can happen or what have you. Nevertheless, we ought to get a legit explanation from the mentors. Thanks to the Internet invention, the days of striping off or depriving someone’s freedom of expression are long gone and almost obsolete. If this action was taken deliberatively I say it has no in touch with reality on all accounts. The prudence of my posts is out there all to see, I rest my case on the members to be the judge. Finally, I have to reiterate that I do admire the talented, gifted individuals who converse on SOL and streamline their thoughts with mutual respect, civility and modest and IF I am banned that will be all I will miss. A word of advice to the mentors, censorship will down grade the credibility of SOL, let it be remembered, we all much better off being under the tent (SOL), otherwise any brain restrained or banned will have direct correlation the credibility of SOL since I am mad now I expect from the mentors to convince me or confuse me more about what happened.
  13. Originally posted by Allamagan: ^^^ lol, waxay taa cadeneysaa sida aysan isugu xirnayn dhexdooda oo kii larkaaba go'aan iskiisa u gaarayo. Laakiinse TFG-du fursad ma siinayso ay maxaakiimtu kala duwanaanshahooda fikradeed ku lafa guraan.
  14. ICU’s success is something that the blind can see and the deaf can hear, period. Having said that, their power structure is simple thing that an elementary child can spot it, of course, with the absence of a much hassle. It is based on clans and a major clan is dominator, the question that worthy asking is, can they rule Somalia with this structure, knowing our social fabric and how we prefer clan over the faith, it is highly unlikely unless a major restructuring considered and implemented within the ICU. As far as Mr. Red Sea’s view point is concerned, being in both Secessionist and pro-ICU in the same time, it is not only insane but unacceptable scenario to our Sh. Aweys.
  15. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Nuunow, dad baa wili aaminsan in Tupac Shakur nool yahay. Ciid Wanaagsan
  16. Originally posted by Caamir: lol @ sharmarke, you mean kilinka Lixaad This may be the product of the meeting that took place between the TFG's President and the foreign minister of SL administration. Rest assured, it is a matter of time till the occupiers realize going home is the best option
  17. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: ^Caynabo is a district, part of Togdheer. Since when, I ask?
  18. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: In the past, they use to say, which Somali cities had the highest population, so the list was Muqdisho,Hargeysa, then Kismayo, but wait a minute,there are more residents in Gabiley than Kismayo. Sophist,let me ask you this,since you've been to both cities, then which is better looking city Hargeysa or Bosaaso? I thought you favored Bosaaso there,so can you tell me how you have reached that conclusion, the red sea beaches perhaps? Moreover, Duke and Mansa Munsa, brothers, if you already know that picture isn't of that of Borame, isn't better to just leave it there rather than just brag about it of whether or not it's.We got your point, so now get on with something else plz. Tell us something we don't know, since Mansa you have mentioned somthing about people lack of educational background on this subject,then maybe tell us something we don't know. thanks have a nice last few days of Ramadan and Ciid Mubarak all. Don't speculate and take my point out of context Dear Mr. Red Sea, btw we see things eye to eye now and let it be remembered that there is a general assumption in which we can associate the topological appearance of a place with its location. In this case, the pic displayed does not fall within the range of practicality. All I expect here is to have more genuine and civil dialogue. Ramadan wanaagsan!
  19. Originally posted by Caamir: If they could have known the intricacies of these firms and their activities or how they make money, we won't have rushed into shady deals like that. The fact of the matter is most of our people don't read beyond Somali News headlines. We need educated groups of Finance and Law to embark on a program to educate the folks the intricacies of these firms and their historical operations, the nature of their operations, aspects of theories they employ in initiating venture capital, principle-agent relationship and how that might lead to a greed and self-aggrandizement while being indifferent to the society at large and environment. Good luck Sophist and Might you help your people. Mr. Caamir, as others indicated this saga has almost had its course but one of the ways that we can avert not to make on its last revolution, is to expose in Somali the lack of expertise of those companies' capabilities of oil exploration and the flaws of the contract. The funny thing about this deal is that they call it "joint-venture", and after I've done some research I realized this is a complete investment except xaqul shaaha loo tuuray President Adde and his VP. As we are the men of this moment, we can't let that happen to our region unless this contractual agreement revised. Experienced Somali intellectuals must represent on our behalf in those talks. Why rush to this now, beyond believe, for those of you who are heading home good luck, and Allaikum bitaqwa'llaah
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: Is this Borama? Look at the bottom you will clearly see European buildings incluidng churches.. quote: Soomaali iyo Xaasidnimo waa waxey xaarka la daaqayaan maanta. whether you beleive it or not that picture is from Boorama. Maxaadse boorama ka taqaan. Hadaad ka xuntahey orodoo isa soo daldal. Sister, calm down I want to see pictures of Borama and they probably arevery nice, but that one is not an East African city least of all Borama.. Duke, apparently some of us either need magnifiers or missed their global study course in their school years
  21. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: :confused: :confused:
  22. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: generale, I am not sure if you count shiekh Xasan as a one from Mogadishu clan saaxiib. If Barre has his clan's support (no news there) so does good Xasan has the support of his clan! whats more is the fact that shiekh Xasan has the support of many well-meaning somalis like me who share no clannish leanage with him per se! Kismayo will be strategically fought and will probably decide the fate of the TFG! Shame on those who still are on the offense for fighting imaginary subclans and subvert every principle to win against their own invented enemy! I think we should listen to Mr. Xiinfaniin carefully, I am sensing that he knows something that we aint aware of..
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^You have to give it to him though.. Highly unlikely!
  24. Originally posted by Sharif_seylaci: there are only 2 flags in the world that have the shahaada on it muhammad profet his country And the country of his couzins the hashimite of Somaliland This makes a laugh factory!
  25. Originally posted by Allamagan: quote:Originally posted by Sharmakee: wa ariin u ad ughu qaldanyahay col barre hirrale inu magalada wereer kuso qado Wuu qaldanyahay aa! Adeer Barre gurigiisi iyo reerkiisu buu ku socdaa, ciddii iska horistaagtana ayadaa cirka roob ku og. Guriga ma odayga Hiiraale baa iska leh, mise waa lala leeyahay. Waa iga su'aal?